Star Wars: Outlaws Update Fixes Frustrating Stealth Missions | September 2024 Patch

Star Wars: Outlaws Update Fixes Frustrating Stealth Missions | September 2024 Patch

Ubisoft’s Star Wars: Outlaws promises to transport players to a galaxy far, far away with its open-world adventure, but let’s face it—those stealth missions have been a bit of a buzzkill. If you’ve found yourself tearing your hair out after another insta-fail while trying to sneak around, you’re not alone. Luckily, the game’s creative director, Julian Gerighty, has heard the cries from frustrated fans and is planning to make things right with a September 2024 update.

Insta-Fail Stealth Missions: A Galactic Pain

In the realm of video game frustrations, insta-fail stealth missions are up there with unskippable cutscenes and escort missions. Ubisoft’s Star Wars: Outlaws launched with a few early stealth missions that had players feeling more like bumbling stormtroopers than stealthy rebels. The moment you were spotted? Game over. Restart the mission. Sigh. Repeat.

According to Gerighty, the infamous stealth missions in Outlaws were “incredibly punishing,” with one particular mission on the planet Mirogana taking the cake. In an interview with GamesRadar, he openly admitted, “For me, that is a mistake, and this is something that we’re going to work on improving.” Let’s give him credit for the honesty, at least.

What’s the Deal with the Update?

The September 2024 patch for Star Wars: Outlaws is set to rebalance the stealth missions. Gerighty emphasized that Ubisoft doesn’t plan to remove the fail state entirely—after all, it’s a stealth mission, not a casual stroll through the desert of Tatooine. But the goal is to make it more “fair,” meaning fewer moments where you feel like throwing your controller across the room.

This improvement should come as a relief to fans who’ve been on edge, literally and figuratively. Gerighty further explained, “I don’t think it means removing the fail state completely, but I do think there are millions of low-hanging fruits where we can make it so much more enjoyable and understandable.”

It sounds like we won’t need to be Jedi masters to figure out the sneaky bits anymore, and that’s a huge win for casual players who just want to enjoy the ride.

Why Stealth? Why Now?

The stealth elements in Star Wars: Outlaws have always felt like a bit of an odd fit. Yes, stealth has its place in the Star Wars universe (looking at you, Rogue One), but the early execution felt like Han Solo trying to talk his way out of Jabba’s palace—awkward and doomed to fail.

Gerighty’s team knows this and is committed to balancing the difficulty. He assured fans that the update would be released soon, likely within “10 days or so” for PlayStation 5, and the team is working hard to ensure the game doesn’t feel “unfair.”

And that’s the key word: fair. No one’s asking for a cakewalk, but making stealth missions less infuriating is bound to improve the overall experience.

The Patch We All Need

Whether you’re a seasoned Star Wars gamer or new to the franchise, the upcoming update is likely to improve your experience of Outlaws. Balancing difficulty without erasing the challenge entirely is no easy feat, but Ubisoft seems to have a plan that will strike the right balance. As Gerighty put it, “This wasn’t our intention. This is more of something that crept in the last week or so, and that we’re correcting already for a patch.”

For players eagerly awaiting their next dive into Outlaws, this update is a welcome change. Ubisoft is promising a more enjoyable, less rage-inducing stealth experience, without completely removing the consequences of being spotted. A galaxy where stealth missions don’t feel like pulling teeth? Now that’s a new hope.

Final Thoughts

Ubisoft’s response to player feedback shows a commitment to refining Star Wars: Outlaws to meet the expectations of its fan base. While the insta-fail stealth missions may have been an unpleasant surprise, the forthcoming update promises to make the galaxy a more enjoyable place to sneak around in. So, for those of us who’ve been caught one too many times, it’s time to take a deep breath, re-download the game, and get ready for some more forgiving stealth.

After all, even the best smuggler in the galaxy needs a second chance now and then.

Want More Tips?

If you’re enjoying the rebellious life, check out our other guides. If you’re on the fence whether to get the game, go check out our review here.

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