How To Play Sabacc In Star Wars Outlaws

Mastering the Art of Cheating in Kessel Sabacc: Star Wars Outlaws Guide

In the expansive, open-world universe of Star Wars Outlaws, your journey is filled with dangerous explorations, bounty missions from the galaxy’s most notorious crime syndicates, and exhilarating dogfights. But amidst all the action, there’s a chance to sit down, catch your breath, and maybe make a few extra credits—or lose them—in a game of Kessel Sabacc.

Sabacc is the galaxy’s favorite card game, a thrilling blend of blackjack and poker with high stakes and even higher risks. But what if luck isn’t on your side? Well, sometimes, a little underhanded behavior is necessary, especially when you’ve got a furry friend to help. Let’s dive into the shady world of cheating at Kessel Sabacc in Star Wars Outlaws.

The High-Stakes World of Kessel Sabacc

Before we get to the sneaky stuff, let’s talk about what makes Kessel Sabacc so enticing. As a minigame in Star Wars Outlaws, Kessel Sabacc isn’t just a fun distraction—it’s a way to earn credits and respect across the galaxy. Winning takes a combination of skill, strategy, and a healthy dose of luck. But if luck isn’t on your side, you might need to rely on a different set of skills.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about cheating at Kessel Sabacc using your loyal companion, Nix. Plus, we’ll share a few tips to help you win without resorting to dishonorable tactics—if that’s your style.

How to Cheat at Kessel Sabacc in Star Wars Outlaws

Step 1: Understanding Your Cheating Tools

When you start a game of Kessel Sabacc, you’ll notice three slots that represent the cheats available to you. Right from the beginning of the game, Nix—your trusty merqaal companion—is ready to help you tip the odds in your favor.

Nix isn’t just good for pickpocketing, distracting enemies, or fetching out-of-reach items; he’s also your secret weapon at the Sabacc table. Here’s how to use him:

Step 2: Send Nix to Peek at Opponents’ Hands

During your turn, you can choose to send Nix to peek at your opponents’ cards. This sneaky move gives you valuable insight into what your competition is holding, allowing you to strategize better and make more informed decisions.

However, this isn’t a free pass to victory. A mini-game mechanic will pop up on the screen where you must line up a decreasing circle within a marked zone. Nail this, and Nix will move to the next player to gather more intel. Fail, and you risk raising suspicion among the other players.

Step 3: Weigh the Risks of Cheating

Every time you cheat, you’re rolling the dice. If Nix successfully gathers intel, you’ll see the information displayed at the top of your screen—but only for that hand. Get caught, though, and your opponents will start getting suspicious. Push your luck too far, and you could be banned from the table, forced to wait until the heat dies down before you can play again.

Remember, cheating is a high-risk, high-reward strategy. It might be worth it if there’s a mountain of credits on the line or if you’re holding a particularly bad hand. But sometimes, discretion is the better part of valor.

Kessel Sabacc Tips: Winning Without Cheating

If cheating feels a bit too shady for your taste, there are still plenty of ways to up your game in Kessel Sabacc. Here are some tips to help you win fair and square:

Keep an Eye on Discarded Cards

Luck plays a significant role in Kessel Sabacc, but paying attention to discarded cards can give you a strategic edge. After each turn, you can pick up the most recently discarded card. Even if you choose not to take it, seeing what was discarded can give you clues about the previous player’s hand.

Learn the Icons

Each card in Sabacc has different icons representing various values and suits. Familiarizing yourself with these icons can help you quickly assess the strength of your opponents’ hands based on the cards they’re discarding.

Patience Pays Off

Sometimes, the best move is no move at all. Knowing when to fold and when to push your luck is key in Sabacc. If your hand isn’t strong, biding your time and waiting for better opportunities can be just as effective as cheating.

Final Thoughts

Whether you choose to play fair or dabble in a bit of dishonesty, Kessel Sabacc in Star Wars Outlaws offers a thrilling way to immerse yourself even deeper into the game’s rich universe. Just remember, in the underworld, sometimes you have to cheat to win—but be prepared to face the consequences if you’re caught.

Good luck at the table, and may the odds—or your cheating skills—be ever in your favor!

Want More Tips?

If you’re enjoying the rebellious life, check out our other guides. If you’re on the fence whether to get the game, go check out our review here.

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