While some people believed he might be right, most others assumed it was a troll- some SWTOR hater trying to spread a rumor about the game being a flop or something or other…
But very shortly after – perhaps too shortly- we get the news that the game is, in fact, going free to play. So could this anonymous poster have actually been a BioWare employee?
Well, it certainly looks that way but then again, how hard was it to predict the free to play model coming soon? We said it ourselves here long before that anonymous poster. So while it could have been a disgruntled employee, it could have just as easily been a troll posing as such, since it’s not like the information was exactly secret or private.
And what about Stephen Reid interfering? Why did he step in and say it wasn’t true? He doesn’t even work there anymore but I’ve met him face to face and he’s not the kind of person to keep quiet when he thinks something isn’t right. So was he upset that the person was lying or was he upset that he knew it was true and the employee should have kept confidences?
It’s all a he-said, she-said situation since none of us can actually know the truth but it really does make you wonder. Maybe they knew back with Stephen Reid was let go that the game was going free to play and they were all told to keep quiet about it. Maybe the two big layoffs at BioWare Austin were because the game is losing money and the company knows they need to cut where they can and go in another direction.
At the same time… with the new model suspected to bring in lots of new players and subscribers, why would they let so much of their staff go? Aren’t they going to need the staff to manage the new influx of players?
I feel like the whole thing really leaves more unanswered questions rather than resolutions. What’s your take on the whole issue? Was the ‘anonymous employee’ real?