
OotiniCast: The End of a 13-Year Journey in the SWTOR Galaxy

OotiniCast: The End of a 13-Year Journey in the SWTOR Galaxy

In the vast expanse of the Star Wars universe, few fan-driven endeavors have shone as brightly or endured as long as OotiniCast. This podcast, dedicated to “Star Wars: The Old Republic” (SWTOR), recently concluded its impressive 13-year run, leaving a void in the hearts of many within the community.​ The Genesis of OotiniCast OotiniCast launched its inaugural episode on November 19, 2011, positioning itself as a hub for SWTOR enthusiasts seeking news, discussions, and camaraderie. Over the years, it became more than just a podcast; it evolved into a cornerstone of the SWTOR community, fostering connections and sharing insights that enriched the gaming experience for many.​ A Personal Reflection While not every listener tuned in to every episode, OotiniCast’s presence was undeniably influential. Its format—friends discussing their shared passion for SWTOR—resonated with many, offering both information and a sense of belonging. The podcast’s longevity is a testament to its authentic…

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State of the old republic: Podcast 100th Episode

The State of the Republic Podcast just posted their 100th episode and this is truly a cause for celebration! Episode 100: Spoils of War released the other day and you can have a listen here if you haven’t already. If you’re not familiar with SOTOR podcast, it’s not too late to catch up. The State Of The Old Republic (SOTOR) Podcast is hosted by Ted.  In game, he is known as a Mercenary named Strega. He also writes for a group called The Cantina Cast, and is known as Ted over there, too. He’s a fellow WoW player (like me) and goes by Darkbrew there. He also has a blog site called The Brew Hall where he sometimes writes about SWTOR as well. Here’s what he had to say about the podcast and its 100th episode: “Spoils of War” was revealed back in May. And after hearing what Eric and Charles had to…

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Upcoming PvP Changes comming to SWTOR

The bad feeling podcast had the chance to sit down with Alex Modny and discuss PCP changes comming with game update 3.3 I encourage you to listen to the podcast, as it includes more stuff then in the notes below.  There are some discussions on how new warzone maps get designed from start to finish for example. Podcast link to listen (1hr long) Notes: General Alex Modny (Systems Designer) and Eric Musco are present from Bioware Most of these changes will be coming with Game Update 3.3. No new PvP maps coming anytime soon. GSF is not dead, they might be doing some balance changes in the future but no plans for new game modes or new maps. They are changing AoE in warzones – they can no longer interrupt captures. No more force storms, Death from Above, Death Field etc. AoE CC still work to interrupt captures. This change is…

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TOR Radio : A galaxy of podcasts

TOR Radio is back with the latest and greatest SWToR podcasts from across the community. With the imminent release of Patch 3.0 a lot of podcasts are focusing on upcoming changes and various community news. It’s certainly encouraging to see new SWToR community podcasts launching like “HOPE cast” and “Beyond the Stars” listed below. 1. Bad feeling podcast – Episode 42 (Released: Nov.24,2014) : Even though the crew of the podcast took of this week due to Thanksgiving but still managed to publish a “best of” podcast. 2. Star Wars Beyond the Stars – Episode 12 (Released: Nov.15,2014) : This week the show hit a little snag in our editing process so the show is coming out pretty late in the week. “Beyond the stars” discussed quite a few interesting things in this week’s off topic rants. 3. Corellian Run Radio – Special Episode (Released: Nov.24,2014) : Join Jason and Heather as they share their…

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TOR Radio: A galaxy of podcasts!

After a brief hiatus for 2 weeks, we’re back with the latest and greatest SWToR podcasts out there. Obviously Shadow of Revan is the most talked about topic this week as well as Eric Musco’s recent interview with Snave and upcoming PVP changes.     1. OotiniCast – Episode 170 (Released: October 16,2014) Hosts discuss Patch 2.10.1c, the various answers flowing from the New York Community Cantina, and include many tips for making the most of 12x XP. Community News Holofeed News 2. Old republic Radio – Episode 83 (Released: October 21, 2014) The cast finally catches up with all the 3.0 updates Review of Cantina event in New York In SWTOR 101, the cast go over thoughts for all those returning to the game after a long hiatus 3. TOROCast – Episode 217  (Released: October 20,2014) Snave joins SWTOR Miner and Road to talk about Community Management Leveling with x12 EXP…

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TOR Radio: A galaxy of podcasts!

We’re back once again to cover the latest and greatest SWToR podcasts from the always active community. With the (rumored) launch of Patch 3.0 a lot of podcasters are wondering what Bioware has in store for them and their favorite MMO. It’s definitely no surprise that most of the shows that aired over the last week, focused on the upcoming expansion teaser trailer.

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TOR Radio – A galaxy of SWToR podcasts!

TOR Radio is a new column covering the latest and greatest podcasts in the SWToR galaxy. It aspires to introduce you to the plethora of SWToR podcasts currently available from multiple sources. Most importantly, it’s dedicated to all these die-hard SWToR fans who in addition to playing and enjoying the game, share their experiences and knowledge with the rest of us through their podcasts.

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SWTOR Podcasts this week: Week 8 (17-23 feb 2014)

Even before the Star Wars: The old Republic was live, DarthHater was on the air talking about the game. In time, other early podcasts started up like TorWars, TOROCast, and Corellian Run Radio. Some of these early podcasts are still updating, some have changed subject matter, and others have podfaded. Today, SWTOR has over ten active podcasts produced mostly in English but also French, Russian, Swedish, etc. We have never had our own podcast here on SWTORStrategies, but going forward, we will be posting a weekly update linking you to podcasts with new showes. Below is a list of all active podcast, and below the list you can find shows from this week. What is your favorit podcast? SWTOR-specific podcasts/vodcasts Title Twitter Subscribe Corellian Run Radio @CorellianRun iTunes, RSS Enmity Podcasting @42GamingPodcast iTunes, RSS, YouTube OotiniCast @OotiniCast iTunes, RSS The Republic @gamebreakertv iTunes SWTOR Escape Pod Cast @MaxTheGrey iTunes, RSS SWTOR Reforged @SWTORReforged iTunes, RSS TOROCast…

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SWTOR Podcasts week 6 2014

Even before the Star Wars: The old Republic was live, DarthHater was on the air talking about the game. In time, other early podcasts started up like TorWars, TOROCast, and Corellian Run Radio. Some of these early podcasts are still updating, some have changed subject matter, and others have podfaded. Today, SWTOR has over ten active podcasts produced mostly in English but also French, Russian, Swedish, etc. We have never had our own podcast here on SWTORStrategies, but going forward, we will be posting a weekly update linking you to podcasts with new showes. Below is a list of all active podcast, and below the list you can find shows from this week. What is your favorit podcast? SWTOR-specific podcasts/vodcasts Title Twitter Subscribe Corellian Run Radio @CorellianRun iTunes, RSS Enmity Podcasting @42GamingPodcast iTunes, RSS, YouTube OotiniCast @OotiniCast iTunes, RSS The Republic @gamebreakertv iTunes SWTOR Escape Pod Cast @MaxTheGrey iTunes, RSS SWTOR Reforged @SWTORReforged iTunes, RSS TOROCast…

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SWTOR Podcasts week 5

Even before the Star Wars: The old Republic was live, DarthHater was on the air talking about the game. In time, other early podcasts started up like TorWars, TOROCast, and Corellian Run Radio. Some of these early podcasts are still updating, some have changed subject matter, and others have podfaded. Today, SWTOR has over ten active podcasts produced mostly in English but also French, Russian, Swedish, etc. We have never had our own podcast here on SWTORStrategies, but going forward, we will be posting a weekly update linking you to podcasts with new showes. Below is a list of all active podcast, and below the list you can find shows from this week. What is your favorit podcast? SWTOR-specific podcasts/vodcasts Title Twitter Subscribe Corellian Run Radio @CorellianRun iTunes, RSS Enmity Podcasting @42GamingPodcast iTunes, RSS, YouTube OotiniCast @OotiniCast iTunes, RSS The Republic @gamebreakertv iTunes SWTOR Escape Pod Cast @MaxTheGrey iTunes, RSS SWTOR Reforged @SWTORReforged iTunes, RSS TOROCast…

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Sith Talk Episode 52- Makeb Madness

The guys over at Sith Talk is live with a new podcast titled Makeb Madness. This time the guys talk about how great Mekab is, and how much fun they have leveling there. This week they also  have a new great sounding episode from The Galactic Librarian. They talk about the changes to the game since 2.0.0 and the A&B Patches plus more. Remember you can be part of the show by joining them on Twitch.tv/Dattokar 2.0 Rise of the Hutt Cartel is Live! Grab your companion and explore Makeb….or just listen to our show, Hell! Do Both! Sudo starts a new book in the Lost Tribe of the Sith series, Dat give us a brief Patch note discription and Lany…well he does what Lany does. Join us wont you, and as always We’ll see you in the Pit!

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SithTalk ep 51 – Jedi Sulu? Oh My..

Sith has just launched it’s podcast number 51 were they talk about the George Takei April Fools post as well as JJ Abrams  and the Star Wars episode VII.  The guys also talks about the new Log In procedures that started at the official Star Wars: The old republic website yesterday, and of course the upcoming expansion Star Wars: The old republic: Rise of the hutt cartel. Check it out below:

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Sith Talk Episode 48: Wait were recording Oh we are

Sith Talk Episode 48 is now live with the title: “Wait were recording Oh we are””. This time they talk about what they have been doing while out of commission. their in game time as well as a bit of the news you may have missed out on. Sudo is back with a new episode. This time they covered so much we just can not list it all here. Check it out below: Also remember to folow them on Youtube, Facebook , Twitter and podomatic

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SithTalk Ep 47 – For sale Pod racer! whooob whoob whoob whoob

Sith talk episode 47 is now ready.  This week they cover the 1.6.3 and 1.6.3a patches. Brutis pays a visit with a new episode of the Lore Monger. Sudo takes the week off. They are also  talking about playing from a F2P perspective. The guys started a free account not just playing on they normal account and playing pretend. Last but not least, they talk about the new additions to the Rise of the Hutt cartel digital expansion. Check out the podcast over at pondomatic or check it out on Youtube below: Also remember to follow the guys on Facebook, Twitter or Youtube.

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SithTalk Episode 43: 1.6 Life Day Tinsel BOMB

Sith talk is back with a new episode, this time titled 1.6 Life Day Tinsel BOMB. This week they debate the success of the Life day Celebration and the community feedback that came with it. Bru’tis stops by with his latest trip through Star wars Lore. Sudo is in with another Chapter in Lost tribe of the Sith Saga. They also talk about their feelings about the latest content in the game. they even glance at  the Next Chapter of the SW:TOR Saga.  Lastly they  announce the official Launch date of Sith Talk 2.0 Beyond SW:TOR –  and what you can expect from that show. As always so much more watch it below or download it from podomatic. Remember also to follow the guys on Facebook

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Sith Talk Episode 41: Prochain patch Français et allemand font depuis que nous espérons

Sith talk is back with a new episode of theire fault mouth ( just kidding guys 😉 )  podcast.  This week they cover their week and cover the feedback from YouTube views. Sudo come by with the next chapter in hes series. They also cover some new and future changes to F2P and Preferred player statuses. as well as the new patch notes 1.5.2, and much more. Cant make out the title no worries use Google translator after hearing the news and enjoy the joke. See you in the PIT !!!! Remember to follow the guys over at their facebook page here 

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Sith Talk Episode 40

Sith Talk  is live with their podcast Episode 40. This week Sudo returns. Bru’tis is still on his break. But we have a great patch for the F2P and the news of 1.6 on the way. Plus our impressions of the Cartel Market and the F2P patch. We also ask our viewers to help with a name for our spin off show. You can listen to it via youtube below, or listen to it or download it at podomatic.com Remember to follow the guys over at their facebook page here 

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Tosche Station Radio #35: Buyout

Brian and Nanci from Tosche Station + Dunc from clubjade.net discuss the Disney buyout and episode 7 What led Brian and Nanci to call an emergency episode of Tosche Station Radio? Well, none other than the big Disney buyout of Lucasfilm. It’s not surprising really, since everyone is talking about this buyout and how it seemed to come out of left field and completely unexpected. What is interesting, however, is what they talked about. Lots of great points brought up in this emergency episode of Tosche Station Radio! What’s it all about? The notes are brief, because we’re only talking about one thing: Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm and the announcement of new Star Wars films (our post/Club Jade’s post). Hosts Nanci and Brian are joined by Dunc from Club Jade to try and make sense of the big news and offer insight as to what this might mean for the future of the Galaxy Far, Far…

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Interview with SWTOR Lead Writer Hall Hood

Last week TORWars had a great interview with SWTOR Lead Writer Hall Hood via their podcast. There are some amazing details in this hour-long interview and they cover topics like: ~ Character development that keeps players interested~ Why some classes are clearly Republic, and some are Sith, and some walk a very gray line~ Drawing inspiration from Episodes 4, 5, and 6 (and not so much from 1,2, and 3!)~ Why humor is important to Star Wars~ Writing characters and NPCs that people care about~ Why the Sith aren’t completely evil~ How does one write for players who like to be smartasses?~ Where do the stories go, now that players have leveled to 50?~ Why plot twists are essential to the Star Wars universe~ Can great villains (or heroes) truly die, or can they re-appear? Give it a listen and check it out for yourself. It’s definitely worth it and…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Official Podcast Episode Two

The official podcast for Star Wars: The old republic is now live! This time the hosts Eric Musco and Brooks Guthrie interviews Jesse Sky, George Smith and William Wallace. about Flashpoints, Operations and other future content along with game update 1.3. Hte podcast also includes discussion on future content coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic, such as upcoming Nightmare Mode for Explosive Conflict and the future Operation Terror from Beyond You can listen to the full 25 min podcast here, along with the full transcript of the discussion.  Posted by: Eric Musco Hello everyone! My name is Eric Musco and I, along with Brooks Guthrie are happy to bring you episode two of the official Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ podcast, “Nightmare Mode”. You can listen by using the embedded player, by downloading and listening on your preferred MP3 player, by subscribing and listening on iTunes or check it out on…

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SWTOR Podcasts and Vodcasts- The Master List

What’s almost as good as playing your favorite game? Learning more about it- tips and techniques – and just having fun listening to some of the experts in the community share their wit and more. With SWTOR podcasts and vodcasts, you can do just that. You can subscribe to the ones you like the most or check in with all of them if you have the time. Some are explicit and some are tamer. Some are funny and some take a more serious approach but all are great! We’ve tried to compile a Master List here of all the recently updated podcasts and vodcasts online. Each of these has updated within the last 30 days or so and we’ll keep an eye on it and pull off old ones if they go stagnant and add new ones as they come across us.   Podcast/Vodcast Twitter Corellian Run Radio @CorellianRun Keyboard…

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