As Online Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez says in the forums:
Hi everyone,
With Game Update 1.7, we introduced the new Legacy Character Perk, Priority Transport: Personal Starship. This allows players to quickly shuttle to their personal starships. This ability normally has a 24 hr cooldown, and players have the option to purchase Legacy Global Unlocks to reduce this cooldown.
Unfortunately, with Game Update 1.7, there is a bug which automatically unlocks the three levels of Legacy Global Unlocks for any players that is level 20 or above.
This is not intended and will be fixed in an upcoming patch. What this means is that, for those of you who have unlocked the Personal Starship as a Character Perk, you will no longer have 1 hr cooldowns for this ability, and you will have to unlock Legacy Global Unlocks to reduce the standard 24 hr cooldown. This will happen after the aforementioned patch.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we hope that you enjoy this “trial” period for Improved Priority Transport: Personal Starship levels I, II, and III.
So there you go- let’s go ahead and enjoy it while it lasts!