other starwars games

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights:  Outrider

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight.  This time they talk about the Outrider, Dash Rendar’s YT-2400 freighter, will soon be coming to the holotables and will lift Home One fleets. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this ship, it was originally introduced in Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire on Nintendo 64 on December 3, 1996, and later for Windows on September 17, 1997.The introduction of this ship brings a few new mechanics to Galaxy of Heroes which we think are exciting: Data Transmission “Download” and new buff “Suprosa Supercomputer”.Below, we take a dive into the developers’ motivations and inspirations while creating the kit for this new ship. UNIT NAME: OutriderALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Support, Cargo Ship, Rebel, Scoundrel, SmugglerA daring Rebel Support that increases the Download of allied ships. ABILITIES: BASIC: Illegal Laser Cannons FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage 3 times to target enemy and inflict Critical Damage Down for…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Eighth Brother

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of Eighth Brother, a Terrelian Jango Jumper who once served the Jedi Order only to become a member of the Inquisitorius, is coming to the holotables! Eighth Brother tussled with Kanan Jarrus and hunted down enemies of the Empire before meeting his ultimate fate at the hands of Maul. Staying on theme for the Inquisitorius faction, Eighth Brother makes use of the Purge debuff. It is worth noting that he can consume stacks of Purge to do extra damage and inflict Jedi enemies with a variety of debuffs. Eighth Brother has a plethora of ways to give him an edge in battle, be it by consuming Stealth to give himself buffs or inflicting foes with Accuracy Down, Blind, or Burning.His Omicron Leader ability gives the Inquisitorius a boost in Territory Wars, where he causes all enemies to lose…

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A Glimpse of What Star Wars Games Could Be

Whilst there have been a huge number of Star Wars games released over the years, they tend to be of a singular focus – either games that are land based with blaster and saber combat, or the more aerial focused games with space squadrons instead. It has become a favored theme for games of chance and more casual gaming options, particularly as this space is growing shown by this review about bet365 in Canada for example showing how public sentiment has changed for these sites. As Star Wars has managed to hit its stride and returned perhaps to the peak of its popularity, other games have shown how a combined effort could create what would be an ideal Star Wars game.  Games like Battlefront II have shown a great approach for games that focus on more of a first or third person shooting styled title as many felt the gun…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Developer Insights: Seventh Sister

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of Seventh Sister. Seventh Sister was born on the planet Mirial and like most Inquisitors, she originally served the Jedi Order and somehow survived Order 66. Below, we take a dive into the developers’ motivations and inspirations while creating the kit for this new character. UNIT NAME: Seventh SisterALIGNMENT: Dark SideCATEGORIES: Empire, Leader, Inquisitorius, Healer, Unaligned Force UserInquisitorius Healer that helps her squad eliminate the Jedi. ABILITIES: BASIC: There You Are FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. Inflict Offense Down for 2 turns and 1 stack of Purge (max 6) until the end of the encounter if the target doesn’t have any. These debuffs can’t be resisted if enemy is Jedi. Deal +5% more damage, increased to +10% if enemy is Jedi, for each stack of Purge on the enemy. SPECIAL: ID9 Electro Shock-Prod (Cooldown 3) FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Road Ahead: March 2022

Here is the Road a head for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes march 2022 Welcome to the March 2022 Road Ahead for Galaxy of Heroes! We have a packed schedule for today starting with details on the next Title Update which contains a number of big quality of life changes for Grand Arena Championships. We’ve got the details on the Razor Crests final farm location, a very special rework, a new legendary character and more! Check out the video above or read on below! So let’s get this party started…. TITLE UPDATE – GRAND ARENA QUALITY OF LIFEWe have a huge Title Update for Grand Arena Championships at the end of this month. We looked at some of the most common complaints players had about the Grand Arenas experience and hope to address many of those concerns in this Title Update. The first major change focuses on deploying Defenses with the…

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The Success of Star Wars-Based Video Games

Star Wars video games have earned popularity due to their excellent action, thrilling graphic visuals and fun. Some might argue that these games have even more variations than the game themes of slots online, but this time we’ll give the focus on only a select few examples.George Lucas has given importance to the star wars video games and established many star wars video games that achieve huge success. Star Wars video games have been developed in three phases:  The initial licensed stage of the Star Wars video game was established from 1979 to 1993.  The era of Lucas arts later George Lucas put up with concern in reducing the complexities and enhancing the characteristics of the visual games so he decided to expand his video game company Luca arts.   Star Wars Games after a deal with Disney in 2013 Disney acquired the rights to video games from George Lucas. Many…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – Developer Insights: Ninth Sister

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of The Ninth Sister, formerly a Jedi known as Masana Tide, is coming to the holotables to reinforce the Inquisitorius! Below, we take a dive into the developers’ motivations and inspirations while creating the kit for this fan-favorite Jedi: Fallen Order character. UNIT NAME: Ninth SisterALIGNMENT: Dark SideCATEGORIES: Tank, Leader, Inquisitorius, Empire, Unaligned Force UserrA ruthless member of the feared Inquisitorius who will stop at nothing in her hunt for the Jedi. ABILITIES: Basic: TOO EASY FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. Then, deal Physical damage again, dealing 40% more damage. Inflict 1 stack of Purge (max: 6) on target enemy for the rest of the encounter. If the target is a Jedi, this inflicts a second stack of Purge and can’t be resisted. Special 1: NOT WORTH MY TIME (Cooldown 4) FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage and consume all…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Iden Versio

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of Iden Versio. After the attack on the Death Star, the Empire responded by assembling Inferno Squad – an Imperial Special Forces commando unit – and appointed Iden Versio as its leader. Now, Iden’s intelligence and relentlessness will be put to use as the newest Imperial Trooper leader to hit the holotables. UNIT NAME: Iden VersioALIGNMENT: Dark SideCATEGORIES: Dark Side, Attacker, Leader, Empire, Imperial TrooperTenacious Empire Attacker who expertly takes out foes while supporting her squad. ABILITIES: Basic: TAKE THEM DOWN FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If no other allies have the Leader tag, Iden deals damage two more times. For each critical hit, Iden recovers 5% Health and Protection. Special 1: PUSH FORWARD (Cooldown 2) FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Vulnerable for 2 turns. Dispel all buffs on target enemy…

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Starter Guide on Getting Started and Understanding Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile collectible role-playing game developed by Capital Games and adored by millions of Star Wars fans across the globe, the mobile game was released by Electronic Arts in November 2015 and the game has come a very long way since release. The free-to-play mobile game lets you assemble your own four-person team from the galaxy far, far away, composed of your favourite Star Wars heroes and villains. With the right strategy and planning, you can beat your opponents. With an average of 4 million daily logins, Electronic Arts continues to provide support for the game with regular updates like as bug fixes and new content. Millions of people play games like Clash of Clans, Fortnite and even Call of Duty on their smartphones and tablets. While there are numerous reasons why mobile gaming is growing if you didn’t realise but online casino games are taking full…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Starkiller

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of The final unit of our Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary character – Starkiller. He has landed on the holotables with the force of a Star Destroyer being yanked from the sky! Below, we take a dive into the motivations and inspirations our developers drew from while creating the kit for this fan-favorite Star Wars: The Force Unleashed character. For more info and insights from the devs on this character, check out this interview with CubsFan Han: UNIT NAME: StarkillerALIGNMENT: Dark SideCATEGORIES: Dark Side, Attacker, Unaligned Force UserA powerful Dark Side Force User whose inner conflict lifts up other Force Users. ABILITIES: Basic: IMBUED LIGHTSABER STRIKE FINAL TEXT (ZETA): Deal Physical damage to target enemy twice. If it’s Starkiller’s turn, inflict Shock for 1 turn to target enemy and deal Physical damage to all other enemies, which can’t be countered. Unleashed: Reduce Special ability cooldowns by 1…

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Great Star Wars Games That You Can Play for Free

If you think for a second about the Star Wars franchise, you will agree that it has been at the entertainment forefront. The franchise has also brought forth major developments and creations. From it, movieshave been recreated, highly favored merchandise has been bought and sold, and new stories have been made,set in the Skywalker Saga.  Star Wars video games have been around for a long time. From the popularity they bear, they have let gamers go on a journey in a galaxy far away. There is a wide variety to choose from, free and paid. However, we have whittled down a list of the best and free ones you can play.  Star Wars: Assault Team Imagine a card game but in the Star Wars universe. This is what this game is like. Star Wars: Assault Team combines role-playing and strategy. The players fight battles in turns by taking over combat…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand. According to legend, she served as the true hand of the Emperor at the height of the Empire, going after his foes, be they remnants of the Jedi or duplicitous Imperials. Below, we take a dive into the developers’ motivations and inspirations while creating the kit for this fan-favorite character. UNIT NAME: Mara Jade, The Emperor’s HandALIGNMENT: Dark SideCATEGORIES: Dark Side, Attacker, Empire, Unaligned Force UserDark Side force user Attacker who uses her allies to boost her own power and supports Emperor Palpatine. ABILITIES: Basic: CALCULATED SHOT FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to target enemy twice and inflict Daze for 2 turns. If Emperor Palpatine is the Leader, he assists if it’s Mara Jade’s turn; otherwise, a random ally with Useful Pawn assists dealing 50% less damage. Special 1: ULTIMATE PREDATOR (Cooldown…

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Remembering Old Star Wars Games

If ever there were a movie franchise to get the video game treatment, it was Star Wars. The first film in the saga revolutionised the sci-fi genre when it came out and also defied audiences’ expectations in the process. It was fitting that video games would eventually be released that gave players control of some of these beloved characters they had seen on the screen for so many years and allowed players to experiment with some of their powers. To kids growing up at the time, this was one of the coolest things ever as they could essentially be a Jedi or a Sith, depending on what games were played. While Star Wars games used to be massive in the 2000s, they have recently seen a resurgence in the last decade, most likely due to the ‘rebirth’ the universe is experiencing right now. Those who are fans of the franchise…

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Best Star Wars Games Ranked by the Fans

If you somehow haven’t heard of the phenomenon that is Star Wars, where have you been for the last… Ever? Star Wars took the world by storm, there are fans everywhere of all ages, we all love the idea of using the force or , mostly for good I hope, but we’ve all dreamt of fighting with lightsabers, firing laser rifles, flying x wings and stuff, it would be pretty sweet right? How about putting your religion down as ‘Jedi’ on the census? Is that a step too far? Asking for a friend. ANYWAY, there are countless way to consume Star Wars content, there are books, there are comics, there are so many movies, plenty of TV shows and an insane amount of video games and when I say an insane amount, I mean there are over 100 Star Wars video games, featuring many different genres, plenty of role playing…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Dash Rendar

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of Dash Rendar. The beloved train-hopping, shoulder-pad adorned hero of legendary lore is ready to lead a motley crew of Scoundrels into the Grand Arena gauntlet! Below, we take a deep dive into the developers’ motivations and inspirations while creating the kit for this fan-favorite Shadows of the Empire character. UNIT NAME: Dash RendarALIGNMENT: Light SideCATEGORIES: Light Side, Support, Leader, ScoundrelCharismatic Scoundrel Leader who gives Scoundrel allies Prepared. ABILITIES: Basic: FEARLESS ADVANCE FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage 3 times to target enemy. For each critical hit, call another random Prepared ally to assist, dealing 75% less damage (limit once per ally). Special 1: STOP RIGHT THERE! (Cooldown 2) FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. Then, Stun them for 1 turn. This attack deals 20% more damage for each buff dispelled….

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary and Upcoming Legends Characters

The guys over at Capital games are excited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Lucasfilm with five characters from Star Wars Legends. These units will be released in a series of four Marquee events and culminating in a special Legacy event for Starkiller! The first unit required for Starkiller’s Legacy event is Dash Rendar. Dash Rendar This Scoundrel might be best known for the hefty 19-96 Kinetic Absorption Panels on his shoulders but Dash has done everything from training to be an officer at the Imperial Academy when he was younger to becoming a master pilot while exploring the Outer Rim of the galaxy to even helping the Rebellion overthrow the Empire. As a Scoundrel leader, Dash enhances his squad when they have the Prepared buff. His Leader ability, Prepared for Anything, grants his Scoundrel allies additional bonuses based on their role while they have Prepared, and while in Grand…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Road Ahead: October 2021

Here is the read ahead for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heries for October 2021. Sorry we are a bit late with this, but it is still worth a read: In this Road Ahead we are going to cover a number of upcoming changes for Galaxy of Heroes over the next several months. Our next Title Update is almost here (rolling out later today as a matter of fact) and with it brings a number of big changes to Galaxy of Heroes such as the start of Phase 1 of the Gear changes, Conquest 10, Mode Specific abilities, updated login calendars and our Anniversary. Check out the video below for an overview or read on for the details! UPDATE ON THE GEAR CHANGESThis week’s Title Update kicks off Phase 1 of the Gear changes. Many of the items discussed in the State of the Gear-laxy will go in effect with the Update and…

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Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes: How to get Yourself Playing and Knowing the Basics of the Game

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes: How to get Yourself Playing and Knowing the Basics of the Game In November of 2015, Electronic Arts launched Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, a mobile collectable role-playing game created by Capital Games and enjoyed by millions of Star Wars fans across the world. Creating your own squad of four with the legendary Star Wars characters, both heroes and villains, is an important part of the free-to-play mobile game. To succeed against your opponents, you must use clever tactics and preparation. However, Electronic Arts continues to support the game with frequent updates such as bug patches and new content despite the game’s age, with an average of 3 million users logging on daily. Mobile gaming is growing increasingly popular, with millions of people downloading games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, Minecraft and many more. It’s easy to see why the mobile gaming sector is booming and…

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Interesting Star Wars games for vivid fans.

Season 2 of The Mandalorian, one of 2020’s most popular TV shows is successfully completed. And on this occasion, we thought it would be appropriate to remind you of our extensive collection of the best Star Wars games.  Let’s begin with the obvious. The entire film narrative is one enormous drama about the conflict between the Jedi and the Sith, so it’s no surprise that they’re the key protagonists in Star Wars games. Star Wars — Jedi: Fallen Order Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order is a fantastic and thrilling adventure set in the “Star Wars” universe. And it works precisely because of the saga’s characteristics – lightsaber battles, understandable stories about good and evil, vistas of really beautiful worlds, “fabulously amazing” music in which you can immediately recognize SW, and jokes reminiscent of the classic trilogy. Revenge of the Sith (Star Wars: Episode III) And another licensed game launched…

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Why Fallen Order is So Great

Before Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was first released in 2019, Star Wars fans were crying out for a game that hearkened back to the old era of Star Wars games when the likes of Battlefront and The Force Unleashed were popular. Star Wars fans did already have the rebooted Battlefront series to work with which were admittedly good, but they still did not have a game that embodied the series and told a good story like the original The Force Unleashed did. Enter Fallen Order. The announcement of this game drove Star Wars fans wild, and fortunately, the reception of it was just as positive. The gaming community has learned to keep expectations in check in recent years, as no one knows what a game will truly be like until they play it for themselves. Gamers were especially wary as EA were the publishers of the game, and although…

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