
Maximize Your Rewards: SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives from June 18 to July 30

Maximize Your Rewards: SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives from June 18 to July 30

The Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Galactic Seasons offers a dynamic way to engage with the game through a series of objectives and rewards. From June 18 to July 30, players can immerse themselves in a variety of challenges that promise exciting rewards, including the coveted Copero Stronghold. This guide will explore the detailed objectives for each week, offering strategies and tips to help you maximize your progress. Galactic Seasons Overview Galactic Seasons in SWTOR is a seasonal event where players complete various objectives to earn rewards. The event encourages diverse gameplay, from participating in flashpoints and operations to completing conquest points and defeating specific enemies. As players progress through the season’s levels, they unlock unique rewards, enhancing their gameplay experience. Week 15 Objectives (June 18 – June 24) During Week 15, players are tasked with a mix of daily and weekly objectives designed to challenge and reward them….

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SWTOR Quests To Do before the Revan Expansion

It’s almost time for the much anticipated Revan expansion for SWTOR. With it only a short time away, it makes sense that fans will be preparing, enjoying the game or preparing their game and characters for this expansion. If you’re looking for something to do before the ex-pac, you might want to read this post from Larry Everett over at Hyperspace Beacon. He has eight quests you need to do in SWTOR before the expansion and he explains why. So if you have not yet done these quests, then you may want to take some time before December and get this done. Let’s take a look at a snippet from the article: The Maelstrom Prison continues the adventure of Taral V. Players now lead a strike team into the Imperial base itself to rescue the Jedi prisoner, who we later find out is Revan. If you’re on the Imperial side…

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How to Find a Magenta Adegan Crystal: BioWare Explains

Adegan crystals were commonly used by Jedi as a main component of a lightsaber. Also known as “Ilum crystals””. BioWare tells us How to Find a Magenta Adegan Crystal for yourself, if you can figure it out, that is. Georg “Observer” Zoeller posts on the official forums: It’s actually not difficult at all. There is no RNG element involved, nor do you need to be running around in endgame gear to obtain it, nor do you need an Operation to do so. You may need a bit of time, but not a crazy amount either. All classes are capable of obtaining it. Think of it as something like a datacron. Of course you also need to find an Artifice capable crafter with the recipe to turn the raw crystal it into a Lightsaber crystal, but for the right price, I’m sure they’ll help you out. Honestly, I was a bit…

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SWTOR Bonus Quests: BioWare Brilliance or the Ultimate Troll?

If you’ve played SWTOR past around level 20 or so, you’ve probably already encountered these “bonus quests” in the game. Touted as just another example of BioWare’s signature RPG storytelling, some gamers find it more like a massive annoyance. SWTOR is very much about the story and these different story arcs usually take place on the different planets or “zones” in which you play the game. These world arcs include stories that all tie in to said planet and finish up with a conclusion when you reach the end of the planet and are then sent to another planet. There’s just one little catch… the bonus quests. They hit you out of nowhere, right when you think you are good and done with the planet. calls it more of an “ambush”, which is exactly what it feels like to most gamers. You think it’s just one more quest and…

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Daniel Erickson on Quest Content

On the official forums Daniel Erickson made a rather sizable post detailing the kind of quest content that you’ll encounter in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This ranges from your class quests to world quests and beyond. Here’s the entire post: This one can get confusing as there is a great deal of content in the game, all geared for slightly different experiences. So let’s get to it, yes? –There is no repeated content across factions. Easy enough. –Every Class has a completely unique storyline with their own companion characters and quests that takes them from the very first level through the very last and leads them naturally into the end game content. We call these Class Quests. Now the questions and ideas that can be harder to get your head around if you haven’t yet been one of the few lucky ones to actually play the game. –“Is all your…

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Interview with Alexander Freed – Questing and choices

Massively brings an interesting interview with Managing Editor on Star Wars: The old republic, Alexander Freed. The interview is mainly about what the different types of quests will be available in SWTOR, what compelling choices players have to make, and what it takes to write for a project of this magnitude. Here us a snip: We’ve got four different kinds of quests. We’ve got our class quests, which is what we’ve really focused on when we’ve talked to the press about story. It’s traditional BioWare storytelling in an MMO space. The other three types of quests that we’ve got are all group quests. We’ve got world quests which are essentially like the side quests that you’d see in Dragon Age or Mass Effect. They can be played in a group. That is where you see our multiplayer dialogue system in action. Then we’ve got our flashpoints, which are our big,…

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“Beyond Solo” BioWare tells tales of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s storyline

Fans of  Star Wars: The Old Republic managed to shut out a good chunk of media who had hoped to get into the Star Wars: The Old Republic panel today at San Diego Comic Con 2010 proving once again that Comic Con is definitely a fan driven event. The downside is that finding solid early media coverage is a little scarce but those of us who couldn’t attend the event will take what we can get! Gamespot has a small breakdown of what the panel covered. Questing, open worlds and, of course, storylines were the topic. Quests aren’t limited to players’ individual stories, however. The team discussed the concept of world arcs, which take place on a more inclusive scale and involve players joining up to complete a prolonged mission. The BioWare trio offered an example of the Battle of Hoth from the Empire Strikes Back film as one example…

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