Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection Receives Major Update 2

Star Wars fans and gamers have a reason to celebrate as the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection, a beloved series of the iconic franchise’s early games, has received a significant update. This latest patch brings a series of enhancements and fixes across all platforms, including PS5, PS4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, ensuring a smoother and more engaging gameplay experience.

Overview of the Update

The Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection, which includes classics such as Star Wars Battlefront (2004) and Star Wars Battlefront II (2005), along with other titles, has been updated to enhance both performance and player satisfaction. The update addresses several long-standing issues and introduces improvements that fans have been requesting.

Key Enhancements and Fixes

The latest patch, dubbed “Update II,” includes numerous changes tailored to enrich the player’s experience and game functionality. Here are the significant patch notes for this update:

General Improvements

  • Enhanced Graphics and Textures: Both games now support higher resolution textures and improved graphical fidelity, making the battles more immersive and visually appealing.
  • Updated User Interface: The UI has been overhauled for clarity and modern standards, including sharper menu graphics and more intuitive navigation.

Platform-Specific Enhancements

  • PS5 and PS4:
    • DualSense Support: The update brings adaptive trigger and haptic feedback support for PS5, enhancing the tactile experience during gameplay.
    • Activity Cards: PS5 users can now utilize activity cards to track game progress and quickly jump into specific missions.
  • Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One:
    • Quick Resume Functionality: Players can now utilize the quick resume feature, allowing them to seamlessly switch between games without losing progress.
    • Dynamic Resolution Scaling: Ensures smoother frame rates during intense gameplay moments.
  • Nintendo Switch:
    • Motion Controls: Introduced motion control support for a more interactive playing experience, particularly in aiming and vehicle control.
    • Touch Screen Menu Navigation: Enhanced menu navigation using the Switch’s touch screen capabilities.

Gameplay Adjustments

  • Balanced Multiplayer Modes: Adjustments have been made to the multiplayer mode to improve balance, including tweaks to character classes and weaponry.
  • Bug Fixes: Several bugs that affected gameplay dynamics, such as glitches in AI behavior and multiplayer connectivity issues, have been addressed.

How to Apply the Update

Players looking to update their Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection can do so by ensuring their gaming system is connected to the internet. The update will automatically download on platforms like PS5, PS4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, provided that automatic updates are enabled. Alternatively, players can manually check for updates in their respective console’s game library or store.


The latest update to the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection significantly enhances the games, making this revered series even more enjoyable for old and new fans alike. With improved graphics, enhanced controls, and gameplay tweaks, the Classic Collection continues to stand as a testament to the enduring popularity and legacy of the Star Wars Battlefront series.

Fans of the franchise and newcomers should find these updates a compelling reason to dive into the action, experiencing the epic battles of the Star Wars universe with renewed excitement and engagement.

FAQs About the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection Update

  1. Do I need to purchase the update?
  2. Will the update affect my saved games?
  3. Can I revert to the previous version if I don’t like the update?
    • Generally, once updated, it is not possible to revert to a previous version on consoles. However, players are encouraged to adjust the new settings to suit their preferences.
  4. Where can I provide feedback about the new update?
    • Players can provide feedback directly through the game platform’s feedback tools or on the official Star Wars Battlefront forums and social media pages.

This update is a significant step forward in keeping the legacy of Star Wars Battlefront alive and enjoyable in the modern gaming era, ensuring that players continue to have a stellar experience in a galaxy far, far away.