cinematic trailer

SWTOR: Behind the Scenes Look at Cool Cinematics

The guys over at BioWare Austin postet a lengthy blogpost explaining how the kick ass cinematics the game is known for is made. Ashley Ruhl has the mike: Hello SWTOR community! My name is Ashley Ruhl, and I’m the Lead Cinematic Designer on Star Wars: The Old Republic. We’re very excited to be celebrating SWTOR’s 10th anniversary this year, and I’m here to give a nostalgic retrospective on the world of SWTOR cinematics: a little behind-the-scenes about how we create, where we’ve been, and where we hope to go in the future. ““Cinematic Designer” is a unique role in games, and the responsibilities vary by project. For SWTOR, a Cinematic Designer is like a director, actor, and editor rolled into one. We take recorded scripts from our narrative team and create them visually. We set stages, place actors, decide where the action starts and stops, and create acting performances from a…

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E3: ‘Return’ New SWTOR Cinematic Trailer Unveiled

Finally it’s here, the info we’ve been waiting for- another peak at SWTOR! If you weren’t already dying to play this game, then you will after this 6-minute cinematic. “For over a thousand years, the Sith were thought to be extinct after a grave defeat in an ancient war. But a select few survived, fleeing to unknown regions to escape Republic forces. In the centuries since, the Sith have prepared; rebuilding their Empire for the day they would make their return to reclaim what was once theirs and take their revenge on the Republic. Watch the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Intro Cinematic Video to see the dramatic reappearance of the Jedi Order’s most ancient and terrible of enemies. At the EA E3 2011 Press Conference, we saw a mashup of all three trailers so if you’re wondering where that new footage came from, it was from this official, intro…

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The jedi depicted in the Hope trailer finally confirmed as Satele Shan.

Many people have speculated about who the girl fighting Darh Malgus in last years hope trailer is. Yesterday Alexander Freed from BioWare confirmed that the girl was no other then Satele Shan: There’s been a lot of (understandable) confusion about Satele Shan, so I figured I’d clarify a few points: First, yes–Satele Shan is the Jedi depicted in the Hope trailer. When Satele originally appeared in the Threat of Peace comics, her appearance wasn’t yet final in-game. Ultimately, we’ve gone in a different visual direction for the character, and you’ll be seeing more consistent portrayals in the future. (One of the perils of releasing information–even seemingly innocuous information–so early!) Second, regarding Satele’s age and experience–at the Battle of Alderaan, Satele is a fully trained Jedi Knight. By the time Threat of Peace rolls around, she’s had significant real-world experience and trained under several Jedi Masters, Dar’Nala included; she’s a candidate…

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Deceived Novel Trailer

The official The Old Republic website finaly posted a trailer for the upcoming novel Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived. The book is written by Paul S. Kemp, release-date: March 22. You can read 3 except of the book here, here and here and check out the trailer below The book is currently availible for 3.92$ on amazon Over 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader, another Sith Lord’s name commanded fear and respect across the galaxy: Darth Malgus. The mysterious Sith Lord orchestrated the destruction of a prominent Jedi Temple, setting the stage for the tenuous peace of the Treaty of Coruscant. In Deceived, you’ll learn the story of Darth Malgus and his rise to power. Delve into the dark secrets and history that shaped one of the most powerful Sith Lords the Old Republic would ever know… Deceived is a novel set in the Old Republic and written…

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The official gameplay trailer for The Force Unleashed 2

The official gameplay trailer for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 has been released exclusively through Yahoo and looks pretty good. The quality of the video on the other hand is sub-par for some reason. An exclusive release of a video should be of good quality, and I hope no company makes this mistake again. Hopefully we will have a better one soon. The official facebook page also revealed that there will be a Demo on the PSN next Tuesday, Oct. 12th, while the full game will be released on Oct. 26th.

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Blur Studio to Create Cinematic Scenes in Star Wars: The old republic

Alessandro Baldasseroni, character modeler and texture/shader artist for Blur Studio, revealed some interesting information regarding Star Wars: The Old Republic, during an interview with EUCast. While Baldasseroni could not confirm if the previous cinematic trailers would be included in the game, he did say “but for sure we are going to do more like, in game cinematics of this kind, with this kind of style for the game itself.” Scenes in The Old Republic that are similar to the cinematic trailers are definitely something to look forward to. Baldasseroni worked on designs for characters like Darth Malgus, the Sith Lord that appears in both trailers. Baldasseroni also hinted at more trailers or other work by Blur Studios for TOR, but could not go into further detail. The entire interview will be released in Monday’s episode of EUCast.

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“Hope” Video Dissection

The guys over at Torocast made a video Dissection of the new cinematic trailer for Bioware’s MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic.  “Hope” Eaven though it lacks quite a bit of things, it’s still a great watch. Having buffering issues or just don’t like Vimeo? Watch on as well!

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EA’s E3 2010 Press Conference Roundup

EA’s press conference for this year’s E3 just finished… and as expected it finished with a smashing The Old Republic cinematic trailer. I Just wanted to put together a quick post that details the things we’ve discovered today, the day BEFORE E3 officially begins! Player Ships! IGN UK revealed through their play with the Smuggler that each class will get their own ship, and it will be highly customizeable. Though they didn’t go into more detail than that I suspect (as I have for a long time) that ships will function much the same as your ship did in the first two KotOR games… a place where your companions hang out, from where you can travel to other planets, and perhaps for things like crafting. Now, they don’t say anything about space combat but if the ships are highlyg customiseable, that’s likely to mean other people will be able to…

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G4TV To Debut TOR Trailer Tomorrow?

G4 TV officially starts their live E3 broadcast coverage at 3pm Pacific time tomorrow, Monday June 15th. Interestingly, this just so happens to coincide with the end of the countdown timer on the home page of the official Star Wars: The Old Republic site. While we already know that G4 won’t be doing their promised 30-minute coverage of The Old Republic until Tuesday, this does make it likely that the new cinematic trailer will be revealed between the hours of 3:30pm and 6:00pm, which is after the EA press conference.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic e3 2010 preview trailer

Recorded from ‘Spike TV’ as a behind the scenes look at the brand new Star Wars: The Old Republic e3 2010 trailer due for release at e3 2010. After the breath taking ‘Deceived’ trailer, Blur studios have been working hard for this new installment. Expect to see HUGE ground battles, Havoc Squad as the battle rages on Alderaan. Update:  G4‘s Attack of the Show features/previews The Old Republic with some gameplay video…  

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Star Wars: The Old Republic cinematic trailer

The Sacking of Coruscant. It was the crowning achievement of the Sith Empires ambitious military strategy and the moment that changed the history of the Old Republic forever. You may have read about it before, but our first cinematic trailer captures this event with breathtaking action and beautiful detail. Republic leaders have traveled to Alderaan to engage in promised peace talks with the Sith Empire. The most powerful Jedi have accompanied them to safeguard against an Imperial deception. The Empires real motive, however, was simply to lure the Republics strongest defenders away from Coruscant and set the stage for an audacious attack. Under the command of Lord Angral, the Sith fleet approaches the Republics capital planet for the first time in centuries. In advance of the fleet, the strongest Sith Warriors have flown a stolen Republic ship into Coruscants orbit. Their mission is critical to destroy the planets defense grid…

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