TOR TV: Hasting’s Fury Starship Crib!

Following up on yesterdays crips video, I thought it was most appropriate posting “Hasting’s Fury Starship Crib” by the swtorextreme guys. The guys over at swtorextreme are doing an amazing job creating fresh swtor videos every week, so make sure you check out there channel, and check Hastings the jugg in his very own starship crib, the Fury below:

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TOR TV: Bloodvein’s SWTOR Space Crib

I has come to my attention that we forgot to post about this video. This video was  made by BloodveinMovies back in december, just after the game launched. Episode 04: Welcome to my kabooki space palace! Be sure and wipe your feet before entering my love space! Also, this is my first attempt at a SWTOR Machinima. Let me know what you think in the comments below! =]

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TOR TV: Be a Hero

I have known about this videos for month now, but I never knew what to write about it. So today, I drank 6 Carlsberg to make sure I had the “inspiration” I needed to make a cool story about it…. I still have no clue what to write though. The video is strangely cool but  I’m not 100% sure what is is about. Let me know if you get it…

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TOR TV: SWTOR Explained – Revan’s Backstory (Pre-Kotor) and his involvement in the Mandalorian Wars

xZeroTolerence55x is back with a new SWTOR backstory, and this 9 min video is worth a watch/listen. This time he tells the story of one of my all time favorite force user – Revan.  This will be the first part of a series of videos covering the guy. In this first one ZeroTolerence55 covers the details of Revan’s early life, his involvement in the Mandalorian Wars, and the beginning of his descent to the darkside. Check it out below:

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TOR TV: Moves like Twilek

Following up on yesterdays dance moves we got another groovy video for you — This time with  some hot Twilek  bootie. This video was made by German DJ groundhouse. You should really check out his channel, if you are into dubstep, as he got some really nice white labels, you won’t find anywhere else.

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TOR TV: Goodbye Azeroth (I’m Gonna Be A Sith Lord)

This video is fairly old and for some reason it slept under our radar. This song is for anyone who has grinded their life away in WoW and now does the same in SWTOR 😉 Check out the lyrics below the video.   I can’t fight in the Ruins of LordaeranI’m preparing for the day we blow up AlderaanBlow up Alderaan. My days are over as a spellcasterIt’s time for us to strike and kill the Jedi MastersJedi Masters Because I know I’m going to the Dark Side…. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, AzerothI’m gonna sleep inside my tauntaun on Hoth.Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to the HordeI’m gonna be a Sith Lord… If I ever wanna be like Darth Vader,I’ll have to slaughter villages of Tusken RaidersTusken Raiders So I won’t have time to fish in DalaranI’ll be attending the academy on KorribanOn Korriban Because I know I’m going to the…

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TOR TV: The KOTOR Song (time to rumble)

i will be your doo doo, i will be your doom! I never thought I would hear an autotuned wookie…I was wrong. This was awesome. All the SWTOR hype got me wanting to replay KOTOR. And replaying KOTOR got me wanting to remix KOTOR. The instrumental music was all done by me with Logic Pro. Game footage was recorded with Fraps. The video editing was done with Sony Vegas. I usually use Final Cut but I was too lazy to convert the fraps video files to mp4 and move them to the OSX partition of my computer. Maybe someday I’ll be a Machinima director. That would be awesome. But I hope you peeps like this video.

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TOR TV: Ninja Turtles

Here is a funny video captured by elpelu123. As you can see from the video below,  all movements they do synchronize almost perfect, so someone got them self some nice multiboxing software working for SWTOR. This is kinda hilarious, someone is playing with its friends and roll playing the ninja turtles lol!… Oh rly??? Someone with some friends or is just someone????

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TOR TV: Crimson Nova Girls – Music Video

This little jewl is created by pandamonium guild. Pandamonium plays on the Darth Bandon server, and  I’m not 100% sure if this is supposed to be a recruitment Video or just a funny parody.  Musical performance by Kaisa, Kreep, and Wymsical. Starring members of Crimson Nova, a Pandamonium raid team on Darth Bandon: Amawyn, Evonna, Jacky, Kaisa, Kreep, Serena, Spathotan, and Wymsical. Check it out below:

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TOR TV: Like a Voss

Youtube user Fcroaonlk created this SWTOR Parody of  “Like a Boss”.  Fcroaconlk was  featured on SWTOR Strategies back in February with his music video Ode to Corso Riggs. Now he has done it again with a new music video recorded in real life and on  Voss. Hey all, this is my newest project, “”Like a Voss“”, using live action footage as well as game footage to create a semi-close parody of The Lonely Island’s “Like a Boss”. Feel free to give constructive criticism, but try to be nice. I always look to improve. Close captioning is available by hitting the “CC” button on the bottom of the video if you’re having trouble understanding the words. Enjoy!

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TOR TV: Star Wars The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer – Hope – In real life.

A bunch of French fans did the “Hope” trailer In Real Life! Not only is this movie awesome, It also shows the dedication of Die Hard Star Wars fans. I went sith warrior because vette is such an awesome companion but every time I watch the hope trailer I want to go back to my trooper even though he is on a deserted server! Watching this movie was like watching 10 hope trailers at once. Say what you will about the prequel trilogy… but you have to admit the new sound effects it introduced to the SW universe are awesome. One thing I’ve never understood about “Hope” is they have a great ambush position on a ridge and they all jump down Now you’re probably asking why they got a dude to play Satele Shan, but in the youtube comments, they state that they got some breack dance famous guy to play “her”,…

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TOR TV: Richie Branson – Looking For A Group – the music video

Back in January we featured Richie Branson for the first time in this column. Back then we also posted the same song as we are going to feature today, but now the tune “Looking for Group” has it’s own music video. This live-action SWTOR music video aired on the FOX news station in San Antonio this past monday, along with a feature story about the artist who made it. It’s wild to see SWTOR fan-art making it on the evening news. Check out the video below, and the story over at FOX San Antonio

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TOR TV: SWTOR Episode II – The Internet Strikes Back

Khalirei the Creator of “SWTOR Episode I – A NEW MEME” has finally made a sequel to his first EPIC Machinima, But Warning: This time it’s rated M for Manneyus. I especially appreciated the Battlemaster bag and Minecraft scenes. Looking forward to part 3! Take your time, don’t give into pressure from commenters – great ideas sometimes take a while to come along. Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here onswtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us here

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TOR TV: Stealth Run the False Emperor Hardmode

This takes around 4 mins per run for 2 chests! Very fast Credits and loot to sell to the galactic trade network or vendor or even gear up your companions. 1:33 first chest loot, 2:31 second chest loot (On the video)  First chest has 5k to 9.9k credits, second chest has 2k to 6k creds. Can contain blues, oranges and epics aswell. At least 120k/hour purely from the credits. Once you have got both chest, just exit Area and then once outside the instance, Right click on your portrait(Left of your skill bar) and “Reset all active flashpoints” This is very effective. I get around 20 to 25k credits and from 2-5 items every 5-10mins. Got a purple epic helm wich is almost as good as the rakata gear today in the first chest. Definately a yes. Made 300k in under 2 hours by selling green item and from the credits….

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TOR TV: False Emperor Hard Mode – 2 Man

The False Emperor takes place right after the Battle of Ilum and your faction obtaining Darth Severin’s stealth fighter. Your party uses this to invade Darth Malgus’s space station in order to take the fight to him. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! Do not watch this unless you are ready to have the higher levels of Star Wars: The Old Republic shown to you!! Fappy and Dreary of the Krath Server walk you through the False Emperor flashpoint in SWTOR — 2 MAN!

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TOR TV: PTR Patch 1.1.5 – Showing New Crystals, Shader Settings, /Random, & Speeder Price Reduction

This video shows the new PTR Patch 1.1.5 changes where /random functionality, new high-end preorder crystals, very low shader complexity were added and high end speeder costs were reduced. This video was created on February 24th, 2012, the same day the patch was released to the PTR. Any future changes are not reflected within. This is an additional change featured in PTR patch 1.1.5 that showcases the unnamed crystal vendor as well as the items sold by the vendor. This video was created on February 24th, 2012, the same day the patch was released to the PTR. Any future changes are not reflected within.

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TOR TV: Assassin vs. Assassin Duels. Zybak vs. Jerk

Are you wondering about PvP in SWTOR or looking to learn more about assassin vs. assassin duels? For anyone who plays assassin or just wants to learn a bit more about the class in PvP, this is a great video. It’s also fun to watch if you just want to know more about how PvP in SWTOR works. While each class is different in the abilities you can get, this video shows some techniques that are helpful to any player. Uploader Zybak explains the video, “This video is intended to show tips and tricks on how to beat other Assassins/Shadows in 1v1 duels. I duel the best Assassin on the server, Jerk. He is nearly valor rank 80 and has full Battlemaster pvp gear.” Check out the vid:

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TOR TV: Ode to Corso Riggs

Corso Riggs… do you love to hate him? Then you will absolutely love this song, “Ode to Riggs”. Fcroaonlk has created this fantastic song that will give you a lot of laughs. The song is divided into some of his main issues with Corso. The song download link will be available at 1000 views so check it out and share it with your friends, too. It was originally inspired by Suzume_Bachl’s… interesting post on the SWTOR forums. Here are some fun facts about the song: 1) I’m wearing a Yoda shirt that says, “Trust me, a Jedi I am”. 2) This was created with FL Studio, an H4n microphone, iMovie, fraps, and a smart-phone video camera. 3) I have exported this video about… 10-12 times since (a) my computer can’t handle the large video files, so I can’t actually watch it unless I export it and (b) I was working…

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TOR TV: Chocolate Daddy

Laxon from the danish guild Danish Guardians, has created this amusing little dance video. I came by the video over at were they also feature a short interview with the creator.  The video is all shot ingame and is an answer to all the “let’s play swtor” videos on youtube. Both the creator and me agree on that we need more creative and amusing videos rather then all the “watch me play SWTOR” video. Check it out below, and read the interview( in Danish) over at Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here on swtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us here

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Youtube use phpalph made this horror movie of a player waking up at the fleet – all alone – but with the all time most annoying droid in the SWTOR universe to keep you company. The moovie was shot on the server Frostclaw. It has Heavy/Very Heavy population during peak times, but was shot in the morning on a more empty part of the fleet. Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here on swtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us here

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