Nar Shaddaa

Get Ready for the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event in Star Wars: The Old Republic!

Get ready for the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event

Attention, Star Wars: The Old Republic players! The highly anticipated Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is back, bringing a slew of exciting rewards and activities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the galaxy, this event offers something for everyone. Let’s dive into the details and see what awaits you on Nar Shaddaa. Event Overview What is the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event? The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is a limited-time event where players can test their luck in the vibrant casinos of Nar Shaddaa. From slot machines to unique rewards, this event is all about embracing the high-stakes lifestyle of the galaxy’s underworld. Duration of the Event The event runs from July 9th to August 20th, giving players six weeks to participate and earn exclusive rewards. Exclusive Rewards High Stakes Squadron Helmet One of the standout rewards is the High Stakes Squadron Helmet. This stylish piece can be obtained from…

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The Nightlife of Nar Shaddaa

The Night life of Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa, also known as the “Smuggler’s Moon,” is a moon of the planet Nal Hutta and a haven for all sorts of criminal activity. It is home to many casinos and other forms of entertainment, all catering to the most disreputable elements of society. The casinos of Nar Shaddaa are lavish and opulent, with bright lights, flashy decorations, and endless rows of gambling tables and slot machines. Many of these establishments are owned by powerful crime lords, who use the casinos as a way to launder their illicit credits and gain even more power and influence. The night life on Nar Shaddaa is equally decadent, with a wide variety of clubs, bars, and other venues offering everything from exotic dances and holographic shows to underground fighting pits and illegal spice dens. Despite the danger and seediness of Nar Shaddaa, it is a place that many beings are drawn to,…

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How BioWare Should Improve the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event

Having launched in 2008, Star Wars: The Old Republic has enjoyed sustained success through regular events and DLC expansions. The developers, BioWare Austin, have explored many corners of the galaxy, but the one event that they seem to go all-in on each year is Nar Shaddaa Nightlife. Once again this year, Nar Shaddaa Nightlife has been a hit, bringing in a whole heap of appealing items to be won in its casino games, but overall, the formula remains much of the same. So, after so many years of this event clearly being a hit, how can it get better? 2022 Nar Shaddaa Nightlife delivers on the potential rewards Taking place on Mek-Sha, this year’s Nar Shaddaa Nightlife in-game event changes the scenery, expands the gaming options, and loads up on potential prizes. Among the big hitters include Kingpin’s Predator and Grigna Mount, Gammorean Bodyguard Companions, Proud Pritarr Cub, a Replica…

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SWTOR: Test your luck during the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event!

The guys over at BioWare Austine just annonced that the annual summer event, Nar Shaddaa Nightlife, is back! Test your luck at the Nar Shaddaa casinos starting August 2nd at 12:00 PM UTC until September 13th at 12:00 PM UTC. Last year, we introduced a stylish new reward, the High Roller Shades. For the new edition of this event, we’re introducing new rewards inspired by this item: the High Roller Weapons! These new rewards can be obtainable by testing your luck on the Emperor’s Grace Slot Machine, located in the main areas of the Star Cluster and Club Vertica Casinos. 00:08/00:10(Visor effect changes when entering combat stance.) (Picture above show the High Roller Weapons. From left to right bottom: High Roller Blaster Pistol, High Roller Blaster Rifle, High Roller Cannon, High Roller Sniper Rifle, High Roller Lightsaber, and High Roller Lightstaff.) In addition to these new weapons, we’ve added the…

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Tales from Nar Shaddaa

“<Krobok kill gang, smash droids, get much credits and weapons. Krobok do good?>” “Well, Krobok – their leader surrendered, but you killed him before we could interrogate him. We still need to figure out their shipping schedule somehow.” “<But…Krobok smash gang all away – Krobok no do good?>” *sighs* “Krobok did good.” And so the story begins… Ok, we have written before about how we absolutely love these! Now we are happy to bring you “Tales from Nar Shaddaa” and the special Bonus Series this time. They come to us from ThaBenMan on Reddit, who says he loves making them and will be continuing the series. We can’t wait to see more. How about you? Do you know of another SWTOR fan doing something awesome like this? If so, drop us a line and let us know. We want to share it with all the readers! — What happens when…

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Nar Shaddaa Datacron Locations

Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of Nal Hutta. More commonly known as the Vertical City, the Smuggler’s Moon and Little Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa was similar to Coruscant in that its surface was entirely overgrown with city sprawl since 24,500 BBY But unlike Coruscant – which was only relatively dangerous on the lower levels of the world city –Nar Shaddaa was filthy, polluted, and infested with crime throughout. Read more about the planet here, and check out the Datacron guide below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic 33 – [Aim +3]  X:-3361 Y:3313– To obtain this Datacron look for a street lamp with support cables attached to it. Go north and around the corner. Look for some stacked crates with the top even with a brown street canvas. Climb the crates, and get onto the canvas. From there go up the support…

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Facebook Image of the Week #40

BioWare have updated there facebook fanpage with a new screenshot. This time we get to see the beauty of Nar Shaddaa Upper City. These Screenshots is getting less and less interesting as we can pretty much se the game by our self now, but we will keep you updated on these images until the game comes out. Though Nar Shaddaa’s upper city is ablaze with brightly colored neon lights, the lower cities of the Smuggler’s Moon are rife with danger.

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TOR TV: Sith Inquisition on Nar Shaddaa

The Sith Inquisition have submitted 3 beta videos showing some action on the smugglers moon of Nar Shaddaa. These vidio’s introduces us to the basic story premise of what the Sith Inquisitor is up to on this planet, as well as some space mission action in the last of the 3 videos. Unfortunately they are recorded on a pretty crappy computer ( I belive it’s recorded on a lab top), but the commentary adds up for most of it. Check it out below:

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Planets of Star Wars the old republic: Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of Nal Hutta. More commonly known as the Vertical City, the Smuggler’s Moon and Little Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa was similar to Coruscant in that its surface was entirely overgrown with city sprawl since 24,500 BBY But unlike Coruscant – which was only relatively dangerous on the lower levels of the world city – Nar Shaddaa was filthy, polluted, and infested with crime throughout. History When the Hutts left their homeworld of Varl, they displaced the Evocii, native to Nal Hutta, to Nar Shaddaa in 25,000 BBY and immediately destroyed the remaining Evocii agriculture after the Evocii’s eviction from their own homeworld. Eventually the moon was annexed by the Hutts, who started to force the Evocii into slave labor, building spaceports and docking bays across its surface, some stretching out into orbit. Although the moon’s urbanized construction had just started, it quickly began to prosper,…

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Faction lore: The Exchange

The Exchange was a criminal organization active around 4,000 BBY, and possibly the most powerful of its time, that dealt in spice smuggling, extortion, weapon trafficking, slave trading, and bounty hunting. The organization was active on many planets and employed notorious bounty hunters such as Calo Nord. During the First Jedi Purge, they posted a huge bounty on live Jedi, large enough to purchase an entire planet. 300 years later, during the Cold War, the Exchange was engaged in a galaxy spanning crime war with the Hutt Cartel centring on Nar Shaddaa. History The organization was active on many planets and employed notorious bounty hunters such as Calo Nord. Some branch heads included Davik Kang, the crime lord of the planet Taris, Loppak Slusk of Telos IV, and Goto of Nar Shaddaa. The Exchange was an extremely powerful criminal organization that operated throughout much of the Outer Rim Territories. The…

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Nar Shaddaa: Crowning Jewel of the Underworld

This Friday’s update brings us a new playable planet:  Nar Shaddaa. To me, a surprising one, as I thought there would be no more planets left, then Corellia. Nar Shaddaa also featured in KotOR 2, so it will be an interesting planet to (re-)visit, though I must admit that I’m not entirely sure what it offers that other planets don’t already offer. With Coruscant already in the game we have a city planet and with Hutta we already have a crime capitol. But here it is: Circling the planet Hutta is its largest moon – Nar Shaddaa, the ultimate corrupt city. Dominated by underworld concerns and owned by the Hutts, this sprawling mass of skyscrapers is considered one of the most dangerous and exciting places in the galaxy, where anything can be had for the right price. Access the HoloNet to learn more about Nar Shaddaa. Check out this video…

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