SWTOR Podcasts this week: Week 8 (17-23 feb 2014)

swtor podcast

Even before the Star Wars: The old Republic was live, DarthHater was on the air talking about the game. In time, other early podcasts started up like TorWars, TOROCast, and Corellian Run Radio. Some of these early podcasts are still updating, some have changed subject matter, and others have podfaded. Today, SWTOR has over ten active podcasts produced mostly in English but also French, Russian, Swedish, etc.

We have never had our own podcast here on SWTORStrategies, but going forward, we will be posting a weekly update linking you to podcasts with new showes. Below is a list of all active podcast, and below the list you can find shows from this week. What is your favorit podcast?

SWTOR-specific podcasts/vodcasts
Title Twitter Subscribe
Corellian Run Radio @CorellianRun iTunes, RSS
Enmity Podcasting @42GamingPodcast iTunes, RSS, YouTube
OotiniCast @OotiniCast iTunes, RSS
The Republic @gamebreakertv iTunes
SWTOR Escape Pod Cast @MaxTheGrey iTunesRSS
SWTOR Reforged @SWTORReforged iTunes, RSS
TOROCast @TOROcast iTunes, RSS
TORWars @TORWars iTunes, RSS
Unnamed SWTOR Podcast @GTeeg iTunes, RSS
Star Wars podcasts that cover SWTOR with varying regularity
Title Twitter Subscribe
Bombad Radio @BombadRadio iTunes, RSS
The Cantina Cast @theCantinaCast iTunesRSSYouTube
Flash Point @TheOceanicGamer iTunesRSS
Mos Eisley Radio @moseisleyradio iTunes, RSS
The Nerdy Directive @Nerdy_Directive iTunes, RSS

Podcast’s with video ( Vodcast):
This week on the Republic, Bioware has revealed the PvP season 1 rewards, update 2.7 is bringing a significant amount of class changes, and more

New overlords Pod Cast 26:
This week AIESema, MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-26 talk about Flashpoints and tips for starting them up and making them run smoothly. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from the AIE guild in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.
Direct download MP3 link

OotiniCast Episode 121:
PvP specialist Jacob returns to discuss the avalanche of PvP-related news this week, including the class changes coming in Game Update 2.7 and the Ranked PvP Season 1 rewards
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The inaugural episode of the Galactic Gamers Coalition, a Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Fan Podcast, has finally arrived! Strap in and prepare yourself for a long ride, and listen to the combined opinions of OotiniCast, SWTOR Reforged, and TOROCast! However, that’s only the first half of the show. Joining us for our first episode is none other than BioWare Austin and SWTOR’s own Community Manager, Eric Musco
Podcast: Play in new window | Download

Bad Feeling Podcast Episode 02
Episode 2 brings our first retraction! We also explain a lot of the acronyms that you find in SW:TOR. There may be a bit of ranting about 55 unranked solo warzones

TORWars Podcast #176
This will aparently be the last Torwars podcast 🙁
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