Lucasfilm remasters the original trailer for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace for its 25th anniversary, enhancing visuals and audio.

Lucasfilm Remasters Original Trailer for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Lucasfilm has remastered the original trailer for “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” in celebration of its 25th anniversary. This new version of the trailer enhances the visual and audio quality, bringing a fresh experience to both long-time fans and new viewers.

Released in 1999, “The Phantom Menace” marked the beginning of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, introducing iconic characters such as young Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the sinister Darth Maul. The remastered trailer, which Lucasfilm shared on social media, revives the excitement of the film’s original release with improved clarity and detail.

The 25th-anniversary celebration also includes the return of “The Phantom Menace” to theaters, allowing fans to experience the movie on the big screen once again. This theatrical re-release is accompanied by exclusive behind-the-scenes content, including storyboard sequences and director insights, enriching the nostalgia for this milestone event​.

For fans looking to immerse themselves further, the celebration coincides with the release of new LEGO Star Wars sets, including a detailed Mos Espa Podrace Diorama and a Droideka set, adding to the festive spirit of Star Wars Day​​.

This remastered trailer and the accompanying anniversary events highlight the enduring legacy of “The Phantom Menace” and its significance in the Star Wars saga, inviting a new generation to explore the origins of the epic space opera.