Live Streaming from the International space station

scene composition: litho, frame 22

Here is a great window to Space! If this project remains open, it will allow the world witness our reality from another perpective. A beautiful one. And from time to time some wild phenomena out there, like the North Lights and meteors in Summer. I wonder if that is possible from that height. But I guess that going around the equator that must be beyond our reach…Still magnificent.!

I wish they installed surround angle moving cameras and a few more.  I hope this experiment succeeds and grows wider in budget and resources.

The Ustream video from the station is available only when the complex is in contact with the ground through its high-speed communications antenna and NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System.

During “loss of signal” periods, you will see a blue screen. Since the station orbits the Earth once every 90 minutes, it sees a sunrise or a sunset every 45 minutes. When the station is in darkness, external camera video may appear black, but also may provide spectacular views of city lights below.

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Space station tracking is based on software running on the website that determines the orbit and the current position of the orbiter using the latest keplerian data provided by US Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). For the best experience to compare Earth images as seen from Space Station with Google Maps, feel free to adjust the zoom and the type of the map from the controls available on the top side of the widget.