Star Wars: The Acolyte to Feature 'A Lack of Guns'

Star Wars: The Acolyte to Feature ‘A Lack of Guns’

The Star Wars universe is set to take a fresh turn with its upcoming Disney+ series, “Star Wars: The Acolyte.” The series promises to stand out in several ways, including its focus on intimate individual battles, its diversity, and a notable lack of guns. The cast of “The Acolyte” has hinted that their lightsaber battles could potentially surpass the epic “Phantom Menace” melee, promising a fresh take on the Star Wars universe.

A New Approach to Star Wars Battles

The Acolyte, set to premiere on Disney+ in 2024, is breaking away from the traditional Star Wars narrative of large-scale wars. Instead, it is focusing on more intimate individual battles, aiming to set a new standard for action sequences in the Star Wars universe.

The bar for lightsaber battles has been the “Duel of the Fates” face-off between Darth Maul and the tag team duo of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace. This well-choreographed clash, featuring flips, twists, and a distinct martial arts flair, has served as an inspiration for the action sequences in “The Acolyte.”

The Acolyte’s Fight Scenes: A New Benchmark

The stars of “The Acolyte,” Manny Jacinto, Dafne Keen, and Charlie Barnett, have expressed their excitement about the upcoming series. They assure fans of the “Phantom Menace” sequence that they will enjoy the show, with Keen stating, “You’ll love this.

Barnett, who plays a Jedi in the series, goes a step further, stating that the fight scenes in “The Acolyte” will have more tangible physical moves than those in the “Phantom Menace” melee. He emphasizes the grounded work that goes into their stunt training and performances, which he believes will make the fights seem more visceral.

The Emphasis on Practical and Physical Work

The series will rely heavily on practical and physical work, with an emphasis on stunt performances. The actors have undergone extensive fight training, heavily influenced by samurai techniques, with laser swords replacing traditional ones.

Keen also highlights the choice of lightsaber weaponry and the lack of guns in the series. She appreciates this approach as it allows for more body-to-body choreography, giving the fights a dance-like quality and making them look more realistic.

The Acolyte’s Unique Selling Points

The Acolyte is not just another Star Wars project. It stands out for several reasons:

  • Diversity: The Acolyte is the most diverse franchise project ever, bringing a fresh array of characters and perspectives to the Star Wars universe.
  • Individual Battles: The series focuses on intimate, individual battles rather than large-scale wars, offering a fresh take on the Star Wars narrative.
  • Physicality: The fight scenes in The Acolyte will have more tangible physical moves than those in previous installments, emphasizing the grounded work that goes into their stunt training and performances.
  • Lack of Guns: The series will feature a lack of guns, allowing for more body-to-body choreography and making the fights look more realistic.


Q1: What is “The Acolyte”? A: “The Acolyte” is an upcoming Star Wars series set to premiere on Disney+ in 2024. The series is unique in its focus on more intimate individual battles rather than the typical war narrative associated with the Star Wars franchise.

Q2: How will “The Acolyte” differ from other Star Wars projects? A: “The Acolyte” is set to stand out in several ways. It is the most diverse franchise project ever, focusing on individual battles rather than large-scale wars. The series will also feature more tangible physical moves in its fight scenes, with a heavy emphasis on practical and physical work.

Q3: What can we expect from the fight scenes in “The Acolyte”? A: The fight scenes in “The Acolyte” are inspired by the “Duel of the Fates” face-off from “The Phantom Menace,” but with more grounded work going into the stunt training and performances. The series will feature a lot of lightsabers and body-to-body choreography, giving the fights a dance-like quality and making them look more realistic.

Q4: Will there be guns in “The Acolyte”? A: According to Dafne Keen, one of the stars of the series, there will be a lack of guns in “The Acolyte.” This decision was made to allow for more body-to-body choreography and to make the fights look more like a real fight.

Q5: What is the setting of “The Acolyte”? A: “The Acolyte” is set at the end of Star Wars’ High Republic era, showcasing the Jedi at the height of their powers, with darkness lurking under the surface.

Q6: Who are the stars of “The Acolyte”? A: The series stars Manny Jacinto, Dafne Keen, and Charlie Barnett.

Q7: What kind of training did the actors undergo for the series? A: The actors underwent extensive fight training, heavily influenced by samurai techniques. This training was necessary due to the series’ emphasis on practical and physical work in its action sequences.


“Star Wars: The Acolyte” is set to be a game-changer in the Star Wars universe. By focusing on intimate battles, featuring fewer guns, and emphasizing physicality in its action sequences, the series is poised to offer a fresh and exciting perspective on the franchise. As we anticipate its release in 2024, one thing is certain: a new dawn is breaking in the galaxy far, far away, and it promises to be a thrilling ride.

Novara Skuara

When I was 7, I saw Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters a week after it opened. My parents were nice enough to take me and I have been a fan of Star Wars and almost all science fiction in general. I am an amateur writer who has been published for contributing flavor text to a RP game. I also have a copyright on a novel I hope to be able to publish sometime soon.