How Did Admiral Ackbar Die?

How Did Admiral Ackbar Die?

In a galaxy full of beloved characters, few have captured the hearts of Star Wars fans quite like Admiral Ackbar. Best known for his iconic line “It’s a trap!” from Return of the Jedi, Ackbar became a symbol of leadership and tactical genius within the Rebel Alliance. But for many fans, one question remains: How did Admiral Ackbar die? His death came suddenly and, for some, unexpectedly in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Let’s dive into how Ackbar met his end and explore the larger context of his death in the Star Wars saga.

Who Was Admiral Ackbar?

Who Was Admiral Ackbar?

Before we dive into the details of how did Admiral Ackbar die, it’s important to take a step back and look at the character’s legacy. Ackbar was a Mon Calamari from the planet Mon Cala, a species known for their brilliant engineering skills and formidable naval capabilities. As the Supreme Commander of the Rebel Alliance fleet, Ackbar played a critical role in the Alliance’s victory over the Galactic Empire during the Battle of Endor, helping to destroy the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi.

Ackbar’s tactical genius and cool-headed leadership made him an integral figure in the fight for freedom. He was not only a symbol of resistance against the Empire, but also one of the most trusted figures in the Rebel Alliance. His rallying cry of “It’s a trap!” became a defining moment for his character, embedding him into pop culture and the hearts of fans worldwide.

Now, fast-forward a few decades to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and things take a rather unexpected turn for our beloved Mon Calamari hero.

How Did Admiral Ackbar Die?

How Did Admiral Ackbar Die?

Admiral Ackbar’s death happens early on in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. During the film’s opening sequences, the Resistance is on the run from the First Order following the destruction of Starkiller Base. The Resistance fleet is attempting to escape as the First Order relentlessly pursues them across the galaxy. Ackbar, as always, is aboard the command ship, offering his steady leadership as the Resistance tries to outmaneuver the enemy.

However, disaster strikes when the First Order tracks the Resistance through hyperspace, a technology previously believed impossible. With their fleet vulnerable and their defenses down, the First Order launches an attack on the Resistance’s main cruiser, the Raddus.

Here’s where things take a tragic turn. During the assault, the First Order fires upon the bridge of the Raddus, causing massive destruction. Admiral Ackbar, along with much of the ship’s command crew, is killed instantly in the attack. The explosion wipes out nearly everyone on the bridge, and the ship is left in chaos. The death happens swiftly and without much fanfare, leaving many fans shocked at the sudden and relatively quiet end to such a pivotal character.

A Quick Recap: How Did Admiral Ackbar Die?

  • Ackbar was aboard the Raddus during the Resistance’s escape in The Last Jedi.
  • The First Order tracked the fleet through hyperspace and launched an attack on the Resistance’s command ship.
  • A direct hit to the bridge killed Admiral Ackbar and most of the command crew instantly.
Why Ackbar’s Death Felt Controversial

Why Ackbar’s Death Felt Controversial

For many fans, Admiral Ackbar’s death in The Last Jedi came as a surprise—not just because it happened so early in the movie, but because of the way it was handled. His death was mentioned almost in passing, and for a character of his stature within the Star Wars universe, this lack of attention didn’t sit well with some.

To put it in perspective, Ackbar had been a key figure in the Rebel Alliance, and later the Resistance, for decades. His contributions to the Rebellion’s victory over the Empire in Return of the Jedi were critical, and he had become a beloved character among the fanbase. The fact that his death occurred off-screen with little acknowledgment beyond a brief mention felt like an anticlimactic end to such an iconic character.

Many fans expected Admiral Ackbar’s death to be a heroic sacrifice or to occur in a more prominent moment, considering his long-standing role in the fight against tyranny. However, Ackbar’s end was swift and unexpected—perhaps mirroring the chaotic, unforgiving nature of war in the galaxy.

The Significance of Admiral Ackbar’s Death

The Significance of Admiral Ackbar’s Death

Though Admiral Ackbar’s death didn’t receive the attention that some fans hoped for, it wasn’t entirely meaningless. His death was part of the larger narrative in The Last Jedi, a film that explored the passing of the torch from one generation of leaders to the next. With Ackbar gone, it left the Resistance in the hands of new leaders, such as Leia Organa and, later, Vice Admiral Holdo.

The sudden nature of his death also emphasized the vulnerability of the Resistance. Unlike the grand heroics often seen in Star Wars, Ackbar’s death was a reminder that even the greatest heroes can fall suddenly in the brutal reality of war. It wasn’t the heroic, cinematic send-off some fans might have wished for, but it served as a stark reflection of the costs of war.

Admiral Ackbar’s Legacy

Admiral Ackbar’s Legacy

Even though how did Admiral Ackbar die is a question that lingers in fans’ minds, his legacy lives on in the Star Wars universe. Ackbar will always be remembered for his leadership in the Rebel Alliance, his key role in the Battle of Endor, and, of course, the immortal line, “It’s a trap!” His death may have been quick, but his contributions to the cause of freedom were long-lasting.

Ackbar represents the many unsung heroes of the Star Wars saga—those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure victory against the forces of oppression. His tactical brilliance, calm demeanor, and unwavering commitment to the fight against the Empire made him a hero in the eyes of fans, even if his death didn’t receive the epic send-off many believed he deserved.


So, how did Admiral Ackbar die? He met his end during an attack by the First Order in The Last Jedi, when the bridge of the Raddus was destroyed, killing him instantly. While his death might not have been the grand, heroic farewell many had hoped for, Admiral Ackbar’s legacy remains a significant part of Star Wars lore. His tactical mind, his iconic presence, and his unforgettable cry of “It’s a trap!” will always have a special place in the hearts of fans.

Though Ackbar is gone, his contributions to the galaxy’s fight for freedom will never be forgotten—because, after all, he was more than just a meme; he was a hero.