Well, the overall atmosphere is pretty positive. With server transfers solving the problem of no one to play with and all the other additions and updates, SWTOR is a new game. Some say it is finally the game it should have been at launch. Maybe BioWare was too rushed to launch it fully complete but whatever the reason, players are now saying they’re happy with the outcome of the game.
Ranked warzones, new gear, looking for group finders and more mean the game is now more accessible than ever before. When you add to this that there will be more updates, more new content and free play up to 15 levels, you can see why the interest in 1.3 is returning.
PvP is improved and with better ways to get matched up for groups, there’s no more sitting around the Fleet for hours waiting on a group. Even if you’re in a small, personal or family guild, you can find other players to group up with. Casual players ca n enjoy the game just as much as hardcore players.
Did you come back to SWTOR after 1.3? Would you recommend it to friends? Are you thinking of returning? Why or why not?