Foreign variants are a wonderful thing: in the film world they invariably provide sarcastic writers like myself with ample ammunition for ripping the proverbial out of them. And today, thanks to The Swedish Bed, we have a collection of some of the best (for that read worst) foreign versions of Star Wars.
The original article lists a number of reimaginings, but I’ve just chosen the four most entertaining (for the rest, head over to The Swedish Bed by following this link). Warning, they’re not exactly as well made as the original trilogy, but then not even George Lucas managed to recapture that quality with his own follow-up trilogy, so it’s probably to be expected…
Brazilian Star Wars
Not really a straight reimagining, but you’ll find that none below are either, but that villain is definitely familiar…
Japanese Star Wars Commercial
Something tells me this one slipped through the net of George Lucas’ usually stoic dedication to copyright…
Chinese Adidas Star Wars Commercial
Campest Storm Troopers EVER…
French Star Wars Dancing
So now we know what would have happened if C3PO had been able to realise his other life-long dream and run away to join the intergalactic version of Pan’s People…