
Were Ancient Sith More Powerful?

If you missed it earlier this year, The Stupendous Wave has another great video in his Star Wars Explained series on YouTube that talks about the Sith empire. Who is more powerful – ancient Sith or modern? How do they measure up throughout the Star Wars timeline? Is it something you’ve never thought about? Well, now’s the time to put some thoughts into motion and this video is going to help you out with that. Are you a new canon Star Wars fan who only knows Darth Vader as the strongest Sith? Are you an old school fan with a rich knowledge of Sith history? Either way, you’re going to love this video and how he breaks it all down for you. The Dark Lords of the ancient Sith empire are constantly hailed as far more powerful than the following generations of Sith even all the way up to Darth Bane’s rule…

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Top 7 Most Powerful Sith Lords – Star Wars

There have been many powerful Sith in Star Wars lore. There’s Darth Bane, Darth Maul, and the very popular Darth Vader. There was also Exar Kun and Marka Ragnos (who ruled for over 100 years). Then we also don’t want to forget Lord Vitiate or Darth Sidious. How do you even begin to put all that dark evilness into a list? Whether you are a full-fledged fan of the Dark Side, or someone who leans toward the Light, you still have to give credit where it’s due when it comes to these amazing, powerful Dark Lords. It’s hard to compete with the likes of bad guys who can destroy entire planets with just their minds. Also, they wear capes. How cool is that? This video from Star Wars Theory covers from of the most powerful Sith Lords (as listed below) and a brief history of how they came to be. This is…

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Top 5 Female SITH from Star Wars

While many people know the male Sith lords, fewer people know about the great females of the Sith. This was an equal opportunity universe and there were just as many female powerful Sith as there were male. In fact, some of the females rose to power, overtaking their own masters, or leading independently in their own right. Here’s a great video I happened upon that lists some of the top five female Sith from Star Wars. One reason I love this video so much is that he pretty much picked my picks. If I had to create a top list, it would include the same ladies. In fact, I would have picked the very same one for 1st place. Darth Cagnes: The Strategic Mastermind Background and Rise to Power Darth Cagnes is a lesser-known yet incredibly influential Sith Lord. Her strategic mind and mastery of the dark side allowed her…

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Sith That Didn’t Use Red Lightsabers [Video]

Contrary to popular belief, not all Sith used red lightsabers. In this video from The Stupendous Wave we learn more about the Sith who didn’t use red lightsabers. If you’re looking to learn a bit more about Star Wars lore, more about Sith and the lightsabers they used, then this video is for you. While the iconic red Sith saber is synonymous with the Dark Side for most Star Wars fans, it can be difficult to think of them using any other colors. Then there are those who think it would be alright to have a bit more color in the Force, on either side. Whatever your stance on saber colors, it’s a fun little video that will probably teach you a few things. It’s just under 6 minutes long so it’s great for watching during a break and it won’t take up a lot of your time. If you like it,…

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The Story and Philosophy Behind the Sith Rule of 2

If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the in-depth areas of the Star Wars Universe then you will like this video series but it’s this episode that we want to talk about today: The Sith Rule of 2. If you don’t know much about this Sith rule, you’re going to learn a lot in this under-10-minute video. Even if you do already know something about the Sith Rule of 2, there’s a good chance you’re going to discover something new today too. The Rule of Two means that there can only be two true Sith Lords at any given time. This rule is actually very important to the survival of the sith. As the video explains, the lack of the rule could destroy the sith. It explains the beginning of Darth Revan, where the Rule of Two came from, and why it’s important. It explains how Revan was caught…

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Sith Academy Pyramid Translated

If you’ve played Sith in SWTOR, there’s a good chance that like me, you wondered what that giant pyramid in the Sith Academy on Korriban says. It’s written in Aurebesh and says: Fear Fear Attracts The Strong The Weak The Innocent The Corrupt Fear is my Ally Fear is Power Credit for the original translation goes to OmniMalev but if you ever want to figure things things out for yourself, there are some great tools to help you do so. First, here is a chart showing the Aurebesh alphabet: And you can find a really cool tool that lets you translate English to Aurebesh at Aurebesh SWTOR Tools. Unless, of course, you already know all the letters by heart!

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