- It was his first Community Cantina but not his first meet and greet with BioWare
- There were some rockin’ costumes and prizes handed out
- Everyone looks like they had awesome fun without us! *sadface*
- The developers in attendance were the newly promoted Community Manger Eric Musco, Senior Producer Blaine Christine, and Lead Systems Designer Damion Schubert.
- They received Tauntaun Fawn and Kowakian Monkey Lizard pets
- And the most important part to those of us at home- the Q&A event
If you head over to Marshall’s blog and full write-up, you can see all the questions and answers that were discussed at this event. A snippet:
- -Ready check will be here sooner than you think
- -User created mods not anytime soon
- -Moving bound, empty armor shells to other legacy toons is something interesting (see how they’re trying not to say soon?)
- -Why does the warrior suck? (everyone laughed)
- -Companions wearing event gear is a go
So please head over and read his full post for all the scoop and some fun pictures and if you have the chance, be sure to attend a Community Cantina in your area and tell us all about it!