Now is the time for you guys to vote and to see who’s podcast is the popular choice amongst our kind.
The two with the most votes are TorCast and DarthHater with TorCast taking a slight lead.
We can all appreciate the great importance and entertainment that TOR related podcasts have given us along the way.
I would like to thank all of these dedicated people who have single handily kept me sane, in what seems a never ending run up to the release of SWTOR.
Now its you chance to vote for you favorite podcast of the year.
It does not have to be the longest running, or the most informed. It just could boil down to which kept you most entertained over that past year.
For those that are unaware of these sites, check below for links.
Darth Hater
The Galactic Holofeed
The Jedi Archive
The TOR Syndicate
Moseisley Radio
Corellian Run Radio
The Imperial Army
The Republic
TOR Wars
TOR Talk
Aartan Away
For me they all should win, but its down to you, pick the Pod that for you stands above the rest.
So here’s your chance, Cast your vote now