
SWTOR: Best Smuggler Lines and Funny Moments

Are you a big fan of the Smuggler? Of all the characters in SWTOR, the Smuggler may be one of the most fun. The story is great, the dialogue is hilarious, and it’s a good time all around. “If I die, I want to be buried with my ship!” “I only work for one person: ME.” Yes, the Smuggler has some of the best lines in the game. If you haven’t played through the Smuggler storyline yet, this might be a bit spoilery – but if you have, you’ll probably remember these moments as some of your favorites, too. It’s a fun mashup and it comes in under 15 minutes so it’s not like it’s going to take up your whole afternoon to give it a quick watch. If you love the Smuggler, check out this fun video compilation of the best Smuggler lines in SWTOR:  There you have it!…

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SWTOR Class Changes: Lethality Operative / Ruffian Scoundrel

SWTOR Classic: Exploring Realism and Immersion in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Below are the upcoming changes for Lethality and Ruffian along with the notes from the SWTOR dev team on why they are occurring. Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Operative Lethality Corrosive Assault weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Toxic Blast damage Corrosive Assault no longer deals additional damage per poison effect. Instead, Corrosive Assault weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic poison effects Toxic Blast now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage Scoundrel Ruffian Brutal Shots weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Sanguinary Shot damage Brutal Shots no longer deals additional damage per bleed effect. Instead, Brutal Shots weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic bleed effects Sanguinary Shot now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage DevNotes: The Lethality…

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SWTOR: Class Changes: Virulence Sniper/Dirty Fighting Gunslinger

Eric Musco from Bioware has posted a list of the planned changes for Virulence Sniper and Dirty Fightingr coming in Patch 5.3. Class Changes: Virulence Sniper/ Dirty Fighting Gunslinger | 06.23.2017, 07:11 PM Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Sniper Virulence Cull deals 25% less damage Weakening Blast deals 11% more damage, costs 5 energy, and is no longer triggered by weapon damage from Cull Increased Lethal Shot weapon damage by 13% and reduced its poison damage by 35% Toxic Surge deals 20% more damage In addition to its previous effects, Lethal Takedown now also reduces the energy cost of Takedown by 3 Gunslinger Dirty Fighting Wounding Shots deals 25% less damage Hemorrhaging Blast deals 11% more damage, costs 5 energy, and is no longer triggered by weapon damage from Wounding Shots Increased Dirty Blast weapon damage by 13% and…

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Agent / Smuggler Class Changes in SWTOR KOTET

Here are the Class Changes in KOTET for the Agent / Smuggler Classes: Along with the 5 new levels coming in Eternal Throne, each of the Classes are receiving changes including new abilities, new utilities, and more. For this post, let’s talk about the Imperial Agent and Smuggler. This is just a sampling of the changes that are coming with Eternal Throne and are subject to change. Imperial Agent Operative Operatives will notice that some cunning new tricks have been added to their repertoire with Knights of the Eternal Throne. When used under the right circumstances, these new skills and abilities can certainly give the Operative a tactical advantage and make them a dangerous opponent on the battlefield. Here are some of those changes: Toxic Haze: New ability for all Operatives. Execute your Tactical Advantage to drop a canister at your feet which will do persistent AoE damage for 6 seconds. The…

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Smuggler Class Changes in RotHC

BioWare posted a lengthy developer update today, regarding Smuggler Class Changes in Rise of the Hutt cartel.  In this update,  BioWare Senior Designer, Austin Peckenpaugh goes through what to expect: Check out the full developer update over at the official Star Wars: The old republic website here, or read the snipet below:    If you missed any of the other class updates posted this week, you can check the out here: Smuggler Class Changes in RotHC Imperial Agent Class Changes in RotHC Jedi Knight Class Changes in RotHC Sith Warrior Class Changes in RotHC Trooper Class Changes in RotHC Bounty Hunter Class Changes in RotHC Hello everyone. My name is Austin Peckenpaugh, and I’m a Senior Designer on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, responsible for class design and combat systems. As such, I’m here to shed some light on the changes to the Smuggler class in Game Update 2.0. We’ll be writing about recent class changes…

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SWTOR Scapper Smuggler PvP Guide- Understanding Stealth

If you’ve played a stealth character in other MMOs, expect things to be a little different in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The main difference is in the way you engage your target and in the stealth detection. At first, it may seem a little awkward and harder but once you understand the concept, you’ll probably enjoy the gameplay even more, especially if you like a real challenge. Engaging Your Target The way you engage your target is much different from what you’re probably used to. When you engage a single target and they die, you can restealth immediately as long as you have not attacked another target and no one else has attacked you. In this scenario, you’re considered “out of combat” when you send out the deadly blow. However, if you engage someone else or if anyone else engages you before the cool down period is up, you’re…

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