SWTOR Podcasts week 5

swtor podscast

Even before the Star Wars: The old Republic was live, DarthHater was on the air talking about the game. In time, other early podcasts started up like TorWars, TOROCast, and Corellian Run Radio. Some of these early podcasts are still updating, some have changed subject matter, and others have podfaded. Today, SWTOR has over ten active podcasts produced mostly in English but also French, Russian, Swedish, etc.

We have never had our own podcast here on SWTORStrategies, but going forward, we will be posting a weekly update linking you to podcasts with new showes. Below is a list of all active podcast, and below the list you can find shows from this week. What is your favorit podcast?

SWTOR-specific podcasts/vodcasts
Title Twitter Subscribe
Corellian Run Radio @CorellianRun iTunes, RSS
Enmity Podcasting @42GamingPodcast iTunes, RSS, YouTube
OotiniCast @OotiniCast iTunes, RSS
The Republic @gamebreakertv iTunes
SWTOR Escape Pod Cast @MaxTheGrey iTunesRSS
SWTOR Reforged @SWTORReforged iTunes, RSS
TOROCast @TOROcast iTunes, RSS
TORWars @TORWars iTunes, RSS
Unnamed SWTOR Podcast @GTeeg iTunes, RSS
Star Wars podcasts that cover SWTOR with varying regularity
Title Twitter Subscribe
Bombad Radio @BombadRadio iTunes, RSS
The Cantina Cast @theCantinaCast iTunesRSSYouTube
Flash Point @TheOceanicGamer iTunesRSS
Mos Eisley Radio @moseisleyradio iTunes, RSS
The Nerdy Directive @Nerdy_Directive iTunes, RSS

Podcast’s on youtube ( Vodcast?):

Unnamed SWTOR Podcast Episode 31 – Secrets Revealed

Enmity Podcast Episode 20: Rakghoul Event Pros and Cons, and GSF Yellow Text

Podcast’s not on youtube:

  • SWTOR Elder Game Podcast: Episode 3
  • TORWars Podcast #174: New Bomber, New Class Updates, and A New Live Rakghoul Event!

Let us know if we forgot any.