George lucas

George Lucas Says Han Never Shot First; Addresses Disgruntled Fans

“Changes are not unusual — I mean, most movies when they release them they make changes. But somehow, when I make the slightest change, everybody thinks it’s the end of the world,” Lucas told the Hollywood Reporter. Remember when we told you about George Lucas retiring from Star Wars and how he blamed the haters? Well, he’s back with another interview to defend himself and his creative works. He’s been doing quite a few interviews lately to help promote his newest brainchild, “Red Tails”. He discusses how the fans take his work so seriously and says “When I make the slightest change, everyone think it’s the end of the world.” When you look at all the controversies that have come up regarding Star Wars, the movies and the different versions of them, it’s easy to see where he gets this opinion. As a Star Wars fan, I can understand but…

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George Lucas to Retire from Star Wars: Blames Disgruntled Fans

Have you ever felt unappreciated in your job or maybe in some other role in your life? As a full-time writer, I can tell you that I definitely know the feeling. However, someone you might not expect to know that feeling is George Lucas. At 67, he’s created an empire of himself, namely with his Star Wars legacy and also four popular Indiana Jones films. So you can imagine Lucas’ surprise when he pitched his new film, “Red Tails” and no one from Hollywood even wanted to take a peak. The New York Times reports on what must have been a new feeling for George Lucas: “He made a movie about a plucky band of freedom fighters who battle an evil empire — a movie loaded with special effects like no one had seen before.” In an interview with the New York Times, Lucas explains why he is retiring from…

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