“”Today we launched a new feature here on Torhead, our SWTOR Model Viewer is now available and can be viewed on any weapon page!
Here’s a couple to check out:
Modified DTB-27 Bolt Pistol,
Centurion Enforcer’s Sniper Rifle,
The Debilitator,
The Heart of Ragnos and
Prototype N-30 Battle Techblade”
Since the game does not currently a ctrl+left click feature for weapons, this is an amazing feature. All you have to do is go to the page/listing of the item and click on “view in 3D” and you will get a pop-up window to show you the 3D model version of just what the item looks like in-game. This is just one more tool to make their database awesome and the coolest on SWTOR to date.
Send a big thanks to the guys over at TORHead if you like it!