Star Wars Outlaws Adds Its Voice to the "Han Shot First" Debate

Star Wars Outlaws Adds Its Voice to the “Han Shot First” Debate

Star Wars has been a cultural phenomenon for decades, with fans passionately debating everything from character arcs to the smallest plot details. One of the most heated debates centers around the infamous encounter between Han Solo and Greedo in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Who really shot first? This question has sparked arguments ever since George Lucas made changes to the original scene in the 1997 Special Edition of Star Wars: A New Hope.

The Han vs. Greedo Debate: A Quick Recap

The Han vs. Greedo Debate: A Quick Recap

In the original 1977 release of A New Hope, Han Solo is portrayed as the quick-drawing scoundrel who shoots Greedo before the Rodian bounty hunter has a chance to react. However, in the 1997 Special Edition, George Lucas altered the scene so that Greedo shoots at Han first—and misses—before Han fires back, a change that many fans felt diluted Han’s rogue nature. This revision has led to the long-standing “Han shot first” controversy among Star Wars enthusiasts.

Star Wars Outlaws Weighs In

In an unexpected twist, the newly released Star Wars Outlaws has subtly joined the debate. A clever Easter egg found in the Mos Eisley Cantina hints at the game’s stance on the issue. Reddit user Forestfee first noticed a black scorch mark on the wall behind the booth where Han Solo sat during his encounter with Greedo. This mark strongly suggests that Greedo did, in fact, take a shot at Han, aligning with the revised version of the scene where Greedo shoots first.

A Nod to Canon and Pop Culture

The decision by Star Wars Outlaws to include this detail seems to confirm that the game is embracing the official, George Lucas-approved narrative where Greedo fires first. This is a fun, albeit small, acknowledgment of one of the most iconic debates in Star Wars history, and it’s a perfect example of the game’s dedication to including deep lore and references for fans to discover.

Easter Eggs Galore in Star Wars Outlaws

Easter Eggs Galore in Star Wars Outlaws

The Greedo shot Easter egg is just one of many hidden gems scattered throughout Star Wars Outlaws. The game is packed with references that die-hard fans will appreciate. For instance, you can visit Tosche Station, a location famously mentioned by Luke Skywalker, and discover other surprises that celebrate the vast Star Wars universe. Plus, your adorable companion Nix has a few tricks up his sleeve—try shooting at him, and he might just play dead.

Conclusion: The Debate Lives On

While Star Wars Outlaws may have subtly picked a side in the “Han shot first” debate, the discussion is far from over among fans. Whether you’re team Han or team Greedo, the game offers plenty of nods to Star Wars lore that are sure to delight both sides. So, next time you find yourself in Mos Eisley Cantina, take a moment to appreciate the little details that make the galaxy far, far away feel so close to home.

Want More Tips?

If you’re enjoying the rebellious life, check out our other guides. If you’re on the fence whether to get the game, go check out our review here.

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