Today is, in fact, the 25th and many were expecting these free bonuses yesterday (as our emails stated) but BioWare actually pushed the date up by one day so today by 1 minute before midnight, everyone eligible should have them. Hold off until then before you start submitting help tickets or angry forum posts.
David Bass came in with this message to try to clear up the confusion:
Hi everyone,
I apologize for the confusion surrounding this but the Legacy Promotion page is accurate. If your account met the Legacy Promotion requirements by April 22nd, you will receive your rewards via in-game mail by 11:59 pm CDT today:
Quote:Swift and strong, and ready to stand firm at its master’s side, the Tauntuan Ram pet will be delivered to you via in-game mail by April 25, 2012, 11:59PM CDT/ April 26, 2012, 4:59AM GMT.Quote:If you qualify and have signed up to receive The Old Republic updates by email, you’ll receive an email notification from ‘The Old Republic™ Community’. The 30 days of game time will show up on your account by April 25, 2012, 11:59PM CDT/ April 26, 2012, 4:59AM GMT and will begin once your current game time remaining expires. If the remaining game time on your account expires prior to April 25, 2012, 11:59PM CDT/ April 26, 2012, 4:59AM GMT, you will be unable to login to the game until your 30 days of game time are added to your account.Our APAC transfer community will receive their Tauntaun Ram Pets slightly later due to issues involving in-game mail for transfer accounts. Here’s Stephen’s post:
Quote:To ensure no-one misses out, we are briefly delaying delivery of the Tauntaun Ram Pet to those who are transferring their characters. Everyone who has transferred characters(s) to the Asia-Pacific servers should receive their Tauntaun Ram Pet via in-game mail early next week (starting April 30th). We’ll bring you more exact details closer to the time.We hope this sheds some light on the matter. Again, apologies for any confusion this caused!
Learn more here on the forums.
*Please note that new threads saying “Where’s my pet? Where’s my free playtime?” are being locked and redirected to the one existing thread.