When is the Best Time to Play Online Casino Games and Win?

Have you ever considered what the best time to play online casino games is? Though they are open around the clock and serve customers across the world in just about every time zone, is there a good time to play?

Something to consider is the time of day. Will there be many more players in the evenings than in the daytime? How does this affect the chances of winning? The seasons and seasonal holidays could also have an impact. When the Christmas Holidays come, are there more or fewer people playing online?

Here in this quick guide, we try to answer these questions, to help you decide when the best time of day to play casino games online is for you, and what time of year you might have the most success.

How Do Holidays Impact Online Casino Gaming?

If you were to take a look at online casinos at Christmas and New Year, you will see a winter avalanche of promotions and bonuses.

There is usually a lot of people playing at this time of year, with so many businesses closed and people at home for the holidays. Online casinos often see a surge in new users at this time of year, and they know people may have a little extra money to play with from bonuses or presents. 

This is a good time of year to take advantage of any offers available and use your time on slots that offer ‘prize pools’. Slots that offer huge jackpots by pooling money from huge networks of machines are often full to the brim. By using free spins and free credit on these machines, you can get a great return from little to no investment when you try the latest online casino games.

Should You Gamble at the Beginning of the Month?

This debate has gone on for a long time in gambling circles. It is widely acknowledged that online casinos use the first day of the month to reset prizes and prize pools, making the start of the month the worst time to play.

Most regular gamblers agree that they see the most ‘action’ in the last few days of the month. Half their winnings for the whole month may come in this period. Avoid playing too much in the first half of any month, and slowly build up your playing in the last week. This simple step can make a big difference to your returns.

What is the Best Time of Day?

With the best time of year, and the best time of the month identified, it is time to work out when is the best time of day to play online casino games.

This may vary depending upon where you live, and not just your country but your continent. In Europe, a lot of gaming happens in the evening, where many people log on after work to gamble a little. This excess traffic can affect your gaming and winnings will be distributed over a larger number of players.

In North America and Asia, more players gamble in the daytime than in the evening. This accounts for the higher number of professional and full-time players there are in these areas. This often makes evenings a better time to play, with fewer players and fewer professional players competing with one another for bandwidth and winning chances. 

When Does Attendance Peak for Online Casinos?

Sometimes attendance online can be beneficial. Attendance for the year usually peaks in November and December. People tend to gamble a little more at Christmastime and in the New Year holidays, and this can pump up jackpots. Paired with seasonal offers, this is actually a great time of year to play. The rest of the year you may want to avoid the crowds, so play at low-user periods. 

Lunchtime playing can be a good choice. You will often be limiting your time by playing on a lunch break or between appointments, which helps you to regulate the amount you spend, and it will be a quieter time at the online casino. 

Just by making changing the time you play casino games online, you can make a huge improvement to your enjoyment of the games, find yourself winning more often and getting a better return on your investment. Hopefully, this guide will help you hit a jackpot!