The enchanting world of “Star Wars” has always captivated audiences with its vast galaxies, intricate storylines, and iconic characters. This Halloween, the universe gets a spooky twist, thanks to a collaboration between the Lego Group and Lucasfilm. The two giants have unveiled three Halloween-themed “Lego Star Wars” shorts, now available for fans on Star Wars Kids.
These “boo-and-brick-filled tales” are designed to entertain both seasoned Jedi Masters and the younger generation of Star Wars enthusiasts. The shorts include:
- The Sith Witch of Mustafar: This tale takes viewers to the dark landscapes of Mustafar, where the formidable Sith Lord, Darth Vader, comes face-to-face with a chilling ancient legend.
- Mech My Day: An Imperial stormtrooper, in a bid to impress and perhaps intimidate his Sith superior, crafts his very own mech suit.
- Mandoween: This playful narrative revolves around the beloved Grogu, who decides to play a practical joke on the stoic Din Djarin.
Lucasfilm’s Josh Rimes, VP of animation development and production, expressed his excitement about the collaboration. He mentioned, “For the past couple of years, ‘Lego Star Wars,‘ with its unique blend of anarchic humor, has been the ideal match for seasonal holiday fun. Merging the eerie atmosphere of Halloween with the expansive Star Wars universe might seem challenging, but ‘Lego Star Wars’ is perfectly equipped for it. We hope fans of all ages will enjoy and share these new, bite-sized, spine-chilling tales!”
David Shayne, the creative mind behind “The Sith Witch of Mustafar,” drew inspiration from an indie horror classic for his Lego Star Wars creation. He humorously referred to his work as ‘The Sith Witch Project’, highlighting the evident Blair Witch influence, especially in the Emperor’s ‘found footage’ moment with his holo-projector. Shayne expressed his desire to see the villains of the Star Wars universe, particularly Vader and the Emperor, experience fear for a change. He even teased the idea of a prequel, hinting at the potential antics at Vader’s Castle Halloween Party.
This isn’t the first time “Lego Star Wars” has ventured into the realm of horror. In 2021, David Shayne penned “Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales.” This special narrative follows Poe Dameron and BB-8 as they navigate the eerie corridors of Darth Vader’s fortress on Mustafar, uncovering haunting tales from the castle’s dark history.
For those eager to dive deeper into the spooky side of “Lego Star Wars,” “Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales” is currently streaming on Disney+. Additionally, more Halloween-themed shorts await those brave enough to explore Star Wars Kids online.
In conclusion, as Halloween approaches, the collaboration between the Lego Group and Lucasfilm promises to offer fans a delightful blend of humor, horror, and the timeless charm of the Star Wars universe. Whether you’re a lifelong Star Wars aficionado or a young Padawan, these shorts are sure to be a treat this spooky season.