Comparing Star Wars: Outlaws' Kay Vess to Star Wars: Lethal Alliance's Rianna

Comparing Star Wars: Outlaws’ Kay Vess to Star Wars: Lethal Alliance’s Rianna Saren

The Star Wars galaxy is known for its iconic characters, from legendary Jedi knights to rebellious rogues. With each new game and story, new heroes emerge, bringing their unique flair to the far, far away galaxy. Two such characters are Kay Vess from Star Wars: Outlaws and Rianna Saren from Star Wars: Lethal Alliance. Both heroines share similar rogue backgrounds, but they come from very different times in the galaxy’s history. In this article, we’ll compare these two fearless women, exploring their stories, abilities, and roles within the broader Star Wars universe.

A Galaxy of Rogues: Kay Vess and Rianna Saren

Kay Vess: The Scoundrel With a Heart of Gold

Kay Vess, the star of Star Wars: Outlaws, represents a different side of the Star Wars galaxy—a world of smugglers, thieves, and scoundrels trying to survive in the shadow of the Empire. Her journey takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, a time when the Rebel Alliance is gaining momentum but still under the oppressive thumb of the Empire. Kay is not a soldier fighting for a cause; she’s more interested in carving out a life for herself in the criminal underworld.

What makes Kay stand out is her charm and quick thinking. As a scoundrel, she relies on her wits and resourcefulness, and, of course, her adorable pet companion Nix—who helps her pull off heists and escape sticky situations. Kay’s story centers around navigating the criminal syndicates of the galaxy, making alliances and enemies along the way, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the Empire. She’s a character who embodies the classic Star Wars rogue archetype, but with a fresh perspective on survival in a galaxy controlled by powerful forces.

Rianna Saren: The Twi’lek Mercenary

On the other hand, we have Rianna Saren, the Twi’lek mercenary from Star Wars: Lethal Alliance, a game released in 2006 for handheld consoles. Rianna operates in the early days of the Rebel Alliance, just before the events of A New Hope. Like Kay, Rianna is not aligned with the Rebels or the Empire at the start of her journey. She’s a mercenary who takes jobs for credits, trying to make her way through the galaxy’s dangerous underworld.

Rianna’s story is more straightforward in its relationship to the main conflict in the Star Wars saga. Over the course of the game, she ends up working for the Rebel Alliance, conducting missions against the Empire. Rianna’s character is defined by her toughness, combat skills, and loyalty to her mission, which evolves from personal survival to fighting for the greater good. Unlike Kay, Rianna’s story eventually leads her to a more heroic path as she aids the Rebellion in their war against the Empire.

Different Paths, Same Galaxy

While both Kay and Rianna navigate the criminal underworld and begin their stories as self-serving rogues, their paths diverge significantly in terms of motivations and alliances.

Kay Vess: Surviving in the Shadows

Kay’s main focus is survival, plain and simple. She’s not out to save the galaxy or overthrow the Empire—at least, not at first. Her primary motivation is to stay alive, make money, and avoid getting caught by either the Empire or the galaxy’s criminal organizations. She operates on the fringes of the war, rarely involving herself in the grand battle between good and evil. This makes Kay a more relatable character to many players, as she isn’t immediately caught up in galaxy-shaping events. She’s just trying to make a living in a hostile environment, much like Han Solo before he got pulled into the Rebellion.

Kay’s story offers a glimpse into the lives of ordinary people in the Star Wars universe, those who aren’t Jedi or Sith but still have to contend with the effects of the Empire’s rule. Her character represents the gray areas of morality in Star Wars, where the lines between right and wrong are often blurred.

Rianna Saren: From Mercenary to Rebel Hero

Rianna, on the other hand, begins as a mercenary but gradually becomes more invested in the fight against the Empire. Her personal motivations evolve, and she chooses to fight for the Rebel Alliance after realizing the extent of the Empire’s cruelty. This shift from a self-serving mercenary to a dedicated Rebel fighter gives Rianna a more traditional hero’s journey.

By the end of Star Wars: Lethal Alliance, Rianna is fully aligned with the Rebel cause, completing missions that help pave the way for the events of A New Hope. While she starts off with a more neutral stance, her path ultimately ties her to the broader Star Wars story, becoming a key player in the fight against the Empire.

Gameplay: Crafty Combat vs. Tactical Action

The differences between Kay and Rianna aren’t just found in their stories—they also shine in how they approach combat and gameplay.

Kay Vess: Clever and Crafty

In Star Wars: Outlaws, Kay Vess embodies the scoundrel archetype, using stealth, deception, and clever tricks to outwit her enemies. With her pet Nix at her side, she’s able to distract enemies, pull off daring heists, and escape sticky situations. Combat for Kay is less about brute force and more about finding creative solutions to problems. This makes her a versatile character, capable of adapting to the situation at hand, whether it’s negotiating with a crime boss or sneaking past Imperial forces.

Kay’s focus on stealth and subterfuge fits her character perfectly, as she’s not a trained fighter or Jedi—she’s just trying to survive. This type of gameplay also adds a layer of strategy for players, who have to think on their feet and use the environment to their advantage.

Rianna Saren: A Tactical Warrior

Rianna, by contrast, is all about direct combat. As a mercenary, she’s trained in a variety of weapons and combat techniques, and she’s more than capable of taking on Imperial forces head-on. In Star Wars: Lethal Alliance, gameplay revolves around action-packed combat, with Rianna using blasters, explosives, and her own agility to defeat enemies.

While Rianna isn’t Force-sensitive, she makes up for it with her tactical approach to combat. Her partnership with Zeeo, a small droid that helps her navigate challenges, gives her an edge in tricky situations. Unlike Kay, Rianna doesn’t shy away from a fight, and her gameplay reflects that. She’s a soldier at heart, and her missions for the Rebel Alliance require precision and skill to complete.

Legacy: Two Sides of the Star Wars Coin

Both Kay Vess and Rianna Saren offer unique perspectives on the Star Wars universe, and they each represent different aspects of what it means to be a rogue in a galaxy ruled by the Empire.

Kay, with her focus on survival and stealth, provides a fresh take on the scoundrel archetype, showing the daily struggles of those trying to make their way in the galaxy without getting caught up in the larger conflict. Her story is more personal and grounded, focusing on the criminal underworld and the choices one has to make to stay alive.

Rianna, on the other hand, shows how a character can evolve from a self-serving mercenary to a hero fighting for a cause greater than herself. Her journey is more closely tied to the Rebel Alliance and the fight against the Empire, making her a more traditional Star Wars protagonist.

In the end, both characters highlight the diverse range of stories the Star Wars galaxy has to offer. Whether you prefer the crafty, sneaky Kay Vess or the tactical warrior Rianna Saren, both characters bring something special to the table—proving once again that the galaxy is full of unforgettable heroes.