Here is a short video showing stats and Abilities for the Jedi Knight companions. We are aware that the video says jedi sentinal Companions, but there is no doubts that this is infarct the Jedi Knight companions. Check out our companions guide for more info.
Learn More about SWTOR Companion Characters
Exciting news from the Developer Blog today- it’s time to learn more about companion characters. As we get closer and closer to the eventual launch of SWTOR, we learn more and more about different aspects of the game. Today’s update is all about the companion characters, something that many players have been asking questions about. This thorough blog post tells you just about everything you need to know about companion characters. Each character class unlocks unique companions throughout their storyline; companions that fight alongside players in battle against AI and other players in Open World PvP, aid in crafting and non-combat missions through Crew Skills, and provide commentary on environments and engage in conversations. The update goes on to tell us more about what we can expect from our companion characters. It’s the first of two blogs devoted to the topic and it’s pretty thorough covering info such as customization,…
No same sex relationships with companions in SWTOR
SWTOR won’t have same sex relationships with its “companions”, but what’s the big deal? To some people, it is a very big deal. This piece on discusses the topic in full detail. The big news came from Gamescon and some fans were not too happy about it at all where others were asking “What’s the big deal anyway?” For some people, it was a very big deal indeed. Here is a portion of the article: “I won’t go into the reasons BioWare has for not including this option (did they give one?), but I’d like to comment on why it’s such a big deal in the first place. I’m straight, not narrow. And while there wasn’t (that I know of) any same-sex relations in either trilogy, I’m willing to bet there have been a few instances of such things in the bazillion books which have been written. Is there…
Interviewing Vette
Being a gamer girl and Star Wars geek myself, I was excited to see this exclusive interview by TORWars with actress Catherine Taber. If you don’t know who she is by looking at her, you’re sure to know her voice. She played Mission Vao in KOTOR the voice of Numa in The Clone Wars, and she’s also the voice of Padme Amidala in The Clone Wars. Now she has a new role and it’s a pretty important one for upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic. Taber plays Vette, the blue skinned Twi’lek companion character that we have all seen in advertisements and videos for SWTOR. Taber was at SDCC and was kind enough to take the time to give TORWars an exlcusive interview which they have up for the rest of us to enjoy as well. They talk with Taber about the roles she’s played, her voice acting and what…
SWTOR Companions List
Here is the full companions List for Star Wars: The old republic. Each class will be able to get a total of 5 companions through out the game. Each companion will be able to do different types of damage or play different roles in a group. Each companion will also give different bonuses to your crew skills in swtor. Pro Tip 1: If you enter your Quest Log, go to Codex then ‘Person of Note’, you can see what your companion likes/dislikes. This way you know what to say on dialogs to get +affection. Pro Tip 2: Companions use crafting materials that are in your cargo hold, you don’t have to carry crafting materials on you. Pro Tip 3: If you hit N for crew skills, you can click the individual crew skill next to each companion. For the longest time I was picking the general “slicing” button at the…
Daniel Erickson goes into detail about the number of Companions
Players have been asking a lot of questions about SWTOR companions, including how many we will be allowed to have per character. Recently Daniel Erickson, Lead Writer for SWTOR, shed some light on this situation on the official forums. Erickson says, “There will be, at launch, five unique companion characters per class. Plus your resident butler/crafting/welcome home droid on the ship which is different per faction.” In his post, Erickson goes on to explain how since you will get five unique companion characters per class, plus a resident butler droid on the ship, you will have over forty companions within the game that can have more than a dozen romances, intricate plotlines and hundreds of hours of development. The possibilities are endless to what your companions can do. The storyline of SWTOR is really what makes or breaks the game so all of the staff…
E3: James Ohlen Companions Walkthrough
Here is another little gem by Gametrailers. James Ohlen does a short Walkthrough on Tatooine, while talking about Companion, GUI and combat mechanics. Great watch with a few more answers we didn’t get in Daniel Erickson‘s walk through a few days back. Check it out below:
SWTOR – The Comfort of Companions
Can you imagine Luke Skywalker attempting to walk the path of a Jedi without the assistance of Obi-Wan, the Princess, or Han? It is these companions that not only opened doors for Luke in the Star Wars movies, but also the personalities that helped make an IP great. BioWare is attempting to recreate this magic with the companion system in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Will having a built in duo inhibit the group dynamic or will these unique sidekicks add another level of depth and immersion? Ten Ton Hammer, has an interesting editorial on this: Yeah, you might be able to grab your companions butt without fearing an incoming sexual harassment lawsuit, but they have far more uses than a quick tickle and giggle. Companions will be specifically tailored to your class with their own complimentary skills and abilities. If you choose to play ranged damage class, a companion…
New Droid Companion! Meet T7-01
Meet T7-01, the companion droid you interact with if you choose to be a Jedi Knight in Star Wars: The Old Republic. He’s kind of like R2D2, but he’s got a ‘tude. His memory banks haven’t been erased in over 200 years and 3 previous high profile masters, so he pretty much thinks he knows the universe. He’s got a fierce independent streak and a candid personality, and will put himself in danger if he can save his more fragile organic allies. T7-01 was created as a repair and pilot droid, but his extensive experience have given him abilities that he can use in combat. The little guy can take care of himself, he survived the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for The Force’s sake.
SWTOR Updates Vital Info on the Jedi Knight
Confirming what you may have already heard on the Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Jedi Knight, BioWare has finally updated the holonet to include specialization and companion information for this deeply iconic class. The Jedi will be able to choose between the heavily armored tank-like specialization aptly name the Guardian or the more limber and offensive specialization of the Sentinel. To assist you on your journey through the brutal worlds in the Star Wars universe, you can choose a T7-01 droid to accompany you. With centuries since its last memory wipe, this droid would be a valuable asset of knowledge! You can learn more about the Jedi Knight, their specializations and known associates by checking out the freshly updated holonet on the official SWTOR website. A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order—more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic…
Companions and Sith Advanced Class Details Revealed for SWTOR
It’s Friday again and that means its time for another BioWare update for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Most of what this Friday update brings has already been revealed over the last day by other sites (particularly IGN and GameSpot), but it’s nice the see on the official site regardless. And with a few new snippets here and there (such as a new biography page). This week’s update is all about those lovable little companions players will get symbolic of the Han and Chewie relationship. If you want to know how these companions will help your character develop there is a whole wealth of information now available on the Companions page. Every Star Wars™ hero needs a companion. Han has Chewie, Luke has R2-D2 — even Jabba has the cackling monkey lizard Salacious B. Crumb. These characters will complement your strengths or weaknesses, and provide company for the epic journey…
IGN Interviews BioWare on Companions
IGN has an intresting interview with James Ohlen about the companions in Star Wars: The Old Republic: IGNPC: Companions have been part of BioWare games from Mincs to Liara. How has the role or design of companions evolved over the years? How will The Old Republic improve on the existing companion systems? What have you learned about players’ expectations for the companions? James Ohlen: Companions have evolved a lot since the days of Minsc and Baldur’s Gate. In Baldur’s Gate the companion characters we created were limited to voice over barks and a little bit of story. In Baldur’s Gate 2 we expanded that significantly, adding the ability for players to get to know his companion through intricate conversation trees, companion centered quest lines and romances. Occasionally we wouldn’t have companions as part of our initial design (Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire were examples of that), but we’d always add…
Compilation of SWTOR Developer Quotes on Companions
After compiling all I could find on SWTOR companion characters Im certain the experience will be light years beyond any Pet Character we have seen in previous MMORPG’s