First, we know that there will be only one destination allowed.
Allison Berryman | Senior Community Coordinator said on the forums:
We do have more information about character transfers coming, and we’ll post a detailed FAQ that will answer many specific questions. As for being concerned about not being able to transfer to the same server as your son during free transfers, you don’t have anything to worry about. Each server that becomes eligible for transfers will have just one destination server, and you’ll be able to move all your characters from your origin server to that destination server. We’ll announce these servers at the start of the program and then will add more as the program continues (and you’ll be able to see all the information on starting on the 12th), and we’ll make sure to let everyone know what servers are available and when.
Now this has been confirmed but there are still some questions. For example, the actual number of incoming to single destination servers is variable. Someone on the forums asked Allison “Am i mistaken or are you saying that the server transfer ratio is one to one where no other origin server will transfer to the destination sever or another origin server?”
Her answer:
So, in some cases, multiple origin servers will be assigned the same destination server. The end goal is to have destination servers with higher populations, and that may require sourcing from several origin servers.
So for right now, we are not sure what destination servers we will be allowed to transfer to- only that transfers are coming soon and with the intention of creating fuller servers with more players to enjoy your time in SWTOR with. However, if you were planning on this opportunity to move to your buddy’s server or a cool server where it seems players are having more fun than on yours, there is no guarantee at this time that you will get that opportunity.