The second one of the promised Star Wars: Battlefront DLCs has landed a few days ago for Season Pass holders (if you invested the $50 into a Season Pass, you can already play it), for PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One, and indeed, some problems with the new content have already surfaced, to the frustration of those who have invested the most into the game. Taking players on a trip through Cloud City, another iconic location of the Star Wars Universe, Bespin delivers two new heroes, in the smuggler Lando Calrissian and the bounty hunter Dengar. It also tweaks some of the existing heroes in various ways, and it has also rolled out a server-side bug-fix already, to address the above mentioned issues. According to community banter on the official Batllefront forums, the bugs have indeed been quite numerous and annoying. They range from issues such as Tie-fighters crashing into…
Author: Editor
Battlefront and VR – a Match Made in Heaven?
According to DICE, Star Wars: Battlefront has been made with a keen eye for detail and authenticity. Indeed, the game is possibly the most good- and authentic-looking Star Wars game ever, from the complexity of the locations and various mechanical war-machines, right down to the way individual weapons look and behave when fired. Now, another layer of realism is in the works, or rather, another – thus far only dreamt-about – way of experiencing the game’s authenticity is in the works and set to come about later this year completely free for PS4 owners. What we’re talking about is the Star Wars: Battlefront X-Wing VR Mission, which Criterion Games and DICE are currently working on and which is set to come to PlayStation VR exclusively. Criterion have racked up quite a bit of experience in vehicle gaming, and this will be a sort of crowning piece for their work. Piloting…
Some Points to Ponder About Bespin, Battlefront’s Upcoming DLC
In January, EA DICE have set up a roadmap for their Star Wars: Battlefront DLC strategy, a roadmap through which they aimed to deliver new and exciting content to the game oft-criticized for its shallowness, in a way that would keep existing players engaged while hopefully drawing in new crowds. The first DLC, Outer Rim, has already landed, and if the way it was delivered is any indication – and it most probably should be – the second DLC, Bespin, will see a two-stage release as well. Outer Rim landed for season pass holders on March 22, while everyone else could pick it up on April 5. Now then, with Bespin, we do not yet know of any specific release date(s), but there’s plenty of speculation out there, and the devs have dropped a number of clues in this respect too. Season pass holders will obviously get a fortnight of…
How to Make Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Better?
Dice’s Star Wars: Battlefront was by no means a bust, despite all the criticism it received from the community on account of its shallowness, most of which could be attributed to its lack of a single-player campaign. In fact, the title was as far from a bust as possible, especially from a commercial perspective. Millions upon millions of fans picked it up and played it, and even its first DLC (Outer Rim) turned out to be quite successful, as for all its shortcomings, in regards to authenticity, the title delivered like no other ever. The graphics are superb and the developers efforts to stick to canon and to convey authenticity in every possible way, didn’t go unnoticed. While most wrote it down as style over substance, this complex authenticity was arguably the main selling point of the game. Now, with Star Wars: Battlefront 2 confirmed, EA have come out swinging,…
EA Admits “Conscious” Omission of Battlefront Single-player Campaign, Promises One for Sequel
Long blasted for lack of depth and more specifically for the lack of a single-player campaign, Star Wars: Battlefront has done very well nonetheless. DICE, the creators of the game, have always maintained that they had aimed at making a multi-player game, one that would allow players to relive the iconic battles of the classic Star Wars movies. Still something was definitely amiss, and the other day, EA’s Patrick Soderlund has finally come forth and confessed. He admitted that the decision to release the game without a single-player campaign had been a conscious one, driven by marketing reasons. More specifically, the team wanted to have the game released early, to take advantage of the Star Wars buzz generated by the release of The Force Awakens. In that respect, they have indeed accomplished their mission, but this marketing success came at a steep cost. The Battlefront community is still deeply offended,…
Star Wars Outer Rim Free to Play This Weekend
The first Star Wars: Battlefront DLC pack, Outer Rim, will be made available to players for free this weekend, more precisely from May 13 to May 15. This way, those who didn’t think the $15 DLC cost was worth it, will get a taste of what they’re missing, and maybe they will make up their minds to get Outer Rim, a potentially good move for those who want to play on for several more months, as apparently none of the DLC’s coming after Outer Rim will work without it. The promotional offer covers all four of the new maps, The Palace Garage, Jabba’s Palace, the Pipelines on Sullust and the Sorosuub Refinery as well as the new game mode (extraction) brought about by Outer Rim. Players will be able to give the two new heroes a go too. What they won’t be able to access though are the new Star…
Star Wars: Battlefront – May 4 in the Books
May 4 is the official Star Wars Day and to celebrate, the creators of Battlefront have treated their Xbox, PC and PlayStation-based clients to a bunch of freebies which had indeed been promised some time ago. DICE have long promised a wealth of new content for the game which has often been called shallow and lacking on this front. After the first DLC (Outer Rim) met expectations, the next DLC (Bespin) is scheduled for release in June. This week though, the developer launched a May update, which has ironed out an impressive number of bugs and problems, while setting the stage for the May 4 goodies. What exactly are we talking about though? For starters, players were encouraged to just log in, and those who did certainly found it worth their while: they received 4,444 credits they could spend the way they saw it fit. This was obviously a massive…
Battlefront May Update Lined Up – What to Expect?
To address the alleged shallowness of their much-hyped Star Wars: Battlefront, DICE have come up with an impressive solution: throw content at the player-base every now and then and make that content as easy on the eyes and as appealing gameplay-wise as possible. Their recently released Outer Rim expansion represented the first stage of this strategy and it looks like it hit the nail on the head, although it came packed with bugs, which have to be ironed out. While the next DLC is scheduled for June, the team will not rest on their laurels till then. In fact, there’s a major update scheduled for May and although its release date is not yet set, most believe that it will come in the early part of the month. Obviously, the first objective of the update will be to iron out the problems and bugs brought about by Outer Rim, of…
Some Great Outer Rim Easter Eggs and Canon-tributes
The first expansion pack to DICE’s popular Star Wars: Battlefront, Outer Rim, was sure to be a major hit with players, some of whom had decried a certain lack of depth plaguing the original release. Meant to address just that issue, Outer Rim brought tons of new content, including new locations like Jabba the Hutt’s palace and the factories of Sullust. The game has always done a great job in the authenticity department, placing players smack in the middle of the Star Wars universe, and through Outer Rim, that has been taken to a new level. In addition to graphical perfection, the creators of the game have been extremely keen on details, strewing several canon-references over the new locations. Jabba the Hutt’s throne-room is rife with such artifacts. In fact, the room itself is a rather iconic presence in this respect. Jabba’s throne is the centerpiece, but the rancor pit…
More New Content Coming For Star Wars: Battlefront
Emboldened by the success of their recently released Outer Rim Expansion, the creators of Star Wars: Battlefront have put out an announcement the other day, promising still more great content to come, some of which will apparently be free. While it’s been known for a while that Bespin is set to land in June, laden with new content, DICE have made public more details about it, as well as about the various events meant to drive player engagement scheduled for May. There will apparently be more community missions, double-score weekends, as well as special login events, all meant to hand players new opportunities to collect more XP, credits and items in ever more entertaining ways. In addition to all the above, there will be new Hutt Contracts as well, which will yield Star Card rewards, such as the Ion Neutralizer and the Bacta Bomb. On May 4, to celebrate Star…
Star Wars: Battlefront – Unused Audio Files Discovered
Initially plagued by an oft-decried lack of depth, DICE‘s Star Wars: Battlefront has come a long way from its not-so-humble beginnings. Its recently released Outer Rim expansion injected a lot of badly needed content into the game universe, including new and exciting locations, new heroes and new Star Cards, pulling it all off within the confines of the Star Wars canon/universe. Season Pass holders could get their hands on the DLC in March, while on April 5 it became available for everyone else, across all platforms. What’s more, players who aren’t yet ready to purchase Outer Rim, can try out some of its features, like the new weapons, in single-player mode. The bottom line is though that picking up the DLC is recommended as all future content-updates will be based on it, and won’t work without it. It has been clear for a while now that there’s plenty of new…
First Battlefront DLC Lands, Plenty More to Look Forward To
Star Wars: Battlefront’s eagerly awaited first DLC, Outer Rim, has landed earlier this month, for those who have Season Pass, and indeed, it hit the nail right on the head: it expanded a universe often derided for its shallowness, it added new game modes and overall, it addressed one of the most easily identifiable shortcomings of the original title. Obviously, there’s still plenty of room for improvement depth-wise in the game, but Outer Rim does represent a massive step in the right direction. How massive? The DLC is about 8 GB big, so for those on slower connections, it may cause a few headaches, but it is a must. It expands the game world and it brings so many new goodies, it completely revamps the title. Above and beyond all that though, you will need it because none of the future DLCs already in the works apparently, will work without…
Star Wars: Battlefront VR Game a Launch Title for PS VR?
Sony made the announcement regarding the price of their PlayStation VR in early March, after their main competitors had made their moves in this respect. What has been clear from the get-go is the fact that Sony are looking to dominate the VR market from the beginning. The price of PlayStation VR is extremely competitive and there will apparently be plenty of content available for it right from its launch. One of the titles that will be made available to players is apparently the Star Wars: Battlefront VR experience, which will indeed be a playable game, and which fans will be able to play in October. According to Sony’s John Koller, the Battlefront VR experience will be very “special” as it will be looking to accomplish nothing less than to transport players right into the midst of the Star Wars universe. According to Koller, the game might just become a…
Star Wars: Battlefront Outer Rim Expansion Arrives Today!
It is safe to say that after years of building up hype, Star Wars: Battlefront was something of a disappointment depth-wise when it was finally launched, even as it blew the expectations out of the water technically and visually. One of the strengths of the game was to depict actual movie locations in great detail, making one feel like he/she was actually involved in the Star Wars canon. That strength is apparently what the franchise is banking on going forth, as it seeks to address its oft-decried lack of depth. Outer Rim, the first expansion to the game, will look to attack the problem from several angles. It will introduce players to locations like the palace of Jabba the Hutt, and it will also introduce no fewer than five new weapons/cards as well as a new game-mode called Extraction, which will see one of the teams protect and escort cargo…
Star Wars: Battlefront Hits VR With PlayStation
With the VR wars in full swing, Sony fell somewhat behind as far as spectacular and hype-filled announcements were concerned at least, but they were apparently only squaring off to release this one: it looks like there will be a Star Wars Battlefront experience coming to Sony’s PlayStation VR as a fruit of the partnership between EA and Sony and as one of the 50 games which will be available for the VR device come its October 2016 release. The announcement was made at Sony’s GDC presentation which focused on the VR headset. Now then, as the expression “Star Wars battlefront experience” clues us in, it’s not an actual game we’re looking at, rather something described as “a cinematic gaming experience” by Sony Computer Entertainment’s Andrew House. House also said that there would be no shortage of content for the upcoming VR platform, given how some 230 developers are already…
Outer Rim Set to Land This Month
According to many, DICE’s Star Wars: Battlefront failed to live up to some of the pre-launch hype and expectations, primarily on account of a rather glaring lack of depth. Fortunately, that problem is one that can be righted on the go and that’s exactly what the developer is looking to accomplish by adding no fewer than three DLCs this year and another one in 2017. The first such DLC is scheduled for March, and given how there will apparently be a free update preceding it, we’re looking at a wealth of new content coming online this month, content which is obviously much-anticipated and much-needed too at this point. The March Battlefront update is set to deliver the usual selection of bug-fixes and tweaks, along with a new Endor map aimed at big game modes as well as a survival map for Tatooine. Exactly what the DLC will bring to the…
Star Wars Game Almost Had Luke Skywalker’s and Han Solo’s Sons Face Off
The world of Star Wars canon is a rich a busy one at all times apparently, as there are always people plotting and scheming, looking for various ways to further the stories of the characters and their offspring, thus creating opportunities for more games, movie episodes and generally: more Star Wars action. Some of the ideas these people come up with are questionable at best while others border on the genius: it has recently been revealed that at one point few years ago, there were plans for an original trilogy game which would’ve featured a storyline quite reminiscent of the Star Wars: the Force Awakens storyline, had it come to fruition. The first clue about the existence of the said project was dropped by a book which focused on the history of LucasArts. In that book, there were a few logos featured for potential Star Wars games, one of them…
New Star Wars: Battlefront Update Reportedly Underway Bringing Weapon and Vehicle Buffs
A living-breathing world like that of Star Wars: Battlefront is in continuous need of updating and tweaking, and the community is indeed very demanding in this respect. The January patch brought many improvements, tweaking various weapons and even characters, looking to smooth out the balance, and while most of these tweaks were welcome indeed, some of them ended up generating unwanted side-effects. The Homing Shot and the Bowcaster for instance got seriously nerfed, so much so in fact that according to the community, the two said weapons have become all but useless. There was naturally a lot of upheaval tied to these botched tweaks, but help is apparently already underway. According to Battlefront Community Manager Sledgehammer70, the next update will target the above said two weapons, and they will be restored to what they should indeed be. The Community Manager also admitted that the tweaks in the works for the…
Which Star Wars Games Can You Play on a Mac?
The Old Republic is a great game, but it has one serious disadvantage: it’s only available for Windows computers. If you have a PC, that’s no problem, but what if you have a Mac? The selection of Star Wars games is a bit smaller, but it’s still out there. Here are 13 Star Wars games you can play on your Mac. If I’ve missed any good ones, be sure to let me know in the comments! LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Who doesn’t love LEGO Star Wars? The games are quirky, challenging, highly replayable, and a hell of a lot of fun. The complete saga, which includes missions through all six movies, has over 160 characters that you can combine in wacky ways, co-op play, and new bounty hunter missions. For $20, it’s a steal, and it’s probably the best Star Wars game available for the Mac. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone…
The Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer is Hilarious
Lego Star Wars games are some of my favorite games—they let you relive the Star Wars experience, but bring something new to it (usually that “something new” is hilarity). And the new trailer for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens definitely has me looking forward to a new entry in the series. Between an X-Wing with windshield wipers, BB-8 running into things, and the Stormtrooper playing with the light switch on the troop transport, this trailer is really funny, and I can’t wait to see more from this game. It’s not out until 28 June, but we’ll be keeping you updated on any new information as soon as it comes out. Until then, what was your favorite Lego Star Wars game or scene? (I’ve always enjoyed playing as my favorite bounty hunter, IG-88.) Let us know your favorites below!
Why Are Lightsabers Blue? And Other Questions Answered
Lightsabers are one of the most iconic items in all of the Star Wars universe, and lightsaber duels are some of the most memorable moments in movie history. But how much do you really know about lightsabers? I spent some time researching to see what interesting facts I could find, and to answer some questions that you might have. If you have more, leave them in the comments! Why Are Lightsabers Blue? Lightsabers can be many colors, but blue, green, and red are the most common in the movie franchise. A lightsaber’s color is determined by the type of crystal that’s used to power it. Kyber crystals, which grow in crystal caves on the Outer Rim, were traditionally used to build lightsabers, but because of their scarcity, other types of gems have come into use. For example, the Sith use synthetic crystals that become superpowered when infused with the Dark side…
4 Star Wars Tabletop Role-Playing Games You Should Try
If you like The Old Republic or Knights of the Old Republic, it’s probably because you enjoy getting immersed in the Star Wars universe in a way that other games like Battlefront and Bounty Hunter just don’t give you. If you want to really dive into the universe, though, tabletop role-playing games are the way to go. Not familiar with tabletop RPGs? If you’ve heard of Dungeons & Dragons, Fate, or Pathfinder, you’ve heard of tabletop RPGs—these are some of the biggest names in the business. They combine social interaction, storytelling, dice rolling, miniatures, and an immersive experience that’s tough to replicate. In addition to those big names, there are a number of cool Star Wars RPGs out there. Here are four that you should check out! Star Wars: Edge of the Empire One of my favorite game companies, Fantasy Flight Games, publishes Edge of the Empire, a game that immerses you in the world of smugglers, bounty hunters, thieves, and…
Everything You Need to Read After Seeing The Force Awakens
The Force Awakens has topped Avatar as the highest-grossing film in North American history, so it’s almost certain that you’ve already seen it. And now that you have, what comes next? Rogue One is still almost a year away, and we still don’t know much about it at all, so there’s nothing much exciting there. There is, however, a monumental amount of books and articles that you should read. Whether for interesting theories, backstories, or just more Star Wars fun, this list will keep Star Wars going all year. Books to Read After The Force Awakens Everyone needs more books! Here are 10 that you should read to get all the backstory, fun facts, and new stories that you need. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary by Pablo Hidalgo Want to get more story on the characters, places, ships, vehicles, and weapons used in The Force Awakens? This visual dictionary has a lot of great information, including background…
I Played 13 Star Wars Mobile Games. Here are the Best.
Over the past couple years, we’ve seen a lot of new Star Wars games, just not where you might expect them: on your phone. There have been tons of new mobile games that have come out since Disney took over the franchise, from Rebels-themed kids’ games and puzzlers to tower defense and shooters. But are any of them any good? Do they stand up to the classics, like Rogue Squadron and Shadows of the Empire? I had to find out, so I sat down and played 13 of them. It took me a while, but here’s what I found out. The Best: Knights of the Old Republic It’s getting old now, but this game has translated remarkably well to mobile platforms. The controls are really easy to use, the gameplay is intuitive, and the story is a classic one that stands the test of time. The graphics are what you’d expect for a game that’s…