Top 5 Female SITH from Star Wars

While many people know the male Sith lords, fewer people know about the great females of the Sith. This was an equal opportunity universe and there were just as many female powerful Sith as there were male. In fact, some of the females rose to power, overtaking their own masters, or leading independently in their own right. Here’s a great video I happened upon that lists some of the top five female Sith from Star Wars. One reason I love this video so much is that he pretty much picked my picks. If I had to create a top list, it would include the same ladies. In fact, I would have picked the very same one for 1st place.

Darth Cagnes: The Strategic Mastermind

Background and Rise to Power

Darth Cagnes is a lesser-known yet incredibly influential Sith Lord. Her strategic mind and mastery of the dark side allowed her to climb the ranks within the Sith Order. Unlike many of her contemporaries, Cagnes focused more on long-term strategies and manipulation rather than direct confrontation.

Key Achievements and Legacy

Darth Cagnes played a pivotal role in several Sith campaigns, using her intellect to outmaneuver her enemies. Her ability to foresee and plan for multiple outcomes made her a formidable opponent. Cagnes’s legacy is one of cunning and intellectual dominance, demonstrating that sheer power isn’t the only path to greatness within the Sith.

Darth Talon: The Lethal Enforcer

Early Life and Training

Darth Talon is a Twi’lek Sith Lord who served under Darth Krayt during the “Star Wars: Legacy” era. From a young age, she was trained in the ways of the dark side, showing exceptional skill and dedication. Her red skin and intricate Sith tattoos make her an iconic and visually striking character.

Role in the Sith Order

As an enforcer for Darth Krayt, Darth Talon was known for her ruthless efficiency and unwavering loyalty. She carried out many of Krayt’s most dangerous missions, acting as both an assassin and a warrior. Her combat prowess and fierce determination made her one of the most feared Sith of her time.

Impact and Popularity

Darth Talon’s popularity among fans is due in part to her compelling backstory and striking appearance. Her presence in the Star Wars Expanded Universe has cemented her as one of the most memorable female Sith.

Lady Liu Maya: The Sorceress of the Sith

Mystical Beginnings

Lady Liu Maya is renowned for her deep knowledge of Sith alchemy and sorcery. Her background is shrouded in mystery, adding to her enigmatic persona. She dedicated her life to mastering the ancient and dark arts of the Sith.

Contributions to Sith Magic

Liu Maya’s expertise in Sith magic allowed her to create powerful artifacts and perform rituals that enhanced the strength of the Sith Order. Her contributions to the dark side’s mystical knowledge were unparalleled, making her a key figure in the expansion of Sith sorcery.

Enduring Influence

Her legacy continues to influence the practice of dark side magic within the Sith Order. Lady Liu Maya is a testament to the power of knowledge and the dark arts in the Sith’s arsenal.

Darth Zannah: The Heir of Darth Bane

Apprenticeship and Training

Darth Zannah, originally named Rain, became the apprentice of Darth Bane, the founder of the Rule of Two. Under Bane’s tutelage, she honed her skills in Sith sorcery and became a master of the dark side.

Key Traits and Abilities

Zannah is known for her mastery of Sith sorcery, particularly her ability to create terrifying illusions and use dark side tendrils in combat. Her intellectual prowess and patience made her the perfect successor to Darth Bane.

Legacy of the Rule of Two

Darth Zannah’s adherence to the Rule of Two ensured the survival and secrecy of the Sith Order. Her legacy is intertwined with the continuation of Bane’s philosophy, influencing the Sith for generations to come.

Darth Traya: The Teacher and Betrayer

Complex Origins

Darth Traya, also known as Kreia, is one of the most complex and intriguing Sith characters. Originally a Jedi Master, she turned to the dark side and adopted the name Darth Traya. Her character is central to “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.

Philosophy and Teachings

Darth Traya’s philosophy is unique among the Sith. She believed in the necessity of balance between the light and dark sides of the Force and sought to teach her views to her apprentices. Her manipulation and foresight allowed her to control events from the shadows, making her a master of intrigue.

Impact on the Star Wars Universe

Traya’s legacy is one of complexity and depth. Her teachings and actions influenced not only her apprentices but also the broader understanding of the Force. Her story adds a rich layer of philosophical debate to the Star Wars canon.

The title Lady of the Sith is the female equivalent to Lord of the Sith and there have been quite a few of them over the generations of Star Wars lore. You can’t fully discuss the Dark side if you leave out these awesome Dark ladies. So go ahead and give the video below and watch and let us know if you agree with the list. Were there any that were left out? Did your favorites make the list?

“We count down the top 5 female Sith lords known as ladies of the Sith. We discuss the origin and power of these Sith and explore what makes them so dangerous and powerful, in fact some of the most powerful characters in the Star Wars universe.”

Check it out here:

FAQs: Top 5 Female Sith in Star Wars

Who is Darth Cagnes? Darth Cagnes is a Sith Lord known for her strategic mind and mastery of the dark side. She played a significant role in various Sith campaigns, showcasing her power and cunning.

What is Darth Talon known for? Darth Talon is a Twi’lek Sith Lord serving under Darth Krayt in the “Star Wars: Legacy” comics. Recognizable by her red skin and tattoos, she is a skilled assassin and loyal enforcer of Krayt’s Sith Order.

Who is Lady Liu Maya? Lady Liu Maya is a Sith character notable for her adept use of Sith alchemy and sorcery. Her deep understanding of ancient Sith magic sets her apart as a formidable force in the dark side.

What are Darth Zannah’s key characteristics? Darth Zannah, apprentice to Darth Bane, is renowned for her strong command of Sith sorcery and her unwavering commitment to the Rule of Two. Her ability to create illusions and use dark side tendrils makes her a fearsome opponent.

What is unique about Darth Traya? Darth Traya, also known as Kreia, is a Sith Lord from “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.” She is a complex character who manipulates events to teach her views on the Force, embodying both Sith and Jedi philosophies.

How did these female Sith influence the Star Wars universe? Each of these Sith Lords contributed uniquely to the lore and narrative of the Star Wars universe through their power, ideology, and actions. Their stories add depth and complexity to the Sith legacy, showcasing the diversity and ambition within the dark side.


The top 5 female Sith in Star Wars—Darth Cagnes, Darth Talon, Lady Liu Maya, Darth Zannah, and Darth Traya—each bring unique strengths and stories to the dark side. Their legacies continue to inspire and intrigue fans, showcasing the diverse and powerful roles women play in the Sith Order. From strategic masterminds to mystical sorceresses, these characters demonstrate the rich tapestry of the Star Wars universe and the enduring appeal of the dark side.

Lisa Clark

Lisa has been an avid gamer since she was old enough to hold her first controller and a game writer for more than a decade. A child of the Nintendo generation, she believes they just don’t make games like they used to but sometimes, they make them even better! While consoles will always be her first love, Lisa spends most of her gaming time on the PC these days- on MMOs and first-person shooters in particular.