Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – Free Game Trial on Nintendo Switch Online in Europe

In celebration of May the 4th, the internationally recognized Star Wars Day, Nintendo has announced an exciting opportunity for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers in Europe. The critically acclaimed RPG, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, will be available as a free trial for a limited time. This offering allows fans to immerse themselves in one of the most beloved narratives in the Star Wars universe without any additional cost.

Availability of the Game Trial

From May 3rd to May 9th, subscribers of Nintendo Switch Online can access the full game of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This trial period is a fantastic way for both seasoned fans and newcomers to dive into the expansive world of the Old Republic.

Game Features and Experience

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic transports players four thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire. The galaxy is in turmoil, with hundreds of Jedi Knights having fallen in battle against the ruthless Sith. Players are thrust into the role of the last hope of the Jedi Order. The game challenges you to master the Force, choose your path between the light and the dark side, and ultimately decide the fate of the galaxy.

The game offers:

  • A rich narrative experience set in an era untouched by the events of the main Star Wars saga.
  • Deep RPG mechanics allowing for customizable characters and impactful choices.
  • Over 40 different Force abilities to learn and master.
  • An adventure across eight iconic Star Wars worlds, such as Tatooine and Kashyyyk.
  • The ability to choose your party from nine unique characters including Twi’leks, droids, and Wookies.

Progress and Rewards

One of the appealing aspects of this trial is that any progress made during the trial period can be carried over if you decide to purchase the game. This ensures that your journey and efforts remain uninterrupted. Moreover, participants will earn My Nintendo Platinum Points simply for taking part in the trial.

Launch and Additional Information

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was initially launched on the Nintendo Switch via the eShop in November 2021. The game has been well-received for its faithful adaptation of the classic RPG experience, tailored to the portable convenience of the Switch platform.

As of now, this game trial is confirmed only for Europe. It remains to be seen whether Nintendo will extend this offer to other regions like North America and Japan. We will keep you updated on any new developments regarding regional availability.


Whether you’re a longtime Star Wars aficionado or a newcomer curious about the expansive universe, this game trial from Nintendo Switch Online offers a perfect opportunity to experience one of the most epic Star Wars games ever made. Don’t miss your chance to step into the boots of a Jedi (or Sith) and leave your mark on the galaxy!

Stay tuned for further updates, and may the Force be with you as you explore the depths of the Old Republic!