Star Wars: Uprising – Sector Battle Imminent: Bespin

Great job everyone! Bespin is unlocked in Star Wars: Uprising and with it Patch 2.1 was released! There are no changes this week, here are the: Milestone rewards:

1 8 scrips + 800 credits 1000 10 Scrips + 1000 Credits
2 8k Material XP 3000 10k Material XP
3 8 scrips + 800 credits 6200 10 Scrips + 1000 Credits
4 10k Material XP 9850 20k Material XP
5 10 Scrips 14150 15 Scrips
6 1★ Tier I Weapon + 1★ Tier I Agrocite 19250 2★ Agrocite
7 10 Scrips 25150 15 Scrips
8 2★ Agrocite 31900 2★ Weapon + 2★ Agrocite
9 10 Scrips 39450 2★ Crew
10 2★ Tier I Weapon + 2★Tier I Agrocite 47950 3★ Agrocite
11 10 Scrips 57300 15 Scrips
12 3★ Tier I Agrocite 66300 3★ Weapon + 3★ Agrocite
13 4★Electrum 77777 4★ Electrum x2
14 3★ Tier I Weapon + 3★ Tier I Agrocite 87050 4★ Agrocite
15 10 Scrips 98900 15 Scrips
16 4★ Tier I Agrocite 111800 4★ Weapon + 4★Agrocite
17 10 Scrips 152800 15 Scrips
18 4★ Tier I Weapon + 4★ Tier I Agrocite 140950 5★ Agrocite
19 10 Scrips 149450 Tier II 2★ Weapon + Tier II 2★ Crystal
20 4★ Electrum 168421 4★ Electrum x2

This week’s Leader board:


  • General (Rank #1-5):
  • Commander (Ranks 6-100):
  • Captain (Ranks 101-3000):

Last updated at: 9 AM PST (Kabam Time)

Previous Leader boards:


  • General (Rank #1-5): 7,416,300
  • Commander (Ranks 6-100): 4,118,515
  • Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,023,600


  • General (Rank #1-5): 6,516,125+
  • Commander (Ranks 6-100): 3,509,300+
  • Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 929,125+


  • General (Rank #1-5): 6,492,225+
  • Commander (Ranks 6-100): 3,849,800+
  • Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 937,000+