5 new vehicles screenshots was shown at Comic-Con today. Gotter love nice wheels right? And like Boba. We all need a nice wheels:
comic con
RE-Live TV from BioWare Base at Comic-Con
Yesterday BioWare had a live Q&A with Stephen Reid, James Ohlen, Dallas Dickinson and Rich Vogel. unfortunately I was sleeping like a baby while it was on, but WeekendJedi and SoMuchMass has made sure the full Q&A is now on Youtube. Here are the highlights ( Thanks to Ask a Jedi): Collector’s Edition store is actually an exclusive location that only CE owners have access to! Items from this store however will not give people an advantage in power, though weapons and armor will be available Color Stone is gold in addition to adding effects Sharding may be used on launch day, only if absolutely necessary (the practice of creating multiple copies of the same area) Advanced Class change is in the game. 1st swap is cheap. After that it gets expensive Companion AI – off-limits for talking about! James Ohlen is in trouble. Companion customization is flexible, but you can’t…
‘Revan’ Cover Art Revealed
I was once told that the older you get, the more you let your body go. Revan is proof of this as he has taken on a few pounds on the cover of Drew Karpyshyn upcoming book. The book will hit the stores on November 15 and will tell the story of what happen to the legendary Sith lord after the KOTOR games. Drew Karpyshyn will be on-hand at Comic-Con for signings, as well as the developer meet and greet at the BioWare Base the next few day.
Drew Karpyshyn has revealed his appearances planned for Comic-Con
Drew Karpyshyn posted an update on his site about his planned appearances at Comic Con this upcoming week. His update came a little late because he was waiting to be able to fully explain his Comic Con schedule, which he posts as follows: Friday July 22 2pm-3pm – I’m part of a writer’s panel at the BioWare Base 4pm-5pm – I’ll be signing books, games, posters, etc at the BioWare Base (and we may have a few free copies of some of my novels to hand out) Saturday July 23 12pm-1pm – I’ll be signing books at the Random House booth (again, hoping to have some free copies to give away) 2pm-3pm – I’m part of a writer’s panel at the BioWare Base 4pm-5pm – Another signing at the BioWare Base 7:30pm-10pm – Community Meet and Greet at the BioWare Base Drew adds that he will be…
BioWare to Have Public TOR Demo at Comic Con
As if you needed one more reason to check out Comic Con in San Diego this year, BioWare has announced they will be setting up a TOR demo. David Bass, Senior Community Coordinator announced on the official TOR forums that they will be making an appearance at Comic Con. However, the best news is that you don’t even have to have a Comic Con badge to have a chance at trying the game. “Yesterday, BioWare made an announcement that we have a space at the Hilton Gaslamp hotel across the street from Comic-Con where fans can get their hands on Mass Effect 3 and the newest Dragon Age II DLC. Well, surprisingly enough, The Old Republic is planning on being there as well! Anyone (yes, even you!) can come to the Hilton and wait in line to play any of the BioWare games. Those of you who have Comic-Con badges,…