Kay Vess vs. Cal Kestis: Comparing Star Wars Outlaws and Jedi Protagonists

Kay Vess vs. Cal Kestis: Comparing Star Wars Outlaws and Jedi Protagonists

Over the years, the Star Wars universe has introduced fans to an array of iconic protagonists, each with their own unique journey and impact on the galaxy. From Luke Skywalker, who symbolized hope in the original trilogy, to Rey, who carried the weight of a new generation, Star Wars has never lacked for memorable heroes. Video games in the franchise have expanded this roster, giving players new characters to root for, such as Iden Versio in Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi. Now, with the launch of Star Wars: Outlaws, we are introduced to Kay Vess, a scrappy, wise-cracking scoundrel navigating her way through a galaxy dominated by criminal syndicates.

Kay Vess and Cal Kestis represent two very different types of Star Wars protagonists, and comparing them helps illustrate just how diverse the franchise’s storytelling has become. While both operate in the same universe, their goals, motivations, and approaches to survival in a dangerous galaxy couldn’t be more distinct. Let’s dive into what makes Kay Vess and Cal Kestis unique, and how their differences offer fresh perspectives in the Star Wars universe.

Cal Kestis: The Reluctant Jedi Hero Trying to Save the Galaxy

When fans were first introduced to Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, he was a survivor of Order 66, hiding out as a scrapper on the planet Bracca. His quiet existence was shattered when the Empire discovered his whereabouts, forcing him to join a ragtag crew aboard the Mantis. From there, Cal embarked on a galaxy-spanning adventure that saw him take on the monumental task of helping to restore the Jedi Order.

Cal’s journey is the quintessential Star Wars hero’s journey: a character with a deep connection to the Force, grappling with their role in a larger, galaxy-shaping narrative. Through two games (Fallen Order and Survivor), Cal evolves from a scared survivor to a powerful and determined Jedi Knight. His encounters with powerful foes, including Darth Vader himself, only solidify his status as a hero who is fighting for a greater cause.

By the end of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Cal has discovered Tanalorr, a hidden planet, and committed himself to protecting Force-sensitive individuals from the ever-present threat of the Empire. His story is one of resistance, hope, and the weight of responsibility, making him one of the most compelling characters in the modern Star Wars gaming canon.

The Weight of the Force

What makes Cal stand out is his deep connection to the Force. His journey isn’t just about survival—it’s about purpose. Cal is driven by a need to rebuild what was lost, and to fight against an oppressive regime that seeks to extinguish the light of the Jedi. He’s serious, introspective, and often burdened by the responsibility he carries. His role in the galaxy is undeniably important, positioning him as a key figure in the larger Star Wars mythos.

Kay Vess: The Reluctant Anti-Hero Just Trying to Survive

Enter Kay Vess, the protagonist of Star Wars: Outlaws, and you’ll find someone with very different priorities. Unlike Cal, who is fighting for the survival of the Jedi and the greater good, Kay’s motivations are far simpler—she just wants to get by. Living in an attic on Canto Bight, Kay dreams of something more but is very much a product of her environment: a world run by criminal syndicates, shady deals, and a constant struggle for survival.

Kay’s story begins with a heist gone wrong, and from there, she’s thrust into a world of chaos, outlaws, and criminal empires. She’s not looking to save the galaxy, topple the Empire, or rebuild an ancient order—Kay just wants to carve out a life for herself in a dangerous galaxy. Her goals are personal, not galactic.

The Anti-Hero We Didn’t Know We Needed

Kay’s character offers something fresh to Star Wars fans. She’s not the typical noble hero that we’ve seen in so many Star Wars stories, and she certainly doesn’t carry the weight of a grand destiny like Cal does. Instead, she’s a relatable anti-hero—someone who is just trying to survive, hustle, and maybe make a little money along the way. Her wise-cracking, roguish personality is reminiscent of Han Solo, but even Solo eventually became a key figure in the Rebellion. Kay? She’s got no such aspirations.

Her interactions with the galaxy’s criminal underworld give her a different lens through which to view the Star Wars universe. She’s dealing with syndicates, smugglers, and bounty hunters—people who don’t care about the Rebellion or the Empire, as long as they can make a quick credit. For Kay, the galaxy is less about good versus evil and more about survival and pragmatism.

Two Paths in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

The differences between Kay Vess and Cal Kestis highlight the vast range of storytelling possibilities within the Star Wars universe. On one hand, you have Cal, the Jedi Knight wrestling with his connection to the Force and the larger moral implications of his actions. On the other hand, there’s Kay, the scoundrel who isn’t looking to change the galaxy but simply wants to live her life on her own terms.

The Heroic Responsibility of Cal

Cal Kestis is deeply tied to the larger conflict between the Jedi and the Empire. His actions have galactic consequences, and his character arc is steeped in the themes of legacy, responsibility, and hope. He’s not just a fighter—he’s a symbol of resistance in an era where the light of the Jedi has all but faded.

The Scoundrel’s Pragmatism of Kay

Kay Vess, in contrast, operates in a more morally gray area. She’s not a hero by any traditional Star Wars standard, and her goals are grounded in self-preservation. Her story allows players to explore the more underworld-focused aspects of the Star Wars galaxy, dealing with syndicates and smugglers rather than Sith Lords and Jedi Masters.

Why These Differences Matter

The contrast between Kay and Cal is vital because it shows how the Star Wars universe continues to expand its storytelling horizons. Not every protagonist needs to be a Force-sensitive warrior fighting for galactic peace. Sometimes, it’s just as engaging to follow a character who’s doing whatever it takes to survive in a lawless galaxy.

Kay Vess represents a shift in perspective for Star Wars, showing that not every story needs to have the galaxy’s fate at stake. Sometimes, the stakes are personal, and sometimes that’s enough.

Final Thoughts

Comparing Kay Vess and Cal Kestis reveals just how diverse and multifaceted the Star Wars universe has become. Cal is the epitome of the noble Jedi hero, while Kay is the scrappy anti-hero just trying to make her way in a galaxy that’s anything but forgiving. Both characters bring something unique to the table, offering players different lenses through which to experience the Star Wars universe. Whether you’re a fan of the noble Jedi path or the roguish scoundrel life, one thing’s for sure: the galaxy is big enough for both.