Naomi Ackie on Star Wars, Racism, and Social Media: A Story of Resilience in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Naomi Ackie on Star Wars, Racism, and Social Media: A Story of Resilience in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Naomi Ackie, the brilliant actor who brought the character Jannah to life in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, had her own battle to fight—not in a galaxy far, far away, but right here on Earth. As a rising star stepping into one of the most beloved (and sometimes most toxic) fandoms, Ackie had to navigate the turbulent waters of racism and the often brutal world of social media. It’s a journey that, unfortunately, many of her co-stars have experienced too.

Entering the Star Wars Universe: A Double-Edged Lightsaber

When Naomi Ackie joined the Star Wars franchise, it was during a particularly stormy period for the saga. The sequel trilogy was a polarizing force, dividing fans and sparking heated debates across the internet. But beyond the discussions about plot twists and character arcs, a much darker issue lurked: racism within the Star Wars community. Ackie, well aware of the fate that befell her fellow actors, braced herself for impact.

The Harsh Reality of Racism in the Star Wars Fandom

Unfortunately, racism has reared its ugly head within the Star Wars community time and time again. John Boyega, who played Finn, and Kelly Marie Tran, who portrayed Rose Tico, were both subjected to relentless racist abuse. Tran’s experience was so severe that she eventually deleted her Instagram account. With this context in mind, it’s no wonder that Ackie was cautious. Before her casting was even announced, she was advised by insiders to delete her Instagram to avoid becoming a target of the same vitriol.

In a candid conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, Ackie revealed that she was warned about the potential racist backlash due to her role in the franchise. The advice was clear: get off social media before the trolls come knocking. Ackie took this advice seriously and deleted her Instagram account, deciding that it was better not to give potential haters a platform to attack her.

The Double-Edged Sword of Social Media Fame

Despite her precautions, the Star Wars machine eventually pulled Ackie back into the world of social media. Disney encouraged her to return to Instagram, and she did—earning the coveted blue checkmark and a flood of new followers. On the surface, this might seem like a dream come true for any actor, but for Ackie, it came with its own set of challenges.

The pressure of suddenly being in the spotlight on social media, combined with the ever-present risk of “doomscrolling,” started to weigh on her. Ackie described the experience as overwhelming, with the constant influx of opinions and the urge to stay connected becoming too much. Eventually, she made the decision to step away from Instagram once again, prioritizing her mental health over the potential exposure and fame the platform offered.

Why Does Star Wars Have Such a Bad Reputation with Racism?

The sad truth is that Naomi Ackie’s fears were not unfounded. Racism has been a persistent issue within the Star Wars fandom, affecting not only Ackie’s co-stars but also actors who came after her. Moses Ingram, who played Reva in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, faced a barrage of racist comments following her debut. Similarly, Amandla Stenberg, cast in The Acolyte, has also been targeted, particularly after the show’s unfortunate cancellation.

This toxic behavior isn’t just a problem for the actors; it’s a stain on the entire Star Wars community. It’s baffling that in 2024, we’re still dealing with such blatant racism in fandom spaces, especially in a franchise that preaches inclusivity and hope.

Star Wars’ Response: A Good Start, But Not Enough

To its credit, Star Wars hasn’t entirely ignored the issue. In 2022, Ewan McGregor, the face of Obi-Wan Kenobi, took a stand against the racism directed at Moses Ingram. He released a video condemning the behavior and affirming that Star Wars stands with its actors, regardless of race. It was a powerful moment—Obi-Wan himself calling out the dark side of the fandom.

But as significant as McGregor’s statement was, it hasn’t been enough to fully stem the tide of racism. The backlash continues, and the silence from the larger powers within Star Wars is deafening. It’s clear that more needs to be done to address and combat this issue. The franchise needs to take a firmer stance, ensuring that the Star Wars universe is a safe and welcoming place for all its actors, regardless of their skin color.

The Need for a New Hope

Naomi Ackie’s story is a stark reminder that while we’ve come a long way, we still have far to go. It’s a call to action—not just for Star Wars, but for all fandoms. Racism has no place in any community, and it’s up to all of us to ensure that our spaces are inclusive and supportive. Ackie’s decision to step back from social media is a personal one, but it’s also a statement. She’s choosing to protect her peace, and who can blame her?

In the end, what’s most important is that actors like Ackie, Boyega, Tran, Ingram, and Stenberg are supported, not just by the studios they work for, but by the fans who claim to love the stories they help bring to life. After all, Star Wars is about hope, unity, and standing up against the forces of darkness. It’s time the fandom truly embraced those ideals.


Naomi Ackie’s experience with Star Wars, racism, and social media is a microcosm of a larger issue that plagues not just this fandom, but many others. Her story is one of resilience in the face of adversity, a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming negativity, it’s possible to find a way to protect one’s mental health and well-being. As fans, we have a responsibility to ensure that the spaces we occupy are free from hate and full of the hope and unity that Star Wars itself embodies. It’s time for the fandom to rise above its darker impulses and create a community that truly reflects the values of the Star Wars universe.