Ultimate Guide to Star Wars: Bounty Hunter - Master the Galaxy’s Most Feared Bounty Hunter

Ultimate Guide to Star Wars: Bounty Hunter – Master the Galaxy’s Most Feared Bounty Hunter

Ready to dive into the galaxy’s most thrilling adventure with Star Wars: Bounty Hunter? Whether you’re a returning fan or a newbie, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about this epic game. From controls and gameplay to cheat codes and FAQs, we’ve got it all. So, strap in and let’s embark on an action-packed journey with Jango Fett!

Game Overview

What’s the Deal with Star Wars: Bounty Hunter?

In Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, you step into the boots of Jango Fett, the galaxy’s most fearless bounty hunter. Your mission? Capture a deranged Dark Jedi using an arsenal of weapons and gadgets. Sounds exciting, right?

Key Features

Why Should You Play?

Native Port: This isn’t just a rehash. Aspyr has worked with the original GameCube source code to bring you a native port with enhanced performance and visual fidelity. Control Options: Choose between Modern and Legacy controls to suit your gameplay style. Immersive Gameplay: Dual blasters, flamethrowers, toxic darts, jetpack missiles—Jango Fett is armed to the teeth, and so will you be.

Control Options

Modern Controls

Modern controls align with today’s gaming standards, making them intuitive for new players. Check out the detailed chart below for Modern controls across different platforms:

Modern controls in star wars: Bounty hunter align with today's gaming standards, making them intuitive for new players. Check out the detailed chart below for Modern controls across different platforms
Action Nintendo Switch PlayStation Xbox Steam Deck
Free Aim ZL L2 Left Trigger (LT) Left Trigger (LT)
Jetpack Thrust L L1 Left Bumper (LB) Left Bumper (LB)
Move Left Stick (L) Left Stick (L) Left Stick (L) Left Stick (L)
Flashlight D-Pad Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Previous Weapon D-Pad Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Next Weapon D-Pad Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Last Used Weapon D-Pad Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Pause/Objectives Minus Button (-) Options Button View Button (≡) View Button (≡)
Fire Weapon ZR R2 Right Trigger (RT) Right Trigger (RT)
Select Weapon R R1 Right Bumper (RB) Right Bumper (RB)
Contextual Action X Button Square Button (□) X Button X Button
Scanner Y Button Triangle Button (△) Y Button Y Button
Jump/Dodge B Button Cross Button (×) A Button A Button
Crouch/Roll A Button Circle Button (○) B Button B Button
Rotate Camera Right Stick (R) Right Stick (R) Right Stick (R) Right Stick (R)
Lock on Target Right Stick Click (R3) Right Stick Click (R3) Right Stick Click (R3) Right Stick Click (R3)

Legacy Controls

Feeling nostalgic? Legacy controls replicate the classic gameplay feel from the original release. Here’s a chart of Legacy controls for different platforms:

The Legacy controls bring a nostalgic touch, mimicking the feel of classic Star Wars: Bounty Hunter gameplay from its original release.
Action Nintendo Switch PlayStation Xbox Steam Deck
Free Aim ZR R2 Right Trigger (RT) Right Trigger (RT)
Jetpack Thrust L L1 Left Bumper (LB) Left Bumper (LB)
Move Left Stick (L) Left Stick (L) Left Stick (L) Left Stick (L)
Flashlight Right Stick Click (R3) Right Stick Click (R3) Right Stick Click (R3) Right Stick Click (R3)
Previous Weapon D-Pad Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Next Weapon D-Pad Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Last Used Weapon D-Pad Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Pause/Objectives Minus Button (-) Options Button View Button (≡) View Button (≡)
Fire Weapon A Button Cross Button (×) A Button A Button
Select Weapon B Button Circle Button (○) B Button B Button
Contextual Action X Button Square Button (□) X Button X Button
Scanner D-Pad Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Jump/Dodge Y Button Triangle Button (△) Y Button Y Button
Crouch/Roll ZL L2 Left Trigger (LT) Left Trigger (LT)
Rotate Camera Right Stick (R) Right Stick (R) Right Stick (R) Right Stick (R)
Lock on Target R R1 Right Bumper (RB) Right Bumper (RB)

Key Differences

Firing Weapons: In Modern controls, firing is done with RT, while in Legacy, it’s with the A button.
Flashlight and Scanner: Modern controls use D-Pad Up for the flashlight and Y button for the scanner. Legacy controls use D-Pad Up for the scanner and R3 for the flashlight.
Lock on Mechanism: Modern controls use R3 for locking on targets, while Legacy uses the R button.

Choosing the Right Controls

Modern Controls: Ideal for players familiar with contemporary gaming mechanics.
Legacy Controls: Perfect for those who want to relive the classic Star Wars: Bounty Hunter feel.

Mouse and Keyboard Controls

For the first time, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter supports mouse and keyboard controls, enhancing precision and immersion. Here’s a detailed chart of the controls:

For the first time, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter can be played with mouse and keyboard controls, bringing precision and immersion to the classic game.
Action PC Setup
Free Aim Right Mouse Button
Jetpack Thrust Shift
Flashlight T
Previous Weapon Q
Next Weapon E
Pause/Objectives Esc
Fire Weapon Left Mouse Button
Contextual Action F
Jump/Dodge Space
Crouch/Roll Ctrl
Rotate Camera Mouse Movement
Lock on Target Middle Mouse Button

Updated Camera System

Say goodbye to the old C button camera! The new camera system uses the left stick for movement and the right stick for camera control. This updated system provides a modern, immersive experience, allowing you to enjoy Jango Fett’s adventures from a fresh perspective.

Who doesn't love cheat codes? They're perfect for diving right into the action or exploring new areas. Here's how you can unlock various chapters and missions in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.

Cheat Codes

Who doesn’t love cheat codes? They’re perfect for diving right into the action or exploring new areas. Here’s how you can unlock various chapters and missions in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.

Unlock Chapters

  • Chapter 1: SEEHOWTHEYRUN
  • Chapter 2: CITYPLANET
  • Chapter 3: LOCKDOWN
  • Chapter 4: DUGSOPLENTY
  • Chapter 5: BANTHAPOODOO

Unlock Missions

  • Mission 1 – Pit Fight Arena: BEAST PIT
  • Mission 2 – Merchant Row: GIMMEMYJETPACK
  • Mission 3 – Docking Bays: CONVEYORAMA
  • Mission 4 – Entertainment District: BIGCITYNIGHTS
  • Mission 5 – Industrial District: IEATNERFMEAT
  • Mission 6 – Upper City: VOTE4TRELL
  • Mission 7 – The Break In: LOCKUP
  • Mission 8 – The Break Out: WHAT A RIOT
  • Mission 9 – The Escape: SHAFTED
  • Mission 10 – Jungle Trek: BIGMOSQUITOS
  • Mission 11 – Sebolto’s Compound: ONEDEADDUG
  • Mission 12 – The Death Stick Factory: WISHIHADMYSHIP
  • Mission 13 – Longo Two-Guns: MOSGAMOS
  • Mission 14 – Tusken Canyon: TUSKENS R US
  • Mission 15 – Gardulla’s Palace: BIG BAD DRAGON
  • Mission 16 – Moon of the Dead: MONTROSSISBAD
  • Mission 17 – Vosa’s Lair: VOSAISBADDER
  • Mission 18 – Final Confrontation: JANGOISBADDEST

Miscellaneous Unlockables

  • Concept Art: R ARTISTS ROCK
  • Trading Card Game Cards: GO FISH

Release Date and Pre-Order Links

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter launches on August 1st. You can pre-order the game from the following platforms:

Additional Notes

Specific control schemes may change prior to the launch of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter on August 1st. The FAQ will be updated routinely until details are finalized.

Mandalorian armor-clad character under spotlight.


How do I unlock chapters in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter? You can unlock chapters by entering specific cheat codes in the ‘Code Setup’ menu within the ‘Bonus Items’ screen on the main menu. For example, use SEEHOWTHEYRUN to unlock Chapter 1 and CITYPLANET for Chapter 2.

Can I use a mouse and keyboard for Star Wars: Bounty Hunter? Yes, for the first time, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter supports mouse and keyboard controls, enhancing precision and immersion.

What’s the difference between Modern and Legacy controls? Modern controls align with today’s gaming standards, making them intuitive for new players, while Legacy controls replicate the classic gameplay feel from the original release.

What platforms is Star Wars: Bounty Hunter available on? Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox.

Are there any updates to the camera system? Yes, the camera system has been reengineered for a modern experience, utilizing the left stick for movement and the right stick for camera control.

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Remastered Coming August 1st!
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Remastered Coming August 1st!


There you have it—a comprehensive guide to mastering Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. Whether you’re unlocking chapters with cheat codes or choosing between Modern and Legacy controls, this guide covers all the bases. Get ready to dive into Jango Fett’s world, armed to the teeth and ready for action. Happy hunting!

Novara Skuara

When I was 7, I saw Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters a week after it opened. My parents were nice enough to take me and I have been a fan of Star Wars and almost all science fiction in general. I am an amateur writer who has been published for contributing flavor text to a RP game. I also have a copyright on a novel I hope to be able to publish sometime soon.