game testing

SWTOR Game Update 7.2: Showdown on Ruhnuk will be released on Tuesday, December 13th!

Star Wars: The Old Republic fans, get ready for the highly anticipated Game Update 7.2: Showdown on Ruhnuk! Scheduled for release on Tuesday, December 13th, this update brings a host of new content and features to the game, including a brand new story-driven Flashpoint, new world events, and exciting new challenges for both solo players and groups. One of the most highly anticipated features of Game Update 7.2 is the new Flashpoint: Showdown on Ruhnuk. This story-driven mission takes players to the planet of Ruhnuk, where they must face off against the forces of the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire in a fierce battle for control of the planet. With a mix of solo and group content, Showdown on Ruhnuk offers players the chance to experience intense combat and challenging gameplay, all while uncovering the secrets of Ruhnuk and its inhabitants. In addition to the new Flashpoint, Game Update…

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SWTOR 2.0 level 55 Class Abilities Video

The guys from mailed us a bad ass movie showing off the new level 55 class abilities. There is no denying that the Russian guys have been quick capturing this video, so kudos for their work! Electro Net, Force Barrier and Double Saber throw look pretty awesome, and its great that agents and smugglers finally get real mobility. The sith sorcerer defensive bubble animation is also exactly how I’d imagine it–as the sith sorcerer uses all their energy to repel all attacks. Good stuff! Check it out below:

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BioWare Wants YOU! (To Test Game Content)

It sounds like BioWare is working on endgame content. Joveth Gonzalez , Associate Online Community Manager has some good news for SWTOR fans in the Austin area: The Star Wars: The Old Republic team is looking for skilled SWTOR players in the Austin area to test out brand new content in the BioWare Austin office. We are looking for players that are experienced with endgame Operations, Warzones, and Flashpoints. Players that meet this criteria may fill out this survey and qualifying candidates will be contacted for more information. This is a temporary paid position and will require at least a weekend a month of your time. Thank you! This is really cool for those of you who live here in Austin with us- a chance to check out new game content AND get paid for it. It also shows us that BioWare is serious about finding out what the players…

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Old Republic update 1.1 being tested, adds New Bosses and a Raid

Last week BioWare released this week’s patch notes for the Old Republic test servers, which shows several exciting features in update 1.1 like a new Flashpoint and anti-aliasing. The new Flashpoint, “Koan Under Siege,” is designed for your standard four players at level 50. In addition to the new instance, four more bosses are being added to “Operation: Karagga’s Palace.” Other cool new features in 1.1 is anti-aliasing added  to the game, an option previously unavailable, PVP has been adjusted, as well. Level 50 players now get their own, exclusive, warzone bracket. Fear not, however, level 49 players will still be available to murder you horribly. “”High priority” bug fixes are also being looked at, spanning various skills, companions, and that incredibly annoying healing aura. Check the official site for the complete list. Star Wars: The Old Republic – Game Update 1.1 General Anti-aliasing is now available and can be…

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SWTOR Brings in 2 Million Game Testers

We know that SWTOR is popular. In fact, unless you’ve been living the past few months under a rock, you are aware of the hype that surrounds this upcoming MMO. What you might not know is just how much interest there really is in the game. There is such a strong interest in SWTOR that Bioware has broken records with pre-orders and possibly records with game testing as well since they brought in 2 million game testers- all volunteer testers at that. Testers averaged 12 hours each over Thanksgiving, according to Instead of enjoying turkey with the fam (or maybe after enjoying their dinners) there were still tons of gamers who found time to pop in and check out SWTOR for themselves. EA says more than 725,000 unique players joined the game over the Thanksgiving weekend, making it “one of the biggest beta tests in history.” 2.4 million gamers…

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SWTOR New Build Deployment- Game Testing

If you’ve been game testing SWTOR, you probably noticed that you couldn’t get in to the game today. This message was posted to the SWTOR community: Hello Testers! We are preparing to deploy a new build of the game for testing! At 12:00AM CST (6:00 London, 7:00 Paris/Berlin) on 11/29, we will be bringing the all game servers and down for extended maintenance. Note to weekend testers: Your phase of the Game Testing Program has now concluded, and you will no longer be able to play the game. As part of the internal testing and deployment process, the game servers will remain unavailable for ongoing testers after the website is up at 12:00PM CST (18:00 London, 19:00 Paris/Berlin) on 11/29. We will update the stickies in this forum to keep you informed about when the servers will be available again. While we do not currently have an ETA, we…

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SWTOR Graphic Benchmarks and Maximum Graphics

Are you wondering about the graphic benchmarks of SWTOR? Are you wondering how well your computer will run the game or what your max settings will let you get away with? The SWTOR Beta PCGH Nerd Test will give you some good answers to your nerdy questions. PC Games Hardware was able to take a first look at the current beta build of Star Wars: The Old Republic and they have a few things to offer in ways of benchmarks, which they were kind enough to share online for the rest of us. Some details:  “At the same time, we have first benchmark with ten different cards, and it is tested, the CPU core scaling.” “At this point must be emphasized clearly that all tests with a very early beta version of the game were made.” “Anti-aliasing is currently disabled in the game itself and the rest of the engine…

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SWTOR had over 1 million hours of testing last weekend

We know that last week’s SWTOR game testing weekend was massive. It was the largest beta weekend so far and quite possibly the largest beta weekend for any MMORPG in history. Just how massive it was, we had no idea. But BioWare has now revealed that over a million hours of testing went into the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic last weekend. 1 million hours!Tens of thousands of people played the game in order to test for a smooth launch coming December 20th. With only a month to go, it was the perfect time for BioWare to see if the servers would handle such a large influx of players. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to get more gamers into the SWTOR rage who may not have previously pre-ordered the game. BioWare co-founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka told Eurogamer about the weekend game testing event in an interview at…

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General impressions of SWTOR beta from a WoW veteran

One game tester posted today while the servers were down for maintenance about his impressions on the game so far. As a WoW veteran, he had some opinion about SWTOR so far. This is a great write-up on one person’s perspective from the game and what they have gotten out of it so far. Since so many people keep comparing SWTOR to WoW, it’s interesting to hear from WoW players who are getting to try their hand at SWTOR. A snippet to start: First of all, I’m a real sucker for animations. I think that, for MMOs in particular, the animations make or break a game. I have, for instance, played Rift and feel like the characters are stunted, wooden puppets without much range of motion. The attack animations in Rift (et al.) are boring and unimaginative to the point that, by level 10 you’re really hoping for something new…

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Your Favorite Advanced Class- from the Beta Forums

An image was released from the beta forums that depicts a poll of advanced classes. It shows 575 voters at the time the screenshot was taken, asking gamers what advanced class they preferred playing the most. Sith Sorcerer led with 13.39% of the votes followed by BH Mercenary with just over 10%. 6.43% of the responders said that they liked all the advanced classes they played evenly. The BH Powertech got the least votes in the poll with only 2.26% and Smuggler Scoundrel was only slightly above that with 2.78% of the votes. Of course this isn’t fully accurate of everyone who has played the classes because there were just under 600 votes. We also don’t know how many votes may have come in after the screenshot was taken. It’s still interesting and brings up good conversation about the advanced classes and which ones players will like the most. Of…

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