Author: Editor

I Played 13 Star Wars Mobile Games. Here are the Best.

Over the past couple years, we’ve seen a lot of new Star Wars games, just not where you might expect them: on your phone. There have been tons of new mobile games that have come out since Disney took over the franchise, from Rebels-themed kids’ games and puzzlers to tower defense and shooters. But are any of them any good? Do they stand up to the classics, like Rogue Squadron and Shadows of the Empire? I had to find out, so I sat down and played 13 of them. It took me a while, but here’s what I found out. The Best: Knights of the Old Republic It’s getting old now, but this game has translated remarkably well to mobile platforms. The controls are really easy to use, the gameplay is intuitive, and the story is a classic one that stands the test of time. The graphics are what you’d expect for a game that’s…

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10 Things to Do Before You Go See The Force Awakens

The Force Awakens is almost here! There are only a couple days until the release of one of the most highly anticipated movies in recent memory, and the long wait will be over. But before then, you have some preparing to do. These 10 ideas will get you excited, prepare you for the movie, and share the anticipation with your friends! 1. Watch the rest of the Star Wars movies. Okay, so you don’t have to watch all six, but you should, at the very least, watch your favorite one. Nothing will get you as psyched up as watching one of the best movies of all time! If you don’t have Star Wars on Blu-Ray yet, now is a great time to buy it. 2. Watch the Star Wars Begins filmumentaries. Jamie Benning has created three “filmumentaries” that delve deep into the creation of Star Wars, from deleted scenes and alternate angles to cast commentary and…

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Star Wars: Battlefront Real Life Mod Dazzles

Star Wars: Battlefront was always going to be extremely keen on visuals. DICE have made it clear from the beginning that they were going to go for authenticity and that they were going to exploit the Frostbite engine to the fullest in their quest for Star Wars eye candy. Granted, on maximum graphics settings, the game has always been a visual delight, but there are individuals out there who have found ways to push it way past what the official version was supposed to accomplish in this respect. Back in November, a mod surfaced, which was used to produce a few impressive screenshots. Called SweetFX Real Life, the mod makes it possible for the game to run in 4k at 60fps, putting out some truly mind-boggling graphics details. Following the still pictures mentioned above, the mod has now been used to make actual footage too, posted to YouTube by jackfrags….

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Let C-3PO Be Your Copilot with the Latest Waze Update (Plus Movie Ticket Giveaway!)

Want to add some Star Wars flair your drive to work in the morning? Why not take C-3PO on as your copilot? 3PO, R2-D2, and BB-8 can now be a part of your drive with Waze, the social driving app. Your own personal protocol droid will give you directions, warn you of hazards, and occasionally surprise you with a hilarious line. For example, when I was driving this morning, Waze detected a hazard, and 3PO came on over my radio: “Hazard reported ahead. We’ll be destroyed for sure . . . this is madness!” I laughed out loud. In my car. By myself. When I got home, C-3PO gave me his opinion on my apartment complex in his signature British accent: “My . . . what a desolate place this is.” I had to smile at that one. But he doesn’t just talk when he has something to tell you. He’ll also give you…

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New Battle of Jakku Trailer for Star Wars Battlefront Released

The free DLC pack is set to come out tomorrow and with this, DICE and EA have just released a new trailer for the Battle of Jakku! All gamers who pre-ordered Star Wars: Battlefront will be the very first ones to enjoy the Battle of Jakku. The Battle of Jakku was the pivotal time when the New Republic confronted certain Imperial holdouts on a desert planet, located on the Outer Rim. This takes place during the time after the Rebel’s one in the Battle of Endor, gamers get to experience the key events that made the huge, battle-scared landscape of Jakku that is seen in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Gamers that pre-ordered Star Wars: Battlefront can participate in the battle one week before others, starting on December 1st. All of the others will be able to get access on December 8th. Star Wars: Battlefront lets fans and gamers live…

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The Darkside of Fairy Tales

Who doesn’t love Star Wars toys? I have loved them all my life, since as far back as I can remember. Even in my college years and post-college years; after eras of student/community organizing, after reporting in a war torn region, after starting my own business, after living with my lover, deep in the dark forest of adulthood, I still couldn’t resist going to the toy section of any department store chain, just to see what Star Wars was up to. And I wasn’t alone. We have all seen someone from generation X, standing there just to see the Star Wars toys with the occasional child also checking out the magic. In the mid 90’s and late 90’s I read disturbing accounts of Disney abusing overseas workers and even children to make their products. I never bought those products as presents for family members and friends in fear of supporting…

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Get to Know the New Star Wars Stars with These Movies and Shows

In addition to the stars we know and love—Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Peter Mayhew—The Force Awakens includes a number of new names that you may not be familiar with. Before the new movie comes out in just under a month, do yourself a favor and take some time to get to know them! Because the new actors in the movie don’t have illustrious careers behind them, you may not have seen them yet; but they all have at least some credentials. Here are 16 movies and shows that will help you get to know the new faces: Ex Machina: Domnhall Gleason (General Hux) and Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) both have amazing performances in this AI thriller. Game of Thrones: Gwendoline Christie (Captain Phasma) plays Brienne of Tarth, a loyal knight and companion; Jessica Henwick (Jessika Pava) also makes an appearance as Nymeria Sand. Blue Season: Daisy Ridley (Rey)…

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Bespin Is Finally Unlocked in Star Wars: Uprising

Ever since Star Wars: Uprising was released on Android and iOS electronics around two months ago, it’s certainly gotten a loyal fan base of people who just want to free the Galaxy from Imperial enslavement. Of course they also want to collect all of the items, upgrade their crew and characters, and earn a ton of credits while they play. When the game was released it had five playable planets and they are Burnin Konn, Hoth, Anoat, Mataou, and Bespin. However, the fifth planet, Bespin, stayed out of every players reach. The game lets players have the chance to push the boundaries of where the story will go next. Every player has the opportunity to play five assault missions every day. When you repeatedly attack imperial settlements for a few days, the bar for “sector battles” will rise on each planet that is being attacked. Once the bar reaches its…

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George Lucas Explains Why He Doesn’t Want to Direct Any More ‘Star Wars’ Movies

A very long time ago, George Lucas was just an experimental filmmaker. However, once Star Wars came along, it took over Hollywood and Lucas’ life. The filmmaker says there will be no more and he is done. “You go to make a movie and all you do is get criticized,” Lucas told Vanity Fair. “People try to make decisions about what you’re going to do before you do it. It’s not much fun. You can’t experiment. You have to do it a certain way.” He went into more detail on his remarks to CBS News. “The issue was ultimately, they looked at the stories, and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans,’ ” Lucas said, presumably referring to Disney, which purchased Lucasfilm — including the “Star Wars” franchise — in 2012.”People don’t actually realize it’s actually a soap opera, and it’s all about family problems; it’s not…

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Ten of the best Star Wars apps and games

No matter if you want to roleplay as a Jedi warrior or record your very own Star Wars scene, the app stores will always provide. There are Star Wars fans all around the world that are hoping that the new film The Force Awakens will be as good as its promotional clip makes it look. The sales for early tickets suggests that there is quite a bit of optimism at this point. With less than two months to go until the new movie hits theaters, how can you possibly fill the time? There are plenty of Star Wars themed apps for that. Actually, Star Wars has generated an entire mini-industry of mobile games and apps in its very own right. The following is a list of 10 of the best apps to fuel your Force and anywhere you see “IAP”, it means in-app purchases. Star Wars: Free Android/iOS There are…

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Star Wars: Battlefront – The Verdict

For months (or even for what seems like years) I’ve been keeping a close watch on the development of DICE’s newest Star Wars title through ups and downs, latching onto every crumb of rumor and soaking in every second of published game-footage with great thirst. The time has apparently come though to deliver a full and fair assessment of the game, a sort of objective review without regards to my status as a fan of the universe/canon. Star Wars: Battlefront is indeed here in all its glory and while some of its aspects are truly awe-inspiring, in some respects the mark is missed. I’ll admit that I was so taken in by its positives that I found it extremely difficult to pinpoint any of its faults, but having logged enough playing time, some of the problems do indeed poke through the thin fabric of perfectionist authenticity covering the game. This…

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All the Playable Heroes and Their Abilities in Star Wars Battlefront

It’s truly the best time to be a Star Wars fan because this coming Tuesday, fans will be able to play the retail version of Star Wars: Battlefront. You are able to play as infantry where you can jump into many different vehicles and you can also control popular hero characters like Han Solo and Boba Fett. All six of the playable heroes have their very own different abilities and they vary widely from each other, so now we are going to take a look at what their abilities are. Luke Skywalker His abilities are as follows: Saber Rush: With a shot of quick speed, Skywalker blitzes forward with his light saber. This can be a very useful tool to shorten the gap between enemy soldiers. Force Push: This ability throws an explosive force that blasts at enemies, and it instantly kills enemy troopers in front of Skywalker. Heavy Strike:…

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The ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’ Review Situation Is More Than A Little Bizarre

EA has had a “review event” for Star Wars: Battlefront. During this there were outlets invited to play the game before the launch on servers designed to simulate live environments. The review for impressions of the gameplay from the event that was held lands on the day of the games launch. Neither one of these things are too much out of the ordinary. Review events aren’t actually the best things ever, however, for a game that is nearly entirely based on multiplayer, we understand playing it the way it should be played, with fully populated servers and all. However the problem is that the embargo coming after the event doesn’t make any sense. Why, you may ask? Because of EA Access. Anybody who signs up for EA Access has the ability to play the entire game of Star Wars:  Battlefront for 10 hours. You can go through all ten of…

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EA Rep May Have Influenced Reddit Mods To Censor Battlefront Critics

An ex-moderator for Reddit is stating that EA offered Star Wars: Battlefront alpha access and other items in exchange for them to delete any negative posts on Reddit. There are many Star Wars fans that are insanely excited for the release of Star Wars: Battlefront next week, but a major disturbance in the Force may have ruined the mood. A Reddit admin says that an EA representative bribed certain moderators to take down negative posts about Battlefront. Allegedly, moderators were given access to Battlefront’s closed alpha to suppress game criticism, while one other user was given tickets to the Star Wars festival and other perks. All of this information started coming to light a few days ago all because of a call for new moderators after a Reddit user agreement breach. “There was a representative from EA directing moderators to remove posts and prevent certain links from being posted,” Reddit…

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‘Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company’ Review: The Story The Game Forgot

If you’re reading this review, then we are sure that you are impatiently waiting until you are able to play Star Wars: Battlefront on your console or PC. You might also be aware that while Battlefront looks like an online multiplayers dream, the game will not have much of a story. Instead of going the traditional route where creators weave a classic Star Wars story into an amazing game, Battlefront is happy enough with its multiplayer hook and no original plot or characters to speak of. Well that may not be entirely true, because Battlefront does have an actual story, it’s just actually playable. In the new book, Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company, the author, Alexander Freed, gives life to the war that is happening between the Empire and the Rebellion by focusing on the 61st Mobile Infantry unit, while it battles for freedom against Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, and Star…

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The Current State of the Journey to The Force Awakens

In March, Disney announced that they would be releasing a bunch of new books and comics in the run-up to The Force Awakens that would give readers an idea of how the galaxy has changed, where the characters have gone, and what to expect from the new movie. There were very high hopes for these books, but have they lived up to the hype? Let’s take a look at the reviews of some of the big titles in the series to find out. We’ll start with the character-specific novels that focus on Han, Luke, and Leia. Greg Rucka’s junior novel, Smuggler’s Run, has a solid rating of 4.5 on Amazon, with 76 reviews. Jason Fry’s The Weapon of a Jedi and Cecil Castellucci’s Moving Target both have similar ratings, though Castellucci’s Leia-focused middle-grade story only has 37 reviews at the moment. These books are quite short, but they’re also very inexpensive, so they make great…

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Star Wars: Battlefront – Battle of Jakku Teaser Released

It has been known for a while that Star Wars: Battlefront, the much hyped and hotly anticipated game developed by DICE, set for a November 17, 2015 release, would be tied into the canon pushed forth by Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and that the game would be used to explain some of the storylines from the movie, filling in the canon-gaps specifically with the Battle of Jakku, a downloadable batch of content which will be made available some 3 weeks after the official release of the game. Star Wars: Battlefront was conceived and marketed as the game which would allow gamers to relive some of the most iconic battles of the Star Wars universe, from a novel and immersive perspective and considering that, the addition of the Battle of Jakku, a canon-episode unknown to everyone, is indeed a master-stroke which delivers more than what has been promised. The Battle…

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Star Wars: a short history in video games

Star Wars fans are getting more anxious with each passing day, as we get closer to December when The Force Awakens is released. However, for avid gamers the franchise has never disappeared. From the early day of arcade gaming to recreating Star Wars movies in Lego form, Star Wars is definitely here to stay. Let’s take a look at the history of Star Wars gaming. Star Wars 1983 A widely popular arcade game that used the 3D color vector graphics to show off Luke’s attack on the Death Star in an X-wing fighter is always a beloved classic. Super Star Wars 1992 This beloved SNES title was a 2D running and gunning, equipped with platforming sections and includes piloting vehicles. It had many different playable characters with different actions and abilities. Star Wars: TIE Fighter 1994 This is a MAC and PC sequel to the previous Star Wars: X-Wing. It…

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New Star Wars Battlefront Video Shows Boba Fett, Leia, Han Solo in Action

A brand new video of gameplay for Star Wars: Battlefront has been released online. The video has not been released by publisher EA officially yet, but instead it’s a series of clips that someone has taken from the Star Wars Battlefront website and they have all been pieced together. Not only do you get to see hero characters like Boba Fett, Han Solo, Leia, and the Emperor in battle, but you also get to see different looks from different locations of the game. These areas include Endor, Sullust, Tatooine, and Hoth, where the Empire and Rebels are seen fighting it out not only on land but also in the sky. Star Wars: Battlefront will be released on November 17th on all platforms and this is around a month before Disney releases, The Force Awakens. EA has stated that it believes that Star Wars: Battlefront will be drawing in younger gamers…

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SWTOR ExtraLife Event with Many Rewards

Greetings, everyone! I will have the honor to host the first few hours of the SWTOR ExtraLife Live Eventon my Twitch channel Live. Start is ~16GMT or 8AM Pacific. It is organized by Unholy Alliance / Wookiee Mistake and PC_Podcast. The number of rewards, big and small, is unbelievable! For those of you who donate to the good cause more than $20, you will have a chance to win the incredible Sphero BB8 Droid, a real live toy, app-controlled. The requirement for Sphero was a $1000 total amount of donation to the team and it was already met! Next goal is $2000. If… no… WHEN this happens, a new item will be rolled again among the $20+ donations. You will have a chance to win an awesome huge SWTOR Custom Cartel Mega Pack 31 packs (contains packs from all 8 Cartel Store shipments). That’s not where Unholy Alliance and Wookiee Mistake draws the line….

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The Old Republic: Rescue Mission – (2015) Short Film

Many fans of Star Wars think that the best Star Wars game that was ever made it Knights of the Old Republic, and some will disagree. There is a new Australian fan film that has been between the events of the Drew Karpyshyn’s novel and the KOTOR game, and it’s actually quite good. It’s not just good for a fan made film, but it’s actually really good. It stinks that the expanded universe stuff has all been voted as non-canon during the wake of the upcoming movies. However, in a strange way it puts all of the half-decent fan-fiction on an even level with things like the game. In other words, it seems to make it easier for certain people to have great fun with the Star Wars world. No matter what, this is actually a high quality production and it features great acting and perfect outfits. It’s definitely worth…

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New Star Wars Showerheads

We have some amazing news for all Star Wars fans! You can now experience the Star Wars world in the shower. Star Wars showerheads allow fans to soak right under the gaze of Darth Vader or the body of R2D2, giving you a fun experience even in the shower. You can find the new shower heads at Bed Bath and Beyond and range from $24.99 to $29.99. We are sure that many fans, especially the younger ones, are going to buy these up in a heartbeat.

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Knights of the Fallen Empire Feels More Like A Classic BioWare RPG, and that’s a good thing!

The new 4.0 for Star Wars: The Old Republic has changed everything, while a fresh expansion to one of the craziest multiplayer games is changing things too. Last year, a writer at kotaku asked developers that were working on the game, what their plans for the future were. What they told him is a phrase that they told him was “a return to BioWare cinematic storytelling.” However, he didn’t believe them at all, but they actually did what they said they were going to do. BioWare was responsible for last year’s expansion, Shadow of Revan, and it gave many people no hope for the games future. The expansion was really just an odd mashup of BioWare RPG and massive multiplayer online game tropes, with much lower production values. The writer from kotaku recently started playing Knights of the Fallen Empire, and it officially came out for all Star Wars subscribers…

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The average Star Wars: The Force Awakens fan will be 34-year-old male

The new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie has been predicted that it will be one of the highest grossing films ever, and some experts are suggesting that box-office revenues in excess of the current record, Avatar’s gross of $2.78 billon are within reach. Researchers have now showed us who exactly will be purchasing the tickets. According to cinema marketing data firm Movio Media, the average person to purchase a ticket in advance for Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be a United States 34 year old male. It’s predicted that 70% of ticket owners are men between the ages of 18 and 49. The average advance ticket purchaser is a typical movie theater goer and usually travels in order to see big-budget fantasies like Jurassic World or Avengers: Age of Ultron on opening night, according to Movio Media. Also, these in particular individuals spend 2.6 times more than the…

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