Vendors is a new animated series based in the era of Star Wars: The Old Republic made by TheWarpZone. The guys thought it would be fun to explore the lives of the unsung heroes of galaxy, the Vendors. Hope you like this one and stick around for more. At first I was a bit put off…and then the guy got stabbed with the lightsaber. Well done fellas

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TOR TV: Assassin Kills Darth Malgus on Hard mode (Solo)

Darkness Assassin taking down Darth Malgus in HM The False Emporer. Well done for accomplishing such a feat but I can’t shake this feeling of this sort of stuff being unwanted amongst the devs. Being able to solo a HM boss, plus last through enrage with only a companion healer seems a bit too much for a single tank to do. I’m guessing when this news spreads out more, they’ll either do something about soloing HM’s or nerf assassin’s, because I doubt other tanks could accomplish this feat, since Vanguards/PT and JG/SJ have no passive self healing for their stance So after roughly 6 combined hours over 3 days of attempts I finally managed to solo Darth Malgus in HM FE on my Assassin. I just feel I have to show people ;D this is one of the hardest challenges I’ve had on my tank yet (it’s relatively easy though…

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TOR TV: SWTOR Explained: Sith Triumvirate (Pre-Kotor 2)

ZeroTolerence55 returns to make another SWTOR Explained video, this time focusing on the Sith Triumvirate and the state of the galaxy leading up to Knights of the Old Republic 2. We have posted quite a few video from ZeroTolerence55  before, so if you haven’t seem the already you should deffetnly do so. Yout might even learn some lore 🙂 SWTOR Explained: Sith Emperor Backstory SWTOR Explained – Revan’s Backstory (Pre-Kotor) and his involvement in the Mandalorian Wars SWTOR Explained: Revan Part 2 (Jedi Civil War) SWTOR Explained: Knights of the Old Republic Story (Revan Part 3)

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TOR TV: My Sith is a Jerk 8 Correlia’s Reckoning

My apologies my lord, But I forgot all about this “show”. It most be months since we last posted any of  TheDrunkAndThePwned videos, but they are still funny as ever. Here is the latest video, and if you haven’t played the Sith inquisitor yet, you might come across some spoilers. Watching all his videos today, I’m starting to believe this one might be the best of all the “My Sith is a Jerk” videos. The crowd scene edit produced audible laughter.

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TOR TV: Key Binding Guide For All Classes

Having trouble setting up your key binds? Have no fear, elpoetaenmiuq  is hear to help. This guys has made a great video guide on how to setup your abilites effectively. Keybinding things to keys on your keyboard instead of clicking them increases your ability to react to certain situations faster than manually moving your mouse to click on abilities. Some people don’t mind clicking and are faster that way others like myself it is easier to keybind your abilites.

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TOR TV: How to Assemble & Disassemble a Matrix Cube or Relic (Empire)

This is more a guide then a fun swtor machinima. It’s quite interesting though and we haven’t covered this part in our extensive Datacron Guide. This is the Empire Guide. Remember all the coloured matrix shards you’ve been picking up while datacron hunting? THIS is what you do with them. You can use to construct a Matrix Cube (Relic) to be put in the Relic slots on your Character Sheet. Click on the timers below to go straight to the part that you want. 0:23 How to get to the Ancient Assembly Chamber 0:48 Assembling a Matrix Cube 1:51 Disassembling a Matrix Cube Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic

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TOR TV: 30+ Troopers in World PVP.

Alpha Company – the all Trooper guild we posted a video from a few weeks back back, is ad it again with some new all trooper action. This time get to see some PVP action. I had the chance to get talk to one of the soldiers who had the following statement to make: Alpha Company was the best decision I ever made. Why, just this week, I participated in the complete destruction of Imperial forces on the planet of Tatooine, and I even got paid for it! Plus, the medical benefits are totally worth it.

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TOR TV: The Sith Code

Here is an older fanfilm made before SWTOR became mainstream. This video was made by DuduFilm, and uses material from the three cinimatic trailers combined with material from “force unleashed” and material from Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. Add to that the music from X-Men Origins (Magneto’s theme I believe? ), and you have a pretty decent way to present the Sith code: Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me

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TOR TV: Into the Vault – Music Video

This video was mailed to me this morning by.  Kelly Stark from the  pandamonium guild. If that guild name rings a bell, i might be becourse we featured the movie Crimson Nova Girls by them back in april. Now they are back with a new movie called Into the Vault.  The video is a parody video set within the Star Wars: The Old Republic universe. It uses music from Into the Woods and tells the story of Soa from the Eternity Vault operation zone. I had a short chat with Kelly about the movie and this was what she had to say about it: This project was great fun to put together. The video portion of it included a whole host of members from Pandamonium (a guild description is below). They were kind enough to wipe in Eternity Vault over and over and over again for the sake of getting “that perfect shot.” The musical performances…

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TOR TV: Broken Chains Guild Dance Party

This video is original a guild promo, but since I like dancing, I thought it would fit well in our TOR TV segment. Want to upgrade your swtor experience? Why not check out one of the guilds with the highest amount of sexy naked dance parties? If your interested check us out at: Game: SWTOR Faction: Imperial Server: Ajunta Pall (US)

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TOR TV: The Best of HK-47

Alle the talk about our new legacy companion HK-51 made me exited, so I thought it would be apropiate to relive some of the greate moments we had with his great grand farther HK-47. PC Games already had an article about our all time favorite “hunter killer” droid last week, and we did a “Know your lore” article about him back in 2009. You can check it out here, if you need to brush up on your lore. HK-47 was a Hunter-Killer assassin droid and Jedi hunter constructed by Revan towards the end of the Mandalorian Wars to kill those who Revan believed would destabilize the galaxy. Revan gave up the droid shortly before his redemption, and HK-47 went from owner to owner, many of whom he slew himself, before being unwittingly reunited with his master, but that’s all story. You can read much more about that your self here.

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TOR TV: Dubstep and Dancing

It has been a while since we last posted a community created SWTOR movies, there for in honor of it’s Friday we give you not one, but two videos. The first movie is made by Youtube user  antemb and is called “why I play the Old Republic”. The movie is a classic dancing video as enjoyable as the can get. The second movie is made by Edvard Huseby, and represent the cinematic E3 trailers cut together in a dubstep mix.  Check it out: Why I play The Old Republic. Star Wars: The Old Republic – DUBSTEP

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TOR TV: 30 Troopers Fighting Together

This video is original ment as a guild recruitment promo, for the guild  Alpha Company and is basically pure win.  The video is well edited and it is  an achievement in itself that they managed to get 30 people to actually get in straight lines. I read somewhere that they also act as like a rapid response team. One time the imperials were overrunning one of the republic bases on alderaan, and someone whispered to people in fleet that they needed help. Alpha Company responded and had the entire crew show up as one and drive the imperials back, then set up and form a perimeter to guard the base. Very cool 🙂 Anyways, Check out the video below:

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TOR TV: Fan made Jedi Knight Story Trailer

Youtube user  lvl0zilch made this little gem. This is A true labor of love which took about a month to edit together. He  may do this for the other 7 classes. As he says, “It gives me  a good excuse to finally level an imperial character or two… or four. I’m open to suggestions on what to do next including class, species gender.”” The video is Recorded & Edited by Gabriel Deleon as “Norwich’City Football’Club” on The Shadowlands server.

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TOR TV: SWTOR Explained: Knights of the Old Republic Story (Revan Part 3)

xZeroTolerence55x have been busy with exams and work, so it have been a while since his last update. But now he is back, with his highest requested video yet. In this video, he explains the story of Knights of the Old Republic. If you missed out, you can see part one here, were he goes over the back story of Revan pre KOTOR and Revans involvement in the Mandalorian wars.  In part two he explains the jedi civil war. Both awesome videos if you are a lore freak like me 🙂

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TOR TV: Bug’s and Linedance

Searching through Youtube for SWTOR goodies I cam across these two videos. First one is another dancing video, this time by WNxJokazWild. It’s called “Bored in SWTOR: WN Style” and shows half naked aliens dancing. Not quite sure what races to be hornets, but check it out: The other video by ViralPerfection hangs out  Khem Val as a pervert. I can’t stop thinking about what my companions do when I log out the game. I don’t know if it is the heat, ot the fact that we are nearing summer, but today’s videos was a little naughty. Anyways, If you Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature – other then “let’s play SWTOR” Get in contact with us.

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TOR TV: Level 50 PvP Young Guns Music Video

  This Video depicting current level 50 PvP gameplay in Star Wars The Old Republic on the Lord Ieldis server, is created by youtube user John James. The SWTOR community really needs more contributions like this. It’s a great and rally fun video – Body type 4 just makes it amazing :p Check it out:   Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here on swtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us

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TOR TV: Join the Dark Side

DarthZarato is the man responsible for this Sith recruitment video. For some reason I always get a chuckle over Stewie Griffin. Personally I think it’s about time “Blue harvest” meets SWTOR. Hopefully we will se some Robot chicken mash ups in the future also.  Check it out below and let us know what you think. Also, please send over any cool videos you come across. Sharing is caring 🙂

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We haven’t featured ThisIsRefmo stuff, mainly be course she is more into other gems these days, but here are another of her adventures. like the easy mode datacron video we showed a few month ago.   WARNING: If the combination of Refmo and doity woids offends your delicate ears, please do us both a favor and watch anyway. HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY PVP: Use “morale boosters” to support your team mates. They’ll play better and/or kick you from the warzone.  Don’t  SUCK. This was my second time ever doing warzones. The first time I ever pvp’d was back in beta and it was literally a joke (I ran around following Shaz only using Hammer Shot). Basically I’m saying I had no idea what I was doing. Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here on swtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us here

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