imperial Agent

SWTOR Class Changes: Medicine Operative / Sawbones Scoundrel

Below you will find the upcoming changes for Medicine and Sawbones coming in Game Update 5.5: Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Operative Kolto Infusion no longer applies a heal over time; instead, the initial heal now heals for 44.51% more Curative Agent now changes Kolto Infusion back to its heal over time version, and the rest of Curative Agent’s effects are unchanged Medicine Each tick of Recuperative Nanotech now heals for 12% less The critical chance bonus given to Diagnostic Scan by Prognosis: Critical is now 10% Accomplished Doctor no longer affects Surgical Probe, and the critical healing bonus it grants to Kolto Injection and Kolto Infusion is now 10%, while its other effect remains unchanged Medical Therapy no longer increases the healing done by periodic effects, but its other effects remain unchanged Durable Meds no longer increases the…

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SWTOR Class Changes: Marksmanship Sniper / Sharpshooter Gunslinger

Below you will find the upcoming changes for Marksmanship and Sharpshooter in Game Update 5.5. Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Sniper Marksmanship Honed Shots now grants a 3% bonus to critical hit chance and damage done by Snipe per stack, down from 5% Gunslinger Sharpshooter Honed Shots now grants a 3% bonus to critical hit chance and damage done by Charged Burst per stack, down from 5% DevNotes: Marksmanship / Gunslinger Sharpshooter was slightly overperforming, so we reduced the critical hit chance and damage of Snipe / Charged Burst by a small amount through a passive, which brought the discipline in line with its DPS target.

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STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Class Changes: Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel

Eric Musco just updated the community about the upcoming changes for Carnage and Combat coming in Game Update 5.4. Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Operative Concealment Acid Blade’s damage has been reduced by 27.78% Collateral Strike’s damage has been reduced by 27.68% Scoundrel Scrapper Flechette Round’s damage has been reduced by 27.78% Flying Fists’ damage has been reduced by 27.68% DevNotes: The Concealment / Scrapper discipline was dealing more DPS than intended, so we made a couple changes to shrink it down a bit. These changes allow the Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel to still deal decent burst damage while having their sustained damage output brought in line with the DPS target.

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SWTOR Class Changes: Lethality Operative / Ruffian Scoundrel

SWTOR Classic: Exploring Realism and Immersion in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Below are the upcoming changes for Lethality and Ruffian along with the notes from the SWTOR dev team on why they are occurring. Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Operative Lethality Corrosive Assault weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Toxic Blast damage Corrosive Assault no longer deals additional damage per poison effect. Instead, Corrosive Assault weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic poison effects Toxic Blast now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage Scoundrel Ruffian Brutal Shots weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Sanguinary Shot damage Brutal Shots no longer deals additional damage per bleed effect. Instead, Brutal Shots weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic bleed effects Sanguinary Shot now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage DevNotes: The Lethality…

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SWTOR: Class Changes: Virulence Sniper/Dirty Fighting Gunslinger

Eric Musco from Bioware has posted a list of the planned changes for Virulence Sniper and Dirty Fightingr coming in Patch 5.3. Class Changes: Virulence Sniper/ Dirty Fighting Gunslinger | 06.23.2017, 07:11 PM Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Sniper Virulence Cull deals 25% less damage Weakening Blast deals 11% more damage, costs 5 energy, and is no longer triggered by weapon damage from Cull Increased Lethal Shot weapon damage by 13% and reduced its poison damage by 35% Toxic Surge deals 20% more damage In addition to its previous effects, Lethal Takedown now also reduces the energy cost of Takedown by 3 Gunslinger Dirty Fighting Wounding Shots deals 25% less damage Hemorrhaging Blast deals 11% more damage, costs 5 energy, and is no longer triggered by weapon damage from Wounding Shots Increased Dirty Blast weapon damage by 13% and…

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Agent / Smuggler Class Changes in SWTOR KOTET

Here are the Class Changes in KOTET for the Agent / Smuggler Classes: Along with the 5 new levels coming in Eternal Throne, each of the Classes are receiving changes including new abilities, new utilities, and more. For this post, let’s talk about the Imperial Agent and Smuggler. This is just a sampling of the changes that are coming with Eternal Throne and are subject to change. Imperial Agent Operative Operatives will notice that some cunning new tricks have been added to their repertoire with Knights of the Eternal Throne. When used under the right circumstances, these new skills and abilities can certainly give the Operative a tactical advantage and make them a dangerous opponent on the battlefield. Here are some of those changes: Toxic Haze: New ability for all Operatives. Execute your Tactical Advantage to drop a canister at your feet which will do persistent AoE damage for 6 seconds. The…

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SWTOR 4.0 Imperial Agent and Smuggler Changes (Video Overview)

In the following 2 videos you can see and hear the details about the recent changes Bioware announced today for the Imperial Agent and Smuggler Classes in Knights of the Fallen Empire, the next Digital Expansion of SWTOR. Narrated and recorded by Vulkk. In a nutshell, players receive 1 new ability at lvl 61, reshuffle of active and passive abilities gained through leveling with no change of their effects (for now) and 3 new Utilities, 1 for each tier. Bioware’s short message and reasoning for these changes: In Game Update 4.0, we wanted to increase the mobility of these formidable combatants in order to allow them to realize their full potential on the battle field, and to make them more difficult to kite. The new Knight/Warrior ability – Blade Blitz/Mad Dash – emphasizes this design intention, and Knight/Warrior players will find that they have an easier time staying on target…

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Imperial Agent Class Story Summary

BioWare posted a Developer Blog yesterday named Hidden Enemies. What you are about to read is an excerpt from the official Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Encyclopedia. It will describe an overview of all 3 Acts of the Imperial Agent Class story. Although we try to avoid them wherever possible, this excerpt will contain spoilers. Please read at your own risk… Prologue After excelling in initial training, a freshly-recruited Imperial Agent is dispatched to the planet Hutta to manipulate a powerful Hutt crime lord named Suudaa Nem’ro into supporting the Empire. Infiltrating Nem’ro’s organization, the agent carries out a series of operations against the Hutt’s top rival, Fa’athra, to earn his trust. The agent then slowly convinces Nem’ro that the Republic is damaging his interests. Despite a series of challenges from suspicious rivals and merciless enemies, the agent succeeds in persuading Nem’ro, winning his support for the Empire. On returning…

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Updates on 2.10 Engineering Sniper / Saboteur Gunslinger Changes

Rob Hinkle have been active on the forums, updating players about Engineering Sniper and Saboteur Gunslinger Changes, comming in game update 2.10 Here is a consolidated list from the forums: Post #1 Focused Feedback Discussion: Engineering Sniper / Saboteur Gunslinger | 08.21.2014, 09:37 AM Hey Gang,Back from vacation and the first thing I see is a big mess I made before I left. I just wanted to hop in here really fast to make a comment on the Plasma Probe damage adjustment from testing versus the patch note. The short answer is: I screwed up the patch note and the 22% was from a previous iteration of changes that we were testing and decided we didn’t like. The values you guys are seeing on PTS is what our current target is, so let’s move forward with the discussion based on that number being the “real” number and talk about any further…

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SWTOR Imperial Agent Operative Leveling Build

Imperial Agents in SWTOR can become one of two advanced classes at level 10, an Operative (DPS / Healing Class) or a Sniper (Ranged DPS). The Operative is a ranged DPS/Healing class with light armor. Operatives have three trees to choose talents from: Medicine (Healing tree), Concealment (DPS tree) and Lethality (a shared DPS tree shared with the Sniper Class). Below Is a new build  from as well as some rotations that you can use while leveling. First off here is how you allocate the points for the build: 3/3 Lethality 2/2 Deadly Directive 2/2 Hit and Run 2/2 Slip Away 1/1 Lethal Injectors 2/2 Corrosive Microbes 2/2 Combat Stims 1/1 Corrosive Grenade 2/2 Cut Down 2/2 Escape Plan 1/1 Lethal Dose 2/2 Lethal Purpose 1/1 Cull 2/2 License To Kill 2/2 Counter Strike 3/3 Devouring Microbes 1/1 Toxic Regulators 1/1 Lingering Toxics 3/3 Fatality 1/1 Weakening Blast 3/3 Imperial Brew 2/2…

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SWTOR Imperial Agent Sniper Leveling Build For 2.1

Here we are again with a build from and this time they have bought us an Imperial Agent Sniper build for leveling. The Imperial Agent Sniper is basically a pure DPS spec class and cunning will be your main stat that you should aim for on all your gear.  However if you have just started the game and you are looking for a strong leveling build for the Sniper this should help you out! Also you will get the point allocation and the rotations that you need: Build 3/3 Marksmanship 2/2 Ballistic Dampers 2/2 Steady Shots 2/2 Precision Ambush 1/1 Heavy Shot 2/2 Zeroing Shots 2/2 Snapshot 1/1 Diversion 1/1 Snipers Nest 1/1 Sector Ranger 1/1 Rapid Fire 2/2 Between The Eyes 1/1 Followthrough 2/2 Recoil Control 2/2 Seek Cover 2/2 Pillbox Sniper 3/3 Imperial Assassin 2/2 Siege Bunker 1/1 Muzzle Fluting 1/1 Headshot 1/1 Portable Bunker 1/1 Sniper Volley 3/3 Gearhead…

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Imperial Agent Class Changes in RotHC

Smugglers are not the only class that got some BioWare attention today. Just like the Smuggler class, BioWare Senior Designer, Austin Peckenpaugh breaks  down all the Imperial Agent class changes that comes with Star Wars: The old republic – Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Check it out over at the official SWTOR Website, or check it out below: If you missed any of the other class updates posted this week, you can check the out here: Smuggler Class Changes in RotHC Imperial Agent Class Changes in RotHC Jedi Knight Class Changes in RotHC Sith Warrior Class Changes in RotHC Trooper Class Changes in RotHC Bounty Hunter Class Changes in RotHC Hello everyone. My name is Austin Peckenpaugh, and I’m a Senior Designer onStar Wars™: The Old Republic™, responsible for class design and combat systems. As such, I’m here to shed some light on the changes to the Imperial Agent class in…

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