Welcome to the expansive universe of “Star Wars: The Old Republic” (SWTOR), where the art of crafting and the nuances of the game’s economy play pivotal roles in your journey across the galaxy. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran looking to maximize your economic impact or a newcomer eager to understand the basics of crafting and trading, this guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to thrive in SWTOR’s vibrant economic ecosystem. As you embark on this comprehensive exploration, you’ll be introduced to key concepts and practical tips that cover every aspect of SWTOR’s economy, including: By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid foundation in the mechanics of SWTOR’s economy, from the intricacies of crafting to the strategic trading and management of credits. Whether your goal is to craft the finest gear for your characters, dominate the GTN, or simply enjoy the game…
crew skills
Crafting Changes in SWTOR Patch 4.1

Eric Musco just posted a forum update about the crafting changes players can expect with Patch 4.1. With the release of 4.0 we made a pass at focusing and streamlining Crew Skills and with 4.1 we are continuing this effort. We want crafting to remain an important alternative to Mission and Operation gear. With the release of 4.1 we are releasing an alternative to the KotFE gear. This new tier of gear will be the best craftable gear that does not require exotic crafting materials, and to support this tier, we are introducing a new grade of crafting materials and missions. With this new change, we want Crafting to remain an important alternative means to collecting the most powerful gear in the galaxy – whether you’re looking to gain an edge in combat, or turning a tidy profit on the Galactic Trade Network. There are a few terms that we will be…
Crew Skills Used in Flashpoints (Storymode)
Those of you who have been here with us since the beginning will remember vanilla SWTOR and here is something that might remind you of that era of the game. It reminds me of some of the instances in KOTOR, for example, where you had different paths. There are crew skills in the storymode Flashpoints and they are worked in like “hidden” gems for you to find. Here’s a really cool chart that tells you (almost) all of them in one place. Take a look: If you plan to try to find all of these, want specific ones, or just want to see what’s around in a Flashpoint you’re doing already, this is a handy chart to keep around. Bookmark it or print it out – whatever works for you – but keep it around to refer to. Have fun!
SWTOR Crew Skills Diagram
You know that we love bringing you community created items and tools to help you enjoy the game more, or just things that we think are cool. So here’s a SWTOR crew skills diagram that we think is worth taking a look at. This is a great cart and while the regular updates and additions might make it feel a little cluttered for some, we think the more info, the more useful. See below: As you can see, this chart has a great deal of information for building your crew skills. Do you think it has everything? Too much? What would you like to see in a crew skills diagram?
Crew Skill Updates for Patch 2.0.1
The new patch coming with the next Scheduled Maintenance, BioWare will be pushing a patch that should fix some of the crew skill issues that came with Star Wars: The old republic Rise of the hutt cartel. Amber Green breaks it down for us. Hello again everyone, The weekend is upon us! We’ve been listening to your feedback, and I wanted to be sure to give you folks an update about where we currently stand with regards to the various Crew Skill issues you’re seeing. As I stated in my last update, Patch 2.0.1 will contain a number of Crew Skill fixes: Tier 23 and 26 Armstech Augments now have the correct crafting times. Arkanian Relics will now be listed in the correct category in the Artifice Crafting Window. Successful Gathering Missions above level 400+ will now provide more crafting materials. Increased the number of Bio-Mechanical Interface Chips and Thermal Regulators provided as…
Crew Skills and Items in Game Update 1.3
BioWare updated the community blog, with a new post, describing some of the upcoming changes, we can expect happening to items and crew skills when path 1.2 launches. While we have covered most of the the information here before, the blog provides a great summary of the relevant details. Prior to Game Update 1.3, it was only possible to create an Augmented item through a critical crafting success. Augmented items have an additional mod slot, conveniently called an augment. Some of the most valuable items in the game right now are orange shells that have been crafted with an augment slot unlocked, because they have exceptional stat potential with their full complement of mod slots. While these items are cool, they are indicative of a systemic inequity between different types of items. That’s where Augment Tables come in. That covers most of the changes you’ll see for items in Game…
Crafting Changes Live on Test Server
Developer commentary on crafting changes that just went live on the test server, as well as hints at what to expect from patch 1.2 can now be found on the forums. Georg Zoeller popped in to explain a few things about crafting, upcoming changes to the crafting systems and more. I wanted to drop some notes on the changes made to the BioChem profession in the patch (1.1.2) that just went onto the Public Test Server, how they fit in the big picture and how we are proceeding forward with crafting professions in endgame in general. Zoeller adds: It is our intention to gradually, over multiple patches, reduce the impact of situational consumables on endgame combat resolution and shift the factors which determine the outcome of combat more towards personal skill. As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear…
TOR TV: Crew Skills Guide
Youtube User MrSamDoolan recently made a basic crew skills guide designed to help out newer players who don’t completely understand the concept of crew skills and what they do. Crew skills are TOR’s equivalent to professions from other MMO’s. It focuses on sending your companions out to perform tasks for you in order to progress your skill in your chosen crew skills. Link to the linked crew skills image can be found in his latest blog post so make sure to check it out! Also remember to follow MrSamDoolan on Twitter. Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here on swtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us here
SWTOR Crafting Chart
If you’re wondering about crafting in SWTOR, you are not alone. but here is a nifty crafting chart that gives us all some insight into the crafting system, skills and what they can do for you in the game. As you see on the chart, there are two basic types of crafting skills- crafting and gathering. There are four gathering skills in all. These are scavenging, archaeology, bioanalysis, and slicing (droid armor, generators, special missions). There are also mission skills which include Diplomacy, Investigation, Treasure Hunting and Underworld Trading. The mission skills correspond directly with gathering and crafting skills. Crafting skills are Armortech, Armstech, Artifice, Synthweaving, Biochem and Cybertech. Diplomacy can have an impact on your dark/light side points. Investigation gives schematics for all of the professions/crafting skills as well as materials for medium armor. All mission skills will give you gifts for your companions. The chart maps it all out…
SWTOR Companions List
Here is the full companions List for Star Wars: The old republic. Each class will be able to get a total of 5 companions through out the game. Each companion will be able to do different types of damage or play different roles in a group. Each companion will also give different bonuses to your crew skills in swtor. Pro Tip 1: If you enter your Quest Log, go to Codex then ‘Person of Note’, you can see what your companion likes/dislikes. This way you know what to say on dialogs to get +affection. Pro Tip 2: Companions use crafting materials that are in your cargo hold, you don’t have to carry crafting materials on you. Pro Tip 3: If you hit N for crew skills, you can click the individual crew skill next to each companion. For the longest time I was picking the general “slicing” button at the…
Friday Update: Closer Look at Crew Skills
Game Systems Designer Patrick Malott talks about the Crew Skill system and reveals another crafting skill (though the systems page hasn’t been updated yet): Armstech. Here’s the blog: Introduction I’m Patrick Malott. I’ve worked as a Game Systems Designer on various titles over the years, but what we’re working on here at BioWare Austin is my dream project: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. In my current role, designing and building out the Crew Skills system is one of the biggest projects I’m involved in. As a passionate multiplayer online gamer myself, I know that crafting is a critical part of the experience for many of you, and I’m dedicated to making sure you enjoy the way it works in The Old Republic. In this blog, I want to shed some light on the design decisions we’re making with Crew Skills… and I might just drop a few new specifics on the Armstech crafting…
Everything about The Old Republic with Daniel Erickson
Picture stolen from swtor-life Hundar from machinima.com talked with Daniel Erickson about everything we can expect to see in The Old Republic… and we do mean everything!
Interview with Daniel Erickson on companion integration
In a recent Interview with Darth Hater Daniel Erickson covered the Crew Skills. Now he is going a little deeper into the companion integration and recipe mechanics.
Damion Schubert Clarifies on crafting
Yesterdays update on on crew skills has fueled a hefty debate about the games most important non-combat activity. With yesterdays new information about the system, comes many new questions. Luckily Damion Schubert took some time to answer some last night: To be more precise, players can have up to three crew skills but only one of those can be a crafting skill. The fictional reason is that you only can have room for one crafting table on your ship, but the real reason is that we don’t want all players to be self-sufficient. We call the system Crew Skills because they are skills possessed by your amorphous crew as a whole. If your crew can go treasure hunting, you can order any of your crew members to run treasure hunting missions. Vette may have a bonus to treasure hunting (being a native treasure hunter and all), but to be honest we currently…