Comparing Star Wars Outlaws’ Kay Vess to Battlefront 2’s Iden Versio

Comparing Star Wars Outlaws’ Kay Vess to Battlefront 2’s Iden Versio

The Star Wars universe has always been rich with diverse and compelling characters, each with their own motivations, allegiances, and complex journeys. While we’ve followed the likes of Luke, Rey, and Anakin on their grand quests, video games have also provided fans with intriguing new protagonists to explore the galaxy far, far away. Among these characters, Star Wars Battlefront 2’s Iden Versio and Star Wars: OutlawsKay Vess stand out as two of the most captivating figures in the gaming side of the Star Wars canon.

Both characters operate on the fringes of the galaxy, but while Kay Vess is a scrappy outlaw just trying to survive, Iden Versio’s journey takes her from an elite Imperial soldier to a key figure in the Rebel Alliance. Let’s explore how these two protagonists differ, and what makes their stories such valuable additions to the Star Wars universe.

Iden Versio: The Loyal Imperial Commander Turned Rebel Hero

Iden Versio’s story in Battlefront 2 begins where many wouldn’t expect for a Star Wars hero—deep inside the ranks of the Galactic Empire. As the commander of the elite Inferno Squad, Iden is fiercely loyal to the Empire and unwavering in her belief that it is a force for order and peace in the galaxy. Raised by an Imperial admiral, she has been trained to believe that the Rebellion is a chaotic force that threatens the security of the galaxy.

At the start of her journey, Iden is tasked with suppressing the Rebellion by any means necessary, and she’s ruthlessly efficient at doing so. However, her loyalty begins to waver after witnessing the atrocities committed by the Empire, including the destruction of Alderaan and the brutal treatment of civilians. By the time the second Death Star is destroyed, Iden has come to question everything she once believed.

Her story arc in Battlefront 2 is one of redemption, as she ultimately defects from the Empire and joins the Rebel Alliance. Iden’s transformation from Imperial loyalist to Rebel hero is a significant journey that explores themes of morality, loyalty, and the nature of good and evil in the galaxy.

Kay Vess: The Reluctant Anti-Hero in a Lawless Galaxy

In contrast to Iden’s disciplined and structured background, Kay Vess, the protagonist of Star Wars: Outlaws, comes from the opposite end of the spectrum. Kay is a self-described outlaw, living on the fringes of society and navigating a galaxy dominated by criminal syndicates. She’s not fighting for the Empire or the Rebellion—she’s fighting for herself.

At the start of Star Wars: Outlaws, Kay is a small-time thief, barely scraping by in the dangerous world of Canto Bight. Her journey kicks off when a heist goes wrong, forcing her to flee across the galaxy and dive headfirst into the underworld of smugglers, bounty hunters, and crime lords. Unlike Iden, Kay isn’t driven by grand ideals of loyalty or justice; her primary motivation is survival and the hope of building a better life for herself.

Kay’s character is a breath of fresh air in the Star Wars universe, which is often dominated by larger-than-life heroes and epic destinies. She’s not interested in saving the galaxy or toppling empires. Instead, Kay’s story is personal and grounded, focusing on the moral gray areas of a galaxy in turmoil. She’s quick-witted, resourceful, and willing to bend the rules to get what she wants.

Different Relationships with the Empire and Rebellion

One of the most striking differences between Iden Versio and Kay Vess is their relationship with the two major factions in Star Wars—the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.

For Iden, the Empire is her entire world at the start of Battlefront 2. She’s a soldier fighting for order and stability, believing the Rebellion to be a dangerous threat. Her defection to the Rebellion isn’t just a change in allegiance; it’s a profound personal reckoning with her own beliefs and values. Iden’s shift from an agent of the Empire to a hero of the Rebellion highlights her moral growth and willingness to challenge the systems she once served.

In contrast, Kay Vess doesn’t have deep ties to either the Empire or the Rebellion. While she inevitably crosses paths with both factions during her adventures in Star Wars: Outlaws, her focus is more on navigating the galaxy’s criminal underworld than getting involved in the larger conflict. Kay might take jobs from Imperial officers or Rebel operatives, but she isn’t beholden to either side. For her, it’s all about survival and seizing opportunities as they come.

This independence gives Kay a unique perspective in the Star Wars universe. While most protagonists are defined by their loyalty to one of the galaxy’s major powers, Kay operates outside of these systems, making her a wildcard in a galaxy torn apart by war.

Heroes with Different Motivations

Iden and Kay represent two different types of heroes, and their motivations reflect this.

Iden’s journey is one of redemption. She begins as a loyal servant of the Empire, only to realize the corruption and evil at its core. Her defection to the Rebellion is driven by a desire to make amends for her past actions and fight for something greater than herself. In this sense, Iden embodies the classic Star Wars themes of hope and resistance against tyranny.

Kay, on the other hand, is more of an anti-hero. Her journey isn’t about saving the galaxy or redeeming herself—it’s about survival. Kay operates in a morally gray area, making choices that benefit her, even if they aren’t always the “right” choices. While she may eventually become a hero in her own way, her motivations are far more personal than Iden’s.

Gameplay Reflections of Character

The differences between Iden and Kay extend beyond their personalities and into the gameplay of their respective titles.

In Battlefront 2, players experience Iden’s journey through intense, large-scale battles where she commands troops, pilots starfighters, and engages in high-stakes missions for both the Empire and the Rebellion. The gameplay reflects Iden’s role as a soldier, and players are constantly reminded of the larger galactic conflict she’s involved in.

In Star Wars: Outlaws, the gameplay focuses more on exploration, stealth, and decision-making, reflecting Kay’s life as an outlaw. Players navigate the galaxy’s underworld, make deals, and occasionally fight their way out of sticky situations. Kay’s gameplay is less about epic battles and more about personal survival, emphasizing her rogue-like nature.

Final Thoughts: Two Unique Paths in the Star Wars Galaxy

Iden Versio and Kay Vess may share the same galaxy, but their paths couldn’t be more different. Iden’s story is one of redemption, morality, and ultimately fighting for a cause greater than herself. In contrast, Kay’s journey is grounded in personal survival, independence, and navigating a lawless world with no clear allegiance.

Both characters bring something fresh to the Star Wars universe. Whether you prefer Iden’s soldier-turned-hero narrative or Kay’s scrappy, self-reliant anti-hero arc, both characters show the incredible range of storytelling within the Star Wars galaxy. And no matter who you root for, one thing’s for sure—there’s always room for more adventures in a galaxy far, far away.