Old Republic Action Figures Incoming?

A new rumor is floating around and creating a lot of talk amongst Star War fans. RebelScum, from the “Star Wars action figure site”, has passed on a rumor that he’s heard recently concerning new action figures for Star War fans to collect. Rumor has it that a new Hasbro video game pack containing five action figures is on the way to being a reality. It’s believed this action figure set will be taken from either “The Force Unleashed II” or “The Old Republic”. You can refer to Hasbro confirms The Old Republic action figures, to read where this issue has been discussed before, in which Hasbro’s Derryl DePriest confirmed plans to create action figures from one of these two video games in the near future. It looks as if now these plans may be taking shape. The question on everyone’s mind is which characters will be selected? Could it…

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Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode III – Force Unleashed Sketch has posted a pretty funny Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III video promoting the release of The Force Unleashed II. The video has only been available at the official Star Wars site here, but doing xmas, it has found it’s way to youtube. As the shift change on the Death Star passes, Stormtroopers head back to the barracks and others head out to their posts. Their one stop in common is the Imperial Cafeteria. Here, one lone coffee maker sits. Empty. Used. Un-refilled. Destined to serve millions of cups of coffee a day across the space station, the promise of the device remains unfulfilled. And Vader is not a morning person.

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Kill Chewbacca & Han Solo with The Force Unleashed 2 DLC

It’s no secret that both Harrison Ford and writer Lawrence Kasdan wanted to kill off Han solo in the last act of Return of the Jedi. George Lucas was against it though, so Han Solo stayed alive, and got the girl in the end. Since then George Lucas has changed his mind.  Star Wars: The force unleashed II: Endor bonus Mission, let’s you – not only slaughter shit loads of Ewoks – you also get to cold blooded murder of Han, Chewie And Leia. The video is below, if you needed something to scream “nooooooooo” at. I heard there’s also downloadable content which lets you play a character who looks like you as a child, and then an NPC who looks like George Lucas rolls in on a golf cart and rapes your character. Just what I heard.

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The Force Unleashed II Endor Bonus Mission is available for download

Remember those furry things from Return of the Jedi? Well now you get to kill them! After the past 2 “What if” scenario’s featured in the original Force Unleashed, LucasArts has decided to try another scenario. What if Starkiller went back to Vader? The possibilities are endless! To make it easier for our inconceivable minds, LucasArts has picked the Battle of Endor which will feature Han Solo, Chewbacca, and a lightsaber wielding Leia. The pack is released on both PSN and XBL today, alongside a character skin pack. Check out more here, and see the trailer below courtesy of Gamespot.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Facebook Application – Escape from Kamino

Star Wars fan will be delighted to know that along with the release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II comes another game. Lucas Arts and Activision join the world of Facebook game applications with Escape from Kamino. A retro-styled game that bring players further into the world of Star Wars. Lucas Arts and Activision are proud to announce the launch of the official Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Facebook application. This new retro styled game called “Escape from Kamino” follows the opening sequence that many TFU fans have played already in the TFU2 demo, at the same time tapping into the viral nature of Facebook by allowing you to challenge your friends and other players internationally. Within the game you can choose to play as lead character Starkiller and attempt to escape the clutches of the Evil Empire, or become Boba Fett and hunt for the cloned Jedi…

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Video Review: The Force Unleashed

A few days ago we posted Lord Iurus amazing review of Sean Williams new book: The Force Unleashed. “The Lord” has now put together a video Review of the same book. A excellent view, I recommend you to check out – if you plan to read the book or play the game. Edit:  “The Lord” informs us that he’s only  the editor of the review; it was written and posted by Sith Jammies. You can check out Jammies website Here. Lord Iurus of, maintains an ongoing look back at the Expanded Universe, “A Long Time Ago”, as well as providing Spoiler Free reviews a week before most major Star Wars releases, in addition to the other reviews found at his blog.

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The official gameplay trailer for The Force Unleashed 2

The official gameplay trailer for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 has been released exclusively through Yahoo and looks pretty good. The quality of the video on the other hand is sub-par for some reason. An exclusive release of a video should be of good quality, and I hope no company makes this mistake again. Hopefully we will have a better one soon. The official facebook page also revealed that there will be a Demo on the PSN next Tuesday, Oct. 12th, while the full game will be released on Oct. 26th.

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Review: The Force Unleashed II by Sean Williams

The following review was written by Lord Iurus of, where he maintains an ongoing look back at the Expanded Universe, “A Long Time Ago”, as well as providing Spoiler Free reviews a week before most major Star Wars releases, in addition to the other reviews found at his blog.  The original review was posted here. “A Jedi can sometimes sense visions of the future.” “Have you ever done this before?” “I’ve never been a Jedi before.” I’m sitting here in an underground bunker on Malastare. The Hutts are ticked off. Not my fault they left a copy of The Force Unleashed II lying around where I could find it. Seriously. That’s just poor planning. Never mind how they got it; I’m sure Jabba had a few precogs on his payroll. Or, maybe he didn’t. Maybe Durg- no, no. Okay, well, maybe the copy I stole is a fraud. Or, maybe they…

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