Gear Progression Flowchart

swtor gear flowchart

If you’re trying to gear up in SWTOR and you’re not sure what gear sets are better or which you should be going for next, this simple flow chart will help you out. Sure, there’s not much to it but it gives the perfect visual of the order of progression within the game, as far as gear goes. You should also keep in mind that some levels can be skipped, based on what current gearset you are wearing and how you want to work on gearing up.

Are you all about PvP or PvE? Do you want to do both and be properly geared for both?

Are you the type of player who is just looking to have what you need to skim by or get into a zone or Flashpoint or are you looking to have the best possible gear there is for your class? It’s all about playstyle, your needs and how much time you have to put into it. There are definitely possibilities for skipping gear sets in the current progression model but it all depends on your personal preference and what you’re going for.

It also depends on who you’re playing with and what content you’ll be doing. For example, if you have a guild or some friends who are better geared and willing to carry you a little, you can probably skip over a gear set and on to the one you really want and save time. But if you’re pugging it and you’re undergeared, you’re going to find the process slow and frustrating. So again, every scenario is different but this flow chart is a nice, basic guideline.

How about you- did you follow the flow chart design or skip over certain gear sets?

gear progression flowchart

Gear Progression Flowchart in SWTOR: FAQ Guide

Understanding the gear progression in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) can be complex, especially with the various updates and changes over time. This guide, presented in an FAQ format, will help clarify the gear progression process, making it easier for you to navigate and optimize your character’s gear.

What is the starting point for gearing at level 80?

When you reach level 80, the first step is to pick up the Legendary Implants quest and begin working on it. Completing personal Conquest objectives to earn Conquest Commendations will also set you on the right path. Use these commendations to buy a full set of basic green 324 Conquest gear.

What are the main gear progression paths in SWTOR?

There are multiple paths for gear progression depending on your preferred gameplay:

  1. Conquest Path: Ideal for solo players, this path allows you to obtain gear up to item-rating 336 by completing Conquest objectives.
  2. Flashpoint Path: By running Flashpoints, you can acquire and upgrade gear pieces through Flashpoint Stabilizers.
  3. Operations Path: Running Operations, especially in harder modes, provides access to higher item-rating gear and more powerful upgrades.
  4. PvP Path: Participating in PvP activities rewards you with gear suitable for PvP combat, typically up to item-rating 332​.

How do I upgrade my gear?

To upgrade your gear, follow these steps:

  1. Weekly Boxes: Completing weekly missions will grant you boxes containing gear that is an upgrade over your current lowest item-rating piece. The rarity and type of gear depend on the content difficulty.
  2. Hyde and Zeek: These vendors allow you to purchase mods for credits after completing specific deconstruction missions. This method is crucial for reaching the highest gear levels.
  3. Manual Upgrades: You can upgrade specific gear pieces by visiting the appropriate vendors and using the required currencies​.

What currencies are needed for gear upgrades?

Gearing in SWTOR involves several currencies:

  1. Conquest Commendations: Earned through Conquest and various activities, used for purchasing and upgrading Conquest gear.
  2. Flashpoint Stabilizers: Earned from Flashpoints, used for Flashpoint gear.
  3. Tech Fragments: A versatile currency used for purchasing various items including Tactical gear and crafting schematics.
  4. OP-1 Catalysts: Obtained from Operations, used to purchase high-end gear.

What are the differences between green, blue, and purple gear?

  • Green Gear: Basic gear with a standard stat distribution.
  • Blue Gear: Improved gear with better overall stats and distribution compared to green gear.
  • Purple Gear: Superior gear with the best stat distribution, often requiring participation in more challenging content like Operations or high-tier PvP.

How do Tactical Items and Legendary Implants fit into gearing?

  • Tactical Items: These items enhance specific abilities and are crucial for optimizing your character’s performance. They are purchased with Tech Fragments and credits and do not require upgrades.
  • Legendary Implants: These implants provide significant boosts and can be upgraded over time using Tech Fragments, Medals of Commendation, and credits​.

Can I switch gear tracks or upgrade gear from different paths?

You cannot directly upgrade gear from one path using another path’s vendors. For instance, Conquest gear must be upgraded using Conquest Commendations. However, you can use lower-tier gear from one path to help you progress faster in another path by equipping the highest available item-rating gear before earning new gear from a different path.

How do I get the best gear in the game?

To obtain the highest item-rating gear (338-340), you will need to participate in the most challenging content, such as the R-4 Anomaly Operation in its hardest mode. Combining gear from various tracks and upgrading them through their respective vendors and missions is key to reaching the top gear levels​.

By following this guide and understanding the gear progression flowchart, you can efficiently gear up your character to tackle the most challenging content SWTOR has to offer. For detailed charts and further information, visit comprehensive guides like those on.

Lisa Clark

Lisa has been an avid gamer since she was old enough to hold her first controller and a game writer for more than a decade. A child of the Nintendo generation, she believes they just don’t make games like they used to but sometimes, they make them even better! While consoles will always be her first love, Lisa spends most of her gaming time on the PC these days- on MMOs and first-person shooters in particular.