SWTOR Classic: Exploring Realism and Immersion in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

SWTOR Class Changes: Lethality Operative / Ruffian Scoundrel

Below are the upcoming changes for Lethality and Ruffian along with the notes from the SWTOR dev team on why they are occurring.

Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released.


  • Corrosive Assault weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Toxic Blast damage
  • Corrosive Assault no longer deals additional damage per poison effect. Instead, Corrosive Assault weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic poison effects
  • Toxic Blast now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage


  • Brutal Shots weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Sanguinary Shot damage
  • Brutal Shots no longer deals additional damage per bleed effect. Instead, Brutal Shots weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic bleed effects
  • Sanguinary Shot now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage

DevNotes: The Lethality / Ruffian discipline was overperforming, so we made a few changes that lower its DPS down to the appropriate target. Corrosive Assault / Brutal Shots saw the bulk of the changes for Lethality / Ruffian because the ability was responsible for the bulk of the discipline’s damage. The triggered damage from Lethality / Ruffian periodic effects is less than the poison / bleed damage from the Corrosive Assault / Brutal Shots ability which it is replacing, causing overall DPS output to go down.

The increase to Toxic Blast’s / Sanguinary Shot’s cost along with the fact that it is no longer triggered by Corrosive Assault / Brutal Shots weapon damage means that its overall effectiveness has been reduced as well. We increased the energy cost of Toxic Blast / Sanguinary Shot because energy management for Lethality / Ruffian was trivial to the point that Adrenaline Probe / Cool Head and Rifle Shot / Flurry of Bolts often never needed to be used by the discipline.