What’s the difference between Vitiates Sith Inquisitors in SWTOR and Palpatine’s Inquisitor's in Disney Canon?

What’s the difference between Vitiates Sith Inquisitors in SWTOR and Palpatine’s Inquisitor’s in Disney Canon?

Ah, Sith Inquisitors! The galaxy’s most intense hall monitors who wield the dark side of the Force with the same enthusiasm some folks reserve for their morning coffee. But what’s the real difference between Vitiate’s Sith Inquisitors in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) and Palpatine’s Inquisitors in Disney Canon? Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the dark side’s HR files and see how these two groups stack up!

Vitiate’s Sith Inquisitors: The Old School OGs

1. Ancient Ambitions: Vitiate’s Sith Inquisitors hail from the time when the Sith Empire was the hottest club in town—thousands of years before the Skywalker saga even began. These folks are the original gangsters of the dark side, living in an era where Sith rituals and ancient traditions were as common as cantina brawls on Tatooine.

2. Power Seekers: Unlike your average Sith who might just be happy with a cool lightsaber, Vitiate’s Inquisitors are on a quest for ultimate power and ancient secrets. They’re like the Hermione Grangers of the Sith Academy, but instead of reading up on charms, they’re studying how to drain the life force out of their enemies. If there’s a forbidden Sith artifact, you can bet they’ve either got it or are planning a heist to get it.

3. Wild Journeys: Their paths are filled with deadly rituals, intense power struggles, and the occasional epic quest. Think of them as Indiana Jones if he decided to switch his fedora for a Sith hood and use his whip to channel Force lightning. These Inquisitors are tough, driven, and always looking for the next big dark side upgrade.

Palpatine’s Inquisitors: The Empire’s Enforcers

1. Imperial Task Force: Fast forward a few thousand years, and we meet Palpatine’s Inquisitors. These are the Empire’s secret police, the elite Jedi hunters sent to mop up any survivors of Order 66. Picture them as the galaxy’s most feared bounty hunters, but with lightsabers and a uniform that screams “I’m here to enforce the Emperor’s will.”

2. Ex-Jedi Recruits: Many of Palpatine’s Inquisitors were once Jedi who fell from grace and got a dark side makeover. Palpatine, ever the cunning manipulator, saw potential in their skills and twisted them to serve his nefarious purposes. It’s like getting kicked out of the Jedi Order and joining the dark side’s version of the X-Men—complete with all the angst and drama you’d expect.

3. Tools of the Empire: Unlike Vitiate’s power-seeking Inquisitors, Palpatine’s crew is all about enforcing the Emperor’s rule and making sure the Jedi stay extinct. These Inquisitors don’t have time to study ancient scrolls—they’re too busy chasing down Jedi across the galaxy, making sure no one’s hiding a lightsaber under their cloak.

The Galactic Showdown

Now, let’s pit these two groups against each other and see how they compare:

1. Motivation: Vitiate’s Sith Inquisitors are driven by a thirst for personal power and ancient Sith knowledge. They’re all about leveling up in the most epic ways possible. On the other hand, Palpatine’s Inquisitors are more focused on their mission: hunting down Jedi and ensuring the Emperor’s grip on the galaxy remains unchallenged.

2. Training and Skills: Both groups are incredibly skilled, but their training reflects their different eras and goals. Vitiate’s Inquisitors are trained in ancient Sith rituals and combat techniques, making them formidable opponents with a broad knowledge of dark side secrets. Palpatine’s Inquisitors, while also powerful, are more streamlined and efficient, trained specifically to track and eliminate Jedi threats.

3. Legacy: Vitiate’s Inquisitors represent the old school Sith ideals—knowledge, power, and a deep connection to the dark side’s most ancient practices. Palpatine’s Inquisitors, however, are more modern enforcers, representing the Sith’s evolution into a more militaristic and oppressive force under the Empire.

The Verdict

So, who comes out on top? It really depends on what you’re looking for in a Sith Inquisitor. If you’re into ancient traditions, epic quests for power, and a touch of mysticism, Vitiate’s Inquisitors are your go-to. But if you prefer a streamlined, no-nonsense approach to dark side enforcement with a heavy dose of Imperial efficiency, Palpatine’s Inquisitors are your best bet.

Either way, both groups add their own unique flavor to the Sith mythos, proving that whether you’re an ancient power-seeker or a modern Jedi hunter, there’s always a place for you in the dark side’s hall of fame.

May the Force be with you (or against you, if that’s your thing)!

Novara Skuara

When I was 7, I saw Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters a week after it opened. My parents were nice enough to take me and I have been a fan of Star Wars and almost all science fiction in general. I am an amateur writer who has been published for contributing flavor text to a RP game. I also have a copyright on a novel I hope to be able to publish sometime soon.